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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Lion King (2019) in Movies

Jul 24, 2019 (Updated Dec 15, 2019)  
The Lion King (2019)
The Lion King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Family
An amazing looking film that unfortunately lacks soul.
I, like many people, consider The Lion King to be one of finest Disney animations of all time. For me, it ranks alongside Mulan as a favourite, and I immediately fell in love with the characters when it was released in 1994. (I was 5 at the time!)
All these years later, and it still stands as a bonafide classic.

And here we are now, in 2019, and this adaption of The Lion King is the latest in an ever growing line of Disney animations to get the realistic remake treatment.
It aims straight for the nostalgic jugular (and is painfully see through), even if the CGI is pretty damn impressive.
However, impressive CGI means nothing if everything surrounding is empty. It's quite simply missing the heart and soul of the original animation.
In a similar fashion to the recent Jungle Book remake, it's no easy task to convey emotion on these characters when they are photo realistic animals, and the film really suffers as a result.
I feel like that casting was a big contributor as well. A lot of the voice cast are quite simply doing voice over work, and it's painfully obvious is some scenes that the actors were not next to each other whilst performing. The dialogue flows unnaturally on several occasions.

The songs are...ok I guess. Again, they lack a lot of of the heart that made them so enjoyable the first time around.
In particular, "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is just awful, listening to Beyonce try to out-Beyonce herself, warbling and riffing unessecarily on a pretty straightforward ballad.
Her involvement had me eye rolling actually. As soon as Hakuna Matata is over and Simba is older, it sort of turned into the Beyonce show - I have absolutely nothing against her, I just thought her involvement with The Lion King was a bit overdone and on the nose.

I'm not sure what I really expected but I feel suitably silly for thinking that this was going to be anything more than a blatant cash grab.
The Lion King offers up nothing new, and the argument of "it's bringing the story to a whole new generation" is rendered mute by just watching the easily accessible and miles better original.
Second Nature (2016)
Second Nature (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So this movie couldn’t have found its place in the world at a more opportune time (What with Trump vs Hillary and all). A balls out funny as hell comedy about a woman who against all the Nay-Sayers is going to run for Mayor against a womanizing, no morals and for lack of a better word Ass-hole who thinks the job is already sewn up. Seems standard right?? Well no not really throw in a Magic Mirror and some Freaky Friday gender swapping and you have Second Nature.

Without jumping into Spoilers though, the Kicker is this… Its not our main characters who have swapped roles like in most of these movies. It is the world around them!!!

Set in the small town of Louisburg, a shall we say “Freak Accident” befalls the Mayor. Upon his death it becomes a race to the position between Amanda (Collette Wolf. Hot Tub Time Machine, Interstellar). Amanda has all the best intentions for the town. She wants to protect the citizens including her Grandmother. However she must first overcome her opponent Bret (Sam Huntington. Sully, Superman Returns and Fanboys) Bret thinks he has the whole thing sewn up, loved by all at the city council and a real ladies man. They get into a heated argument one night while Amanda is holding her Grandmas “Magic Mirror” and the roles of Men and Women are swapped leading for some pretty hilarious results. Which actually turns this into a somewhat Social statement at points.

First time Writer/Director Micheal Cross has brought an extremely well thought out and accomplished fresh take on the whole Gender/Body swap genre of movie in a way that I guess I was surprised by if I am honest. The movie has a great cast of characters that all have there moments to shine. A special mention to Carollani Sandberg who plays Amanda’s best friend Nat, she is hilarious in this movie . Wolfe and Huntington have a great chemistry and the laughs in this movie just keep on coming and at a cool 80 minutes it never has time to outstay its welcome. We at 365Flicks highly recommend this Movie, its a good time to be had.

Produced by Nicholas Gyeney under his Seattle-based production banner Mirror Images LTD (Beta Test, Matt’s Chance, The Penitent Man).
Wild Strawberries (1957)
Wild Strawberries (1957)
1957 | Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I spent my moviegoing life avoiding Ingmar Bergman movies. A few glimpses of The Seventh Seal or Persona made me think they were not accessible. I also knew Woody Allen worshipped him, so surely they were over my head. It was while working on my Ikea-sponsored web series Easy to Assemble that I thought: Well, if I’m going to be satirizing Swedish culture, I should watch some Bergman. He became the director from whom I have learned the most. He gave me the courage not to shy away from pain, which is the core of all comedy. The results are apparent in “Finding North,” an episode in Easy to Assemble’s third season, and all my writing since. I chose Wild Strawberries because in it I found the key that changed my work forever. I always lived in a daydream, where sometimes things felt real and sometimes they felt imagined. So much of an actor’s life is imagination. Wild Strawberries is a road-trip movie about an old man who looks back at his life, his loves, his regrets, and has to face certain truths about himself. The story is not revealed by flashbacks, though. It’s revealed by going from reality to daydream. He reflects on his past with a nostalgia for childhood. This makes reality feel more present and his relationship with his grown son and daughter-in-law more uncomfortable. Have you ever been in the presence of someone having an argument and thought, I can’t believe they revealed that to me? That is every scene in a Bergman film! After his wife died, Bergman said, “I was in a room built of my own sorrow.” No other sentence expresses the pain of losing a loved one in such a poetic way. His words are so revealing, and coupled with the right emotions, the right images, they bring me as close to the human experience as anything I have experienced in a film. There is another reason Wild Strawberries has a special place in my heart. In 2013, because of my involvement in Easy to Assemble, I was cast in a Swedish-American show called Welcome to Sweden. I like to imagine that Bergman had a hand in that. I shot a scene with Lena Olin in which we picked wild strawberries. It was not imagined, though. That really happened!"


