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The Flash, Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces
The Flash, Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces
Joshua Williamson | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Mystery
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review pertains to the last three Flash trades, this one and the previous two.

Vol. 7: PERFECT STORM was quite good. I found it to be an interesting addition to the Gorilla Grodd stories. I was so inspired that I took it upon myself to read Vol. 8 & 9.

Vol. 8: FLASH WAR was like a ride on the BARRY ALLEN ANGST and SELF-LOATHING EXPRESS! But, even with that feeling in mind, I continued reading, eventually taking on the even more difficult task of taking on Vol. 9, which turned into yet another ride on that same depressing train ride!

I had read Vol 1, Joshua Williamson's first outing with "REBIRTH" Barry Allen's Flash. That one I found to be lifeless and missing something that Geoff John's Flash definitely had! But, I thought I'd give it one more try with that Gorilla Grodd story, which I turned out to like more than Vol. 1!

Vol. 9 just continues to show us overly-doubting-himself Barry as well as Wally West's Flash, only now with more angst as well as Barry-centric anger! Yeah, not good! NOPE!

It seems like writing for the Flash would be a fun writing assignment, then factoring in Wally West, it should be that much more fun! Unfortunately, that was not the case! DC allowed Barry to experience a sense of self-loathing and a lack of self-confidence, doing a huge disservice to a character with such a rich history as his!

Equally frustrating was the way Wally was treated! I know he and Barry are both comic characters, meaning they are not real. I get that, but I still felt the need to want to buy them each a short stack of pancakes (my treat, of course) and then offer to give each of them a "bro hug" and maybe a Mini Schnauzer puppy as well!

Oh, and how about that shit Williamson did in regard to the Speed Force? I am pretty sure <b>NO ONE</b> wanted there to be other Forces, especially ones as unnecessary as the ones he was serving up!
And how about that art? What the hell?!!? I felt like the dude was trying to emulate Scott Kolin's style of art, only failing to not even come close!

I understand there may be those of you reading this review who like Williamson's Flash. Hey, good for you. No, really. But, I am not gonna be one of them!

Shame on you, DC Comics! BOOOOOO!
Rating: 4.5

Mostly Mittens starts off with a very interesting (brief) summary of the history of the Komi people, why they knit in the fair isle style, how the patterns came around, and lots of very interesting history about this fantastic art.

The book is basically all knitting graphs. A knitting graph is like graph paper with squares filled in to represent which stitch is knit in which color. There are basic instructions at the beginning of the book, then each pattern gives the tools needed and the graph, but the basic instructions are the same for all of them.

The patterns are all unique and intricate, but very easy to follow once you understand what you’re doing. Fair isle is very relaxing and fun, not to mention warm since the extra threads add a second, third, and at times a fourth layer of warmth to the mittens.

Many knitting books try to teach people how to knit, or try to offer pictures and explanations of certain more advanced stitches in knitting. This one does not—and it’s something I appreciate. The book is aimed for the educated knitter who knows how to use double-pointed needles, read a pattern, and understand the difference between a inc 1 and a M1 etc. It’s nice to read a book that is aimed for the level I’m at, rather than one that tries to take a brand-new knitter and make them a pro overnight. There is a list of abbreviations in the back, because all knitters abbreviate slightly different. There’s also a list of resources in the back.

My only complaint is that the basic instructions aren’t written in a very clear manner, nor are the instructions for the knit-on cast-on. Luckily the photos and drawings are wonderful, and you can pretty much understand the concept. Plus, if you’re using this book, you are already pretty experienced.

In the back there are four hat patterns, and instructions to take the mitten graphs and turn them into hats! With 36 mitten graphs, 4 sets of hats, and a million color variations, imagine what you could do with this book!

Basically, this book makes my fingers twitch and my mouth water. I’ve got to get me some fingering weight wool and size two double-pointed needles…

Recommendation: Intermediate to Experienced knitters who don’t mind using small needles. No size 15 for these! Size 0-3 are the ones you’ll use.
The Golden House
The Golden House
Salman Rushdie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insightful and readable
This novel by Salman Rushdie is a present day commentary on modern day America in the build up to Trump and how fact and fiction as well as art and reality collapse into one other. There have been a number of books written in the wake of the shock of Trump (this desperate need to make sense of things) and Rushdie’s novel definitely helps shed light (or explain the darkness) upon the situation.

