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Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic
Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic
David Frum | 2018 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A thoughtful, well-argued factual account of the US presidency
I actually enjoyed this rather Republican perspective of the Trump administration, especially as it seems to be less sensationalist than Michael Wolff's controversial book, @Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

Former George W. Bush speechwriter, David Frum, writes about the biggest threat to democracy in a factual, scholarly way without resorting to tabloid remarks. Frum carefully builds his argument using well-recognised sources from across the political, historical and media spectrum.

While he is clearly not a fan of the President, his critique mostly focusses on how Trump distorts and uses his power unconstitutionally, attempting to subvert institutions for his own benefit. But he also criticises those around him who have helped him stay in power such as Paul Ryan and Michael Flynn. What is worrying is the increase of military personnel and financiers who surround him, similar to those of many authoritarian nations, who exacerbate irrational decision-making.

He speaks about his voter base which also includes swathes of young white men, who are disillusioned and care less about religion and sexism - hence why Hillary Clinton was unable to change their minds. It is a well-argued, eye-opening book that does not resort to character bashing.

Peter Strickland recommended Bait (2019) in Movies (curated)

Bait (2019)
Bait (2019)
2019 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw this at Helsinki’s Love and Anarchy Film Festival with Mark Jenkin taking questions from the audience. From the very opening, I was transported to a completely different place even though we’re in contemporary Britain and I haven’t seen anything so singular from my home country in years. I had a sauna with Mark Jenkin the day after its Helsinki premiere and told him how jealous I was. It’s the kind of film I wish I had made. Its success is remarkable and it regally urinates on the perceived industry wisdom regarding so many things: nobody wants grainy black-and-white 16mm, nobody wants unknown actors and so on and so on. Congratulations not only to the truly visionary Mr. Jenkin, but also to the thousands of people adventurous enough to pay to see such a film. Both parties have hopefully made industry heads doubt their opinions. I recently got into an argument with a friend’s salsa partner who told me off for not being an audience-friendly director after he saw “In Fabric” since he regarded filmmaking as being on a par with customer service. I should’ve used “Bait” as a happy example of a film that finds its audience without pandering."

Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
1991 | Animation, Family, Musical
Beauty and the Beast is an example of animated Disney at the top of their game, and stands proudly amongst the string of high quality outputs from Disney during the tail end of the 80s and through the 90s.

The aesthetic is quintessential Disney fairytale material, alternating between the bright and colourful un-named village that Belle lives in, to the dark and gothic castle where The Beast resides. The animation is wonderful, especially when it comes to characters. Characters such as Cogsworth, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts are bought to life in such a vibrant manner, it's another argument for why the live action adaptions will never quite capture the same magic, and the likes of Belle, The Beast, and Gaston are memorable and visually iconic Disney inhabitants.

The story is straight down the middle for this kind of thing, but it's crowd pleasing, heart warming, with a perfect helping of melancholy, a formula that has always been Disney's bread and butter along with catchy songs. I struggle to get on board with musicals for the most part but some of the music demonstrated here is superbly written and occasionally beautiful.

Beauty & The Beast is classic Disney through and through. It's truly timeless and will be enjoyed for generations to come.
Impersonator by Majical Cloudz
Impersonator by Majical Cloudz
2013 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"ARE YOU KIDDING?! Magical Cloudz?! Majical Cloudz is two guys from Montreal and this record is only two years old. I bought it on a whim because I was intrigued by the strange spelling and a friend had seen them live and said that it was one of the most startling experiences of his life. I didn't listen to it immediately, but a couple of days after New Year's, I was feeling crushed, it was raining, I had it on my headphones and there was something so private and discreet about it. It's all to do with the lyrics and the singer; the music is very understated, there's no real progression in the songs. Unobtrusive, discreet backdrops for what it might feel like stumbling across an AA meeting or a domestic argument or reading someone's diary. There's a confessional, disarming honesty about his lyrics, they're poetic - there's some imagery that adds to the strangeness in a way, but when I listen to it, I feel like I have a companion in my head, the same as when you fall in love with a book. Of all the records that have recently come out, it's the only one I feel like I'll be in love with for a long time, it's very special to me."


Elijah Wood recommended Harvey (1950) in Movies (curated)

Harvey (1950)
Harvey (1950)
1950 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Harvey is one of my all-time favorite films. This movie I saw when I was younger and I feel like it struck a chord with me, then, probably primarily because of Jimmy Stewart’s performance and the kind of magic that is this character that he refers to that we don’t see as an audience. But I think… I loved it and I’ve watched it many times since, and it’s a movie that has gotten more profound for me as I’ve gotten older, and I feel I’ve gotten different things out of it every time. It’s a movie whose construct is kind of up for interpretation, I think. You could easily make an argument that his character of Elwood Dowd is a drunk, for instance, and, you know, Harvey is a manifestation of that. You could say he’s a man who has given up on reality and, therefore, he’s happier, and Harvey is a manifestation of that. It’s such a beautiful film and there’s such humanity in the film and there’s something so enlightened — regardless of what is actually genuinely going on with Elwood’s character — there’s something so enlightened about him that everyone else is actually more insane than he is, and that always really struck a chord with me."

