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I was lucky enough to be able to read this book for one of my college courses regarding Bruce Lee. My professor was using both this biography and Bruce Thomas' biography to shed some light on Bruce Lee's life. I actually used your book as a reference for my research paper for the class. It was very interesting to see the differences and similarities in both this account and Thomas' about Lee's life. This book was actually very beneficial for when I had to write a research paper about Bruce Lee.

I enjoyed being able to see another side of Bruce Lee. Since most accounts only show him as being the bad ass martial artist he was, it was interesting to be able to see a softer and more human side to him rather than the mythic Bruce Lee that is so prevalent in society today.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about Bruce Lee and his life outside of the image we see today.
Kawaii Doodle Class by Zainab Khan is an illustrated step-by-step resource guide on how to draw smiley lumps that look like food, animals, objects, holiday themes, and monsters. As down-putting as that may sound, it’s really quite useful, dainty, and, yes, cute.

The book starts with a list of tools and essentials what you can use to have a go with but so long as you have at least a pen or pencil with some paper to hand you can try some sketches from the off. The book pages are set with cute borders alike clouds, in pastel and deeper blue against the plain white background on which the drawing tips and demonstration step by step images sit on.

You don’t need to be an amazing artist to be able to use this book as everything is super simple to follow, I personally loved the flower designs best and there’s a handy way to draw a rose I found useful!

I received this Quarto Publishing Group and Race Point Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
On Solid Ground (On Solid Ground #1)
On Solid Ground (On Solid Ground #1)
Melissa Collins | 2015 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
On Solid Ground (On Solid Ground #1) by Melissa Collins
On Solid Ground is the first book in the On Solid Ground series. In this story, we meet Dax, a veteran suffering from PTSD, and Beck, a tattoo artist with his own history to contend with. When these two meet, the attraction is off the charts, but both of them have issues to deal with.

I loved this story, but did find bits of it annoying. I know every relationship deals with miscommunication, but these two really took the biscuit. Saying that though, I still loved them as a couple.

On Solid Ground was well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. The only thing that disrupted me was the story/characters themselves.

If you are in the mood for a Military M_M story with plenty of angst, then I can definitely recommend this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Construct   by Archivist
Construct by Archivist
2017 | Experimental, Metal, Psychedelic, Punk, Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
The atmosphere this album creates is huge (0 more)
If you like short songs look elsewhere (0 more)
Post metal concept album sounds terrible but actually it's not
Ads you may have noticed despite being a Hip Hop artist and mainly listening to Hip Hop I do love all music, if it good, I'll bang it through my speakers. However I must admit, although i love hardcore, metal is not my favourite genre.

This was recommended to me and the description sounded horrific, it is a sci fi concept album mixing shoe gazer with blast beats and songs getting to the ten minute mark. Yeah, terrible right? Well actually its really damn good. Parts of the album remind me of Belligerent Declaration where dark atmospheric slow meandering showcase, builds up the atmosphere before going full sonic heavy on your ears without ever destroying the feeling its creates. Its rare to listen to a song clocking over 8 minutes and then rewind it to listen again but I did.

Now I need to get their new one and watch out for them live.
    Holiday Bells

    Holiday Bells

    Music, Entertainment and Stickers

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    Play Christmas songs on the handbells with Holiday Bells! Now for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch!...