Merissa (11935 KP) rated Splintered (Reflections, #3) in Books

Apr 4, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Splintered (Reflections, #3)
Splintered (Reflections, #3)
Dean Murray | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so Broken was written from Adri's point of view and Torn was from Alec's perspective. Splintered is from both of them and revolves less around their relationship than the pack relationship as a whole. This series is so hard to put down! I love that in these books there actually is a pack hierarchy. It isn't just all friends together. There is a reason for each member and a dominant needs to have submissives around. Splintered leads you deeper into the world of the pack and just what is involved in leading one and also just being a member of one.

The characters continue to grow and change. Old characters strengthen - Adri is really starting to find out who she is. It isn't all plain sailing though, far from it. And there is an argument in the book between her and her mum that is long overdue in my opinion. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

As Adri finds her strength, Alec finds his vulnerabilities. He has decisions to make and things to do that affect the whole pack and the humans associated with them. Is this easy? No. But he does it anyway because it is the lesser of two evils. I won't say more than that and ruin it for anyone else. I will say though that Adri and Alec are fast becoming my favourite, most well-balanced couple!

We have new characters pop up in this book too but, like with any of these books, things aren't always as they seem. I need to know more about Oblivion but once again, I won't won't say more than that. *wicked LOL*

There is a twist at the end of the book that some reviewers have been disappointed in. I wasn't, in any way, shape or form. This is part of a series, not stand-alone books, and as such I expect the story to carry on unfolding in the books that follow this one. I love that Dean Murray has done it this way and it is yet another way in which this book differs from the majority.

Once again, definitely recommended for all fans of paranormal, urban, fantasy, YA.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 28, 2016
The Hunting Moon
The Hunting Moon
Susan Dennard | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When will I learn to check that books are a one off or the second in a series? I mean, it was a couple of chapters in before I realised something was off, but I have to admit that I quickly filled in the gaps, and it didn’t spoil my listening pleasure. I really enjoyed this.

The world of Hemlock Falls is an interesting one - shut off from the non-magical, they look down on them somewhat, but still feel compelled to keep them (and themselves) safe from the nightmares in the forest separating the two peoples.

We join Winnie Wednesday after she has passed the hunter trials, her family has been welcomed back into the Luminaries after being cast aside by them for some reason (in book 1, I believe!), and Winnie is now a local celebrity. Not that she’s enjoying it very much. She’s worried that everyone is passing her attacker off as a werewolf, and she’s pretty certain that it’s another creature called a Whisperer. And the Whisperer is still killing hunters every night.

There’s a bit of romance as well - Jay Friday, who seems to have his own problems that he doesn’t want anyone to know about, is making advances to Winnie, and she doesn’t mind one bit. He’s a nice boy (I sound like a mum here, I cannot deny I am one).

I listened to this on Bolinda Audio through NetGalley, and the narrator, Caitlin Davies reads the story so well. There’s nothing quite like a good narrator, adding value to a story and bringing a world to life. The feelings of the characters were conveyed so effectively that I felt fully involved.

I think this opens up a whole argument as to whether books should be sectioned off into age groups. I mean, this is YA, so aimed at 12-18, and I can’t for the life of me understand why? Perhaps I’m a simple soul. OK, there’s no sex, but I’ll be honest - I don’t want to read about sex all the time. It can get a bit boring (controversial, perhaps, but there’s my opinion!). And YA seems to do fantasy and science fiction SO WELL!!

So I’m off to read The Luminaries and fill in some gaps, because I loved this second in what I assume will be a trilogy.
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a woman with many complications as we meet her just as she is leaving her engagement ring and fiancé behind to head off to a new future. We do not know what promoted this move other than an argument, but Michelle is unmoved by his plea-laden phone calls and opts to ignore them and move ahead with her life.