Gripping, detailed and intense
The infamous Manson family murders have been heard around the world for decades, so when you thought everything that can be said, had been said, this book comes along. Granted it was written on the 25th anniversary of the murders, so many of characters have since diminished, but it gives an intriguing insight into the mind of the killers, by the prosecutor who convicted them. I have yet to read this level of detail into the case.

Vincent Bugliosi is methodical in his descriptions leading up to the end of the trial, relaying information as if solving a puzzle. And in many ways the Manson riddle is truly a mystery. Why would such a crime receive so much notoriety when mass murders have claimed far greater lives? Bugliosi discusses his own argument in the case in great detail, the fact that Manson had only to influence others around him to carry out the act that he himself did not commit. Does this make him equally culpable? In Bugliosi's mind - absolutely.

At the end, we hear his own assertions, Manson's links to other cult phenomena such as Satanism, Latter Day Saints, and even Scientology, in which Manson was said to be greatly influenced by. Riveting read for those who don't want the sensationalism and just the straight facts.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Watchmen in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore | 1986 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Often cited as one of the most influential comic-books/graphic novels, alongside the likes of [b:V for Vendetta|5805|V for Vendetta|Alan Moore||392838]'V for Vendetta' and [b:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns (The Dark Knight Saga, #1)|Frank Miller||1104159]'The Dark Knight Returns', this was, if I'm honest, one such that I'd never even heard of until the 2009 movie of the same name.

Set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superhero's are (were) real but have since been outlawed, there's a definite argument to be made that this would inspire the Pixar film The Incredibles: family drama, costumed superheroes coming out of retirement, conspiracies afoot ... see what I mean?

But whereas The Incredibles is aimed at a family audience, this is anything but: violent throughout, slow (at times seemingly glacial) moving and even dealing with the effects of (and fallout from) rape, this is definitely not one for the younger reader!

On the plus side, it does have a stunningly realised world alongside a compelling backstory to several of the characters: like several other literary classics, this is one that I can now say that I've read but wouldn't really be rushing back to do so again anytime soon.
Scenes from the Second Storey by The God Machine
Scenes from the Second Storey by The God Machine
1993 | Alternative, Rock, Punk
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"They're an incredible band, on Fiction and maybe even slightly discovered by The Cure. They were Americans but lived in London and were involved in the Camden scene with Silverfish, Ligament and all these kind of bands. It's almost metal, but it's also really bleak. A wonderful band, they made two records and then the bass player died so I never got to see them live. Martin our drummer saw them play. When we started Mogwai they were one of the bands we all bonded over. We were all big God Machine fans and actually used to do a couple of covers of their songs. The records have definitely held up and stood the test of time. I think I found them, you're about the same age as me so you'll remember this, but whenever a major label like Fiction tried to punt a new band they're pretty much give the records away, so you'd get singles and 7" for 49p. You could try out a lot of bands. When I moved my records a few years ago I had so many 7" of horrible bands that are just cataclysmically awful that I bought just because they were 50p. But that's how I discovered The God Machines and they're a big Mogwai band, there's no argument about that."

The Conspirator (2011)
The Conspirator (2011)
2011 | Drama
Love me a good true historical drama
Director Robert Redford delves into a story everyone knows, but doesn't really know.

After the assassination of our 16th and very popular president, Abraham Lincoln, the conspirators are shot and/or caught to face an outraged and shocked nation right at the end of the Civil War. Among the accused is Mary Surratt who is on trial for her involvement in aiding, lodging and collaborating with those accused. The entire nation wants justice however they can get it, so her circumstance seems dire without a lot of reprieve.

Enter her reluctant defense attorney who doesn't really want the job of defending a woman everyone wants to see brought to justice. Her trial seems one-sided at best with witnesses changing their stories and the judges not allowing much argument against the accused.

Mary herself seems she has given up hope with little regard for her own life.

 Redford manages to build the tension slowly as the evidence becomes increasingly bleak for the defendant and everyone's eyes on the trial's outcome. Stellar performance by the always interesting James McAvoy. He wrestles with his own emotions and the growing prejudice the trial has brought upon him and his family to persevere and provide ample defense for his client.

How To Be A Complete And Utter Blunt
How To Be A Complete And Utter Blunt
James Blunt | 2020 | Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this is the shortest book I’ve ever read (I finished it within half an hour) but that doesn’t stop it from being entertaining.
I have seen some of James Blunt’s tweets before, but having some of them compiled into a book is even more entertaining than reading them when I come across them.
James has a dry and sarcastic sense of humour, and when it comes to being insulted by members of the public, he seems to know exactly what to say to both make it seem like he’s not bothered and get one over on the person tweeting. No one is safe, he even insults Piers Morgan when he’s having an argument with someone else.
I actually think he could have included more tweets and made a longer book and it would have just got better and better. I love the self deprecating sense of humour that he has over his music, and the fact that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. The only thing that let this book down was how short it was, I think there could have been so many more tweets in it.
Fingers crossed that James Blunt decides to make another compilation of his tweets in the future, I would definitely be buying that book after having read this one!