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Leon Morin, Priest (1961)
Leon Morin, Priest (1961)
1961 | Drama, Romance, War
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I suppose given the tenor of this list, Melville is pretty predictable, being that he’s a genius of crime noir, but this film is neither noir nor gangster; it’s about a thoughtful, intelligent, wise, and committed country priest, played by the young Jean-Paul Belmondo (!). Melville has a strong moral code, standards of honor and loyalty, as seen not just in his crime movies, but in the devastating Army of Shadows, his film drawn from his experience in the French Resistance, but I never could have foreseen him making a movie that is basically an argument of morality between a compassionate young stud of an impeccably behaved priest and a wild and magnetic, cynical woman, the riveting Emmanuelle Riva. Also, it made me get Catholicism in a way I never had before, namely the appeal of having as a confessor and advisor someone whose concern is for one’s soul. What could be more moving and fulfilling (and flattering)? It’s way more seductive than a psychiatrist, and it’s almost free."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Hellraiser (1987) in Movies

May 20, 2020 (Updated May 21, 2020)  
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellraiser (1987)
1987 | Horror
Iconic horror; progenitor of many mostly lousy sequels. An unscrupulous adventurer attempts to escape the clutches of sado-masochistic entities by recruiting his adulterous sister-in-law to provide the raw meat for his renewal (it was the 80s, everyone behaved like that under Thatcher).

Not quite the film an unsuspecting viewer might expect: the focus is mainly on the screwed-up Cotton family, especially nasty Uncle Frank; Pinhead, for all that he is on the poster, is in a very minor role (billed as 'Lead Cenobite'). Visually striking and with some interesting ideas, but the low budget is obvious and this is equally obviously a British movie desperately trying to appeal to an American audience. Where the film falls down is in its lack of focus and the fact that its central metaphor or argument is unclear (beyond the fact that the Cottons are a very dysfunctional bunch). Still, there have been worse debuts from writer-directors; it's just that not many of them go on to have nine sequels.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Top Gun: Maverick (2022) in Movies

Jun 5, 2022 (Updated Jun 17, 2023)  
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
2022 | Action, Drama
Legacy Sequel entry number ...?
Legacy Sequels.

That's a term for what seems to be becoming more and more the norm in Hollywood of late: sequels of films made decades ago, that don't necessarily *need* said sequel. Some examples:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Jurassic World
Mary Poppins Returns
Ghostbusters: Afterlife

and now 'Top Gun: Maverick', with Tom Cruise returning to one of his signature roles from the mid-80s, as Captain Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell.

No Kelly McGillis this time around, with her spot (and role in the proceedings) instead being taken by Jennifer Connolly's admirals daughter Penny (name dropped, but never shown in the original).

Yes, there's a definite argument to be made that, shall we call it, 'the mission' here has been done before (try watching the original Star Wars, retroactively titled 'A New Hope' and play spot the similarities), and yes, the plot may be predictable, but when it's all this much fun ...

(and no, you don't need to have seen the original, although that may help)
One Split Second
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
11 of 220
One Split Second
By Caroline Bond

One split second ... the moment that changed their lives forever.

When a car carrying five friends home from a party crashes into a wall, the consequences are devastating - not just for the young people directly involved, but also for their families and the wider community.

No one escapes unscathed, but some are more deeply scarred than others. Those affected are left to question who was to blame for the accident, and what price they will pay.

This moving story of an accident and its aftermath explores our understanding of love and loyalty, grief and forgiveness.

Wow! This is so emotionally charged the impact that one event can have on so many lives is incredible. This is a heartbreaking story of how 5 teenagers, a party , an argument and car accident completely shakes the lives of them and their families. I have to admit I shed a tear at the end. As humans we are so strong and it take’s something drastic for us to see how strong!!
One Split Second
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
11 of 220
One Split Second
By Caroline Bond

One split second ... the moment that changed their lives forever.

When a car carrying five friends home from a party crashes into a wall, the consequences are devastating - not just for the young people directly involved, but also for their families and the wider community.

No one escapes unscathed, but some are more deeply scarred than others. Those affected are left to question who was to blame for the accident, and what price they will pay.