Things take an unexpected turn when Michelle is involved in a car crash and awakens chained to the wall in a concrete room. Her savior Howard (John Goodman) explains that he saved her life and that they are safe 40 feet below the surface following an unexpected attack which has made the world outside the bunker deadly.

This is the premise of “10 Cloverfield Lane” which teams Producer J.J. Abrams and Director Dan Trachternberg as they craft a film that is unsettling and at times hard to define.

Michelle believes that Howard is not telling her the entire truth and his flashes of anger over trivial things causes her and fellow guest Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), to fear that things are not what they seem and that they are in serious danger.

This is where the film really becomes unsettling as Howard is shown as sympathetic and sensitive yet at times terrifyingly volatile and unstable. There are numerous things that can be inferred or deduced from what they discover, but many aspects of Howard are left for the viewers to figure out for themselves as there is much truth in what he says, but there are also several omissions and misdirection.

As the tensions mount, the film plays out as taught characters piece filled with tension that keeps you guessing what is coming next.

The film does take a Hollywood style turn towards where FX and some unexpected and to some, impractical outcomes and plotlines are introduced, but it is always compelling and does keep you asking what is coming next.

The film has some interesting loose threads that do hint that a sequel could be an option should they elect to do so down the road.

Goodman and the cast are very strong and they are able to hold your attention without having to rely on fancy visuals and other tricks.

For now, the film is a tense and compelling film that aside from taking the Hollywood way out at the end is one of the more pleasant and entertaining surprises of 2016.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Hush (2009) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2019)  
Hush (2009)
Hush (2009)
2009 |
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zakes Abbot has a unique job. He's the guy that travels to gas stations and changes out the posters that advertise cars. His girlfriend, Beth, has tagged along for this particular trip. Their relationship is strained, to say the least, and it winds up erupting into several arguments. Just then, a white truck pulls in front of them and the door slides open for a moment to reveal a naked women chained inside before slamming down again. After doing everything within their power, they make the last stop on Zakes' trip. Zakes and Beth have their most heated argument and Beth decides to travel back to Manchester alone. As Zakes is sitting in the car, the white truck pulls up and Zakes runs inside to find Beth but can't find her. Zakes finds Beth's necklace outside as he realizes that whoever is driving that truck has just abducted his girlfriend and he'll do whatever it takes to get her back.

Hush is a thriller that is practically overflowing with suspense, which is good because that's pretty much exactly what the trailer would lead you to believe it would be. While I was watching it, I couldn't help getting this slight High Tension and Wolf Creek vibe from the film. The action doesn't take long to get rolling like in Wolf Creek, but once it starts it just snowballs into the worst situation (almost) anyone could possibly imagine. Everything that can go wrong for Zakes as he's tracking down Beth pretty much winds up happening. The guy can't seem to catch a break. The film doesn't necessarily bring anything new to the table, but it delivers in what it advertised which is all that really matters. While some situations in the film seem a bit unbelievable and the ending is a bit anticlimactic, it doesn't really take away from the overall entertainment value of the film.

Hush is not a horror film. I'll throw that out there, right now. It's a suspenseful thriller that is sure to get your heart racing at times. It's not necessarily something I'd highly recommend. It's not a bad film, but you're not going to miss anything spectacular if you skip it. It's the type of film to not expect a lot out of and then wind up finding it on demand, watching it, and being a bit surprised by it. No matter how bad someone's day is, he or she could pop this in and remind themself that it could've been a hell of a lot worse.
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
1988 | Horror
6.1 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tina Shepard isn't your normal, everyday girl. When she was younger, she overheard her parents having a heated argument that got really ugly. Tina decided to run out onto a boat in the nearby lake. Her father runs out to try and talk her into coming back to shore and that's when Tina's extraordinary abilities are revealed. Her father winds up dying in an accident caused by Tina's telekinetic powers.

In the present day, Tina and her mother are off to a cabin in the woods with Tina's psychologist, Dr. Crews, in hopes of making progress so Tina won't have to return to an institution. A group of young twenty somethings are gathered next door for a surprise birthday party. Both houses just happen to be in the Camp Crystal Lake area. Tina gets upset at Dr. Crews during one of their sessions and runs out to the lake. Her emotions get the best of her and she winds up resurrecting Jason, who's still chained to the bottom of the lake, with telekinesis. Not too long afterward, Tina starts having premonitions of people being gruesomely murdered by a man in a hockey mask. Is she going crazy or are these terrifying visions a reality?

As it stands, this is my guilty pleasure of the franchise. I love the concept and think it would be a really solid Friday the 13th sequel if it wasn't for the MPAA butchering this film. Most of the gore has been cut and it really hurts the film as a whole. This also begins Kane Hodder's reign as the masked serial killer for the franchise, who seems to be a cult favorite as the best Jason.

