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Superfly Soundtrack by Curtis Mayfield
Superfly Soundtrack by Curtis Mayfield
1972 | Soul, Soundtrack
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Oh my goodness the music on this album is incredible. The way it swells and flows and the pain and longing it takes you through is some of the best there ever was. This album is so epic because of the way it perfectly coincided with the movie and how an artist can embody a moment in time like that. Totally innovative."

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill
1998 | Hip-hop, Rhythm And Blues, Soul

"I love this album! This is truly the epitome of that time in my life as a young artist dying to become known in the music world. This album really gave me tremendous inspiration! It is heartfelt, innovative...where soul meets hip-hop in the most organic way. Lauryn Hill is incredible and this album holds a beautiful place in my conscious."

On the Waterfront (1954)
On the Waterfront (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Romance

"This Criterion set is such a loving demonstration of what careful curatorial and academic devotion can produce. Not only is the film presented in a variety of formats, there’s also a wonderful documentary by Michel Ciment called Elia Kazan: Outsider, which I would never have had the chance to see otherwise. I felt I had privileged access to this extraordinary dramatic artist."


Mary Gordon recommended Babette's Feast in Books (curated)

Babette's Feast
Babette's Feast
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Here, Isak Dinesen explores the question of art, its life giving potential, the road it travels, sometimes parallel to, sometimes in direct collision with morality, acts of generosity and grace that, seemingly different, have the same source. Babette says these words that continually inspire and encourage me: “All that an artist asks is this: give me leave to do my utmost."

What It Feels Like to Cry With Your Brain
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"We lost this brave genius last year, and the books he gifted us while he lived are so wonderfully strange and honest and beautiful, I can't believe he even existed. He was more than a poet or performance artist—Baumer’s life itself was a work of art. He was truly radical, and the most openhearted, un-jaded human I've ever met."