This moving story of an accident and its aftermath explores our understanding of love and loyalty, grief and forgiveness.

Wow! This is so emotionally charged the impact that one event can have on so many lives is incredible. This is a heartbreaking story of how 5 teenagers, a party , an argument and car accident completely shakes the lives of them and their families. I have to admit I shed a tear at the end. As humans we are so strong and it take’s something drastic for us to see how strong!!
Gatecrash (2021)
Gatecrash (2021)
2021 | Thriller
Enjoyably strange
Gatecrash is a 2021 psychological thriller from Lawrence Gough, based on a play by Terry Hughes. It opens with a rather beautiful and picturesque shot of the English countryside at dusk, when a speeding car disturbs the peace and alongside a prominent score, promises us a rather tense and thrilling start to the film.

And in this aspect it doesn’t disappoint. Gatecrash disposes with any preamble and pitches us straight into the action. A couple return to a rather maze-like and futuristically styled home in the middle of an argument, but what at first seems like a domestic argument is in fact much more serious: the husband, Steve (Ben Cura), has just committed a hit and run. He’s drunk, abusive and wants his wife, Nicole (Olivia Bonamy), to take the blame. And it wasn’t just an innocent accident as Steve not only knocked someone over, he drove over them again in his rush to flee.

The first 15 minutes follows this argument and then as it ends as Nicole and Steve separate inside the house; him to clean up any evidence from the accident and her to discretely take a pregnancy test. This soon begins to drag, and fortunately we’re saved by a sinister phone call from the landline, that appears to be coming from Steve’s mobile, that he hasn’t seen since the hit and run. This soon escalates into something verging on horror territory as we follow Nicole around their now claustrophobic house.

It’s this middle act that I enjoyed the most as Gatecrash turns into a tense and almost terrifying thriller, as Nicole and Steve have to face off against a mysterious and menacing police officer (Samuel West) who arrives on their doorstep. West is possibly my favourite part of this film, his character is completely over the top and ridiculous yet still portrays this strange, ominous air. It’s strange to find a character who is immensely fun to watch yet still manages to terrify you. He’s further helped by his character’s unexplained and questionable motives that give this thriller an intriguing air of mystery.

Following on from the aftermath of the hit and run, the film jumps to a later time after Nicole has had her baby and again the couple are visited by another mysterious stranger, this one called Sid (Anton Lesser). At first Sid seems like a kind, lovely old man but his unusual air and conversation soon unveil yet more hidden and sinister motives that culminate in a tense finale.

It’s this final act that I was least keen on. At first the dialogue between Sid, Nicole and Steve is gripping but it seems to drag on and keep going round in circles before it finally gets to some dramatic piece of action. This dragging dialogue is definitely Gatecrash’s biggest flaw, and this is in no doubt down to it’s theatre origins. On the stage I can see dialogue like this working well, but as a film it needs a lot more oomph to keep our attention. The cast do well to keep us entertained though, Olivia Bonamy puts in a very understated performance as Nicole and Ben Cura was delightful to watch as Steve purely because the character is a rather despicable excuse for a man. And fortunately Gough’s cinematography works well with the few action scenes to try and make up for the slumps in the dialogue heavy earlier scenes.

Overall Gatecrash is a fairly enjoyable thriller and is worth watching purely for its general air of mystery and the tense and exciting second act.
Kisscut (Grant County, #2)
Kisscut (Grant County, #2)
Karin Slaughter | 2002 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A disturbingly good thriller
The second in the Grant County series this book continues with the high shock value of the crimes involved. Seriously if you are squeamish or don’t want to be reading about rape, genital mutilation, paedophilia, child abuse, and/or suicide then you should probably avoid.

In this outing medical examiner Sara Linton and her on / off partner police chief Jeffery Tolliver investigate a tragic teenage argument that leads to the uncovering of a series of very dark secrets in the town. But with those around the victim closing ranks it’s tough to get to the bottom of who is responsible for some pretty disturbing stuff.

We get to see a bit more of the Sara and Jeffrey relationship dynamic; but more interesting in this book is the ongoing recovery of Detective Lena Adams. The horrendous experiences that were covered in the previous book in the series “Blindsighted” are taking their toll on Lena. I would recommend reading this series in order to fully get the back story to this.