Speaking of Jason, he looks the best in this film. It may just be my opinion, but in addition to loving undead Jason, the make-up effects and his costume are just phenomenal in this one. As ugly as he looks when his mask gets ripped off, this is the film that makes him look the most flattering. That's not saying much for a guy who's been chained down at the bottom of a lake for ten years and killed multiple times, but at least he doesn't look like he has down syndrome this time around. If an uncut or director's cut of some kind ever makes the light of day, it'll probably wind up being in my top three F13 films. Easily. Here's an idea of what was cut from the film:
An Earl to Enchant by Amelia Grey
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance

Rating: 1

After the first two chapters of this book, I was ready to give up. I gave it a little bit more just to see if it was worth it, and I sort of regret it. I could have been reading something else.

I felt like I knew everything after the first chapter, and that there was no reason to keep going. The character spilled her guts, the sexual tension was immediate and way too strong for a first meeting, and it felt typical. I knew what would happen: They’d meet, they’d sleep together, they’d get married, they’d fall in love. In that order. There was no mystery, there was nothing keeping me reading.

The characters seemed dense and melodramatic. For instance, Arianna fainted in the first chapter, and woke being “carried in strong arms” (the Earl). She “felt safe there for some reason.” But I was thinking the whole time, She doesn’t even know the guy. It felt wrong that she was so attracted to him and “felt safe” and “felt at home” when she—and I as a reader—didn’t even know the character very well. Also, after one argument she’s convinced herself that he’s ill tempered—when he’s not—and that keeps her from being open to him.

The writing wasn’t that great, either. The prose felt forced and hard to read, and the dialogue was awkward. It was as if the characters said more than they needed to, and said everything they thought, and described things unnecessarily. For example,

It’s just that I’m so happy to be outside for the first time in such a long time. I seldom left my room on the ship, and this is the first time I’ve been out of your house. Everything looks fresh and new.”

(Page 108, ARC)

I would have said “It’s just that I’m so happy to be outside for the first time in such a long time.” She had seldom left her room on the ship, and it was her first time outside of his house. Everything looked fresh and new. It’s less awkward... or maybe just less wordy.

There was just too much against this book to keep me reading. I will say that from what I read, Grey is good at developing the sexual tension. But that was another thing that was just too much for me.

All in all, I was expecting a lot more from the plot and characters than I got from An Earl to Enchant.

An Earl to Enchant was published April 6th. It got 4- and 5-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Please consider other reviews before making purchase decisions.
Battle in Seattle (2008)
Battle in Seattle (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lefty cold
Contains spoilers, click to show
I caught this on the TV and was intrigued by the opening credits, always being one to be interested in real events and certainly ones in a recent political context. I admit that I was unaware of these events, but as the plot played out it left me feeling somewhat cold, always waiting for the hook that never came.

This was basically a docudrama which melded the real and the reenactment together to create an at times frightening and tense view of the riots. Though this could have been any riot, over any subject, which was kind of the point. I feel that this could easily have been a film focusing on the Poll Tax riots of 1990 and have lost nothing.

I feel that this needed to be more, in every area. More Seattle Riots, and I mean in a way that singled them out as such, and not just any riot. More character drama, with barely scratched the surface at most and more political. This attacks the WTO with the lowest common denominator, playing the emotional and reactionary left wing card, rather than a fully rounded balanced argument.

I have no doubt that the World Trade Organisation is evil, as are most capital institutions, but there was little to convict them here, except the strong implications that they are against free speech.

This was a film which was fair to it's characters; The riot cop just doing his job, the peaceful protesters, the anarchists and the forlorn Mayer. But there was a lack of a strong villain, as, as I've said, the WTO wasn't sufficiently justified.

Also, its historical integrity has to be questioned. Simply put, are any of the characters portrait here real? The protesters are fictional, as I understand, but the Mayer? The reporter? It's not clear and based on their actions within the film, I would really like to know.

*** SPOILER *** But finally, the most disturbing and probably the best, most compelling part of this film to me would be the what happens to Charlize Theron's character, a pregnant woman and wife of Woody Harleson's riot cop. As she is trying in vain to make her way home amidst the chaos of rioters clashing with police and in the confusion is treated as a rioter and is hit in the stomach with a baton. The result I'll leave in your imagination...

This was best moment in the film were the true horror of these clashes become prevalent as the moral lines are crossed and order breaks down.

************** In summation, this was worth a watch but will offer little in the way of clarification as to the motives of the events of that November, but maybe there are no more. Maybe it was a riot which stemmed from a protest against the capitalist machine. If you have strong lefty views then this is the film for you, if not, have a look but I doubt that you'll be blown away.