Narrated by René, an aspiring filmmaker, this account feels very similar to the likes of The Great Gatsby, in which everything is rather hyperbolic because it is written from the perspective of an outsider. Following the exceedingly wealthy Golden family, René attempts to figure out the mysterious circumstances of their arrival from India, and the subsequent, often cataclysmic events surrounding them, in which the narrator plays a part. The slow emergence of a dark history of corruption and evil is paralleled by Rushdie's perception of the rise of ignorance, untruth, bigotry and hatred, and of "The Joker" (i.e. Trump, although he is never named).

The writing is brilliant. It is discursive, sometimes addresses the reader directly, even sometimes adopts the form of a screenplay and has a wonderful voice of its own. The context surrounding the Mumbai bombings is intriguing as much of it is based on factual information. The truth is, after all, stranger than fiction.

While the style is not flawless, as the postmodern blurring between supposedly objective narrative and things René has "made up" for his screenplay did get a little haphazard, however, this may be Rushdie's attempt to reflect how "post-truths" are disseminated in a similar fashion. Nonetheless, I thought The Golden House was enjoyable. Even after all these years, Rushdie is able to adapt his writing to suit a modern generation.
Roseanna's books continue to completely blow my mind! Filled with so much heart-wrenching, heart-stopping, heart-melting events that it literally takes DAYS to recover. My poor heart can't handle any more at the moment. That being said...YOU NEED TO READ THIS SERIES!!! (Start with Book One, A Name Unknown) Set during the beginning of World War I we see a different side of the war than what we may be used to. The Belgium Orchestra Relief Fund...Based in Wales. So.Much.Music! I LOVE it!!!

One of the aspects of this story that struck me in the heart, is the fact that God KNOWS us. And He will speak to us in a unique and individual way that will grip our heart and MEAN SOMETHING to us. For me personally, God uses books, songs, art, and dance...pretty much anything in the 'arts' speak life and truth into my life. For will have to wait and see.

Lukas and Willa create the perfect romantic tension and reminds us that no one is beyond saving. I absolutely adore Margot (Lukas's sister) and am so glad that we also get to see this story from her perspective in Brussels. Her brilliant mind and unique gift for "puzzles" adds a whole different layer to the story. It just goes to show, that when God has given us a gift, there are numerous ways that we can use it to help others and glorify Him.

If you love romance, mystery, history, and have a soft spot for music...You will fall in love with Lukas, Margot, and Willa and her "family" in a heartbeat.

I received a complimentary copy of A Song Unheard from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Good Girl
The Good Girl
Mary Kubica | 2015 | Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read a numerous of books this year. Books I have either read all the way to the end, or admittedly, not.

I have to be honest, had I saw this book in a store, I probably wouldn't have picked it up.

This, is by no means, to say I wouldn't like it. When I go into a book store I tend to know what I am looking for; history, art, architecture, poetry, film writing...
Anything that would inspire me in my current project of writing.

As it were, my ma' grabbed this book-amongst many others-and I took a shine to this book immediately. If someone asks me what sort of books do you like, I cannot give specific responses because I don't particular have a favourite theme/genre. Although I do not tend to read; Si-Fi, Horror, Adventure, or any sort of magical/mythical books, as one may place Harry Potter into?
So, when I read the back of this book, I was very intrigued.
It left you does this person know that, and why?

I am, as many people know, a slow reader. If I rush a book I do not fully understand what took place, or the certain details you may need to remember. However, with this book, I looked forward to bed time, when I can jump into my bed, get all cosy on these incoming cool nights and read this book.

All the characters, baring one, I took a shine to.

This is a fast-paced suspense thriller that leaves you wanting to know more and more.

My favourite book of the year, without a doubt.

I will sure be looking for more of Mary Kubica's books