Despite the uncomfortable nature of some of the subject matter this is another well written thriller from Slaughter.

Jake Lacy recommended Being There (1979) in Movies (curated)

Being There (1979)
Being There (1979)
1979 | Comedy, Drama

"Peter Sellers. I think it might be the perfect film. I saw it in college. I just was blown away. This is not a unique argument unto myself, but the key thing of that film is it’s so wonderful to sit and allow this story to unfold and wash over you. The effect it had on me then is that this final scene, I was, like, weeping when this last moment happened. It’s not even a conclusion to anything. It’s not “the hero makes it home from war” or “the orphan gets adopted.” It’s not this big conclusion to an arc. Yet it is. It is like this unbelievable moment of beauty and grace, and the fact that the film never nods to that entirely until this final moment, to have such control over your medium to do that sort of thing, is remarkable in itself, I think. To see Sellers — he is so magnificent — to see him in a role like this, instead of Clouseau or The Party or something like that, that’s wonderful. But still a very large character. It’s just wonderful."

God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction
God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction
Dan Barker | 2018 | Reference, Religion
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A striking book designed to hit Christianity in the heart.
(Please note: It is beyond the scope of this book review to go into whether or not there is a God, or if God is good.)

This book is written by Dan Barker, a former evangelical preacher. The inspiration for this book comes from a single paragraph in Richard Dawkin’s God Delusion, which goes as follows:

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomanical, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

Now that’s quite a statement! And it’s also what Barker’s book is centred around. In Part 1, Barker sets out examples of these 19 characteristics within the Christian bible.

Sadly for Christianity, not only had barker found examples of every single one of these 19 characteristics, but he usually found several examples in every case. In fact, the reason I haven’t given it a higher rating is because it was so repetitive, with so many examples of remarkably similar and disturbing passages. A whole chapter is dedicated to each of the descriptors in turn, and the whereabouts of each of the passages are clearly noted in bold before being presented underneath.

In Part 2, Barker takes the argument further still:
“He [Dawkins] forgot to mention that the God of the Old Testament is also a pyromaniacal, angry, merciless, curse-hurling, vaccicdal, aborticidal, cannibalistic slavemonger.”
Again, the following chapters are full of examples of these characteristics.

The book is predominantly a laundry list of evil requests and doings of the God of the Old Testament, but Chapter 28 asks “What About Jesus?” And here Barker even manages to find evidence that Jesus endorsed invasion and bloodshed (Deuteronomy 6.15-19), and encouraged the beating of slaves (Luke 12:47-48). Barker also sites a lot of Jesus’ bad advice

Several passages may be unpleasant for even strong atheists to read. I couldn’t get over how many times “fingers dripping with blood” comes up in the Bible.

Overall, Barker has little comments around and between the examples he sights, but I would suggest that this makes for a stronger argument, handing the role of jury to the reader. Obviously this book will upset just about any Christian who attempts to read it, and for those who do read it may feel better to recall that the analysis is only of how God is presented in the Bible, and not an analysis of any effect (if any) of God in their daily lives.
The God Delusion
The God Delusion
Richard Dawkins | 2016 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
To start with, the whole point of this book is to explain that God does not exist. Not just the Christian God that most Americans favor, but any God (or Gods) from any religion from anywhere in the world or throughout history. If that notion offends you, well I'm not going to say you shouldn't read this book, but just don't be surprised if it makes you more than a little angry. Alternatively, it presents such a powerful argument for the case against God, that you shouldn't be surprised if it has you questioning, or even renouncing, your current beliefs. Mr. Dawkins is a great writer who easily sustained my attention throughout (most of the time) and largely managed to keep a book about such a hot button topic among many feeling relatively friendly and conversational. That's not to say there aren't a few passages that seem more that a little angry, but that's too be expected given the subject matter. Unfortunately, the sections that are largely devoted to science can be a little bit too dry, but luckily they pass fairly quickly. Not a perfect book, but certainly a very interesting one, that will likely continue to anger some people for many years to come.