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Shooting At The Moon by Kevin Ayers
Shooting At The Moon by Kevin Ayers
2015 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is from that same period. He's such an unusual artist. I could have chosen the first album but I'll choose Shooting At The Moon because I saw him play when I was in Coventry and it was just absolutely extraordinary. It was the group that had Herbie Flowers, David Bedford, Mike Oldfield... This was another John Peel thing. I heard 'Joy Of A Toy', 'The Lady Rachel', 'Stop This Train' with Robert Wyatt playing drums, and all that early Soft Machine stuff which he liked. It's beautiful, things like 'May I?', incredibly gentle, beautiful love songs. Sexy. That gentle and sexy thing has always been there in Wire. When you think of 'Blessed State', which is Bruce's song, absolutely beautiful. There's always that temptation to make it simple; Colin with his white hat and us with our black hats, that's the tension. It's not as if we haven't been accused of being obscure on occasion, or opaque. But usually it's the things that people think are opaque are the things that are straight reportage. People do it, you see it, you write it. Real life is stranger than fiction but it seems as if in popular song it's not - it makes real life really dull and not about love, negotiation, and mess, and passion."


Ian Broudie recommended track Starman by David Bowie in Platinum Collection by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Platinum Collection by David Bowie
Platinum Collection by David Bowie
2006 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Starman by David Bowie

(0 Ratings)


"The ‘60s was such a powerful decade for music, but in the ‘70s it suddenly felt really old to me. If you’d have asked me about The Beach Boys and The Beatles at that point, I’d have called it a load of old tosh. I was looking for my thing and the new thing, and Bowie led me into The Velvet Underground, which led me into glam rock and the New York punk scene. I remember first seeing ‘Starman’ on Top Of The Pops and I’d never seen anyone who looked like David Bowie did - it was all sparkly and mad hair, but the song sounded amazing. The message of there being something out there for you really hit home with a lot of people who were my age, and it came at a time when everyone was searching for something that our generation could call music. Bowie had his moments as an artist, didn’t he? It’s a controversial thing to say, but I think Ziggy Stardust and Hunky Dory were the only great albums he did really. He had fantastic tracks from other albums - I love “Heroes” and I love “Ashes To Ashes”, they’re brilliant songs - but in terms of albums, it’s Ziggy Stardust and Hunky Dory that mean a lot to me.”"

Power in the Darkness by Tom Robinson Band
Power in the Darkness by Tom Robinson Band
1978 | Pop, Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"""This one is like the mystery house on Escape to the Country, it’s a curveball. The point I wanted to make with ‘2-4-6-8 Motorway’ is that it’s not one of my favourite songs, the point is it’s always been there but I only really discovered it and fell in love with it in the last couple of weeks. That’s one of the most exciting and inspiring things about making music, discovering songs that have existed your whole life, even though you may have only been semi-aware of them. “I’ve always found it much easier to place my faith in songs that have existed my whole life than a new band or a new artist, you know what they are, you know they’re not going to let you down, they’re not going to do anything sexist or say anything racist or make a terrible second EP. “It’s also so exciting discovering things, I love all those reissue labels like Light in the Attic and finding these treasure troves of records and artists that have been there your whole life, like ‘How has this existed my entire time on earth and I’ve never stumbled upon it?’ ‘2-4-6-8 Motorway’ is a stone cold classic, it’s very British, it’s a big song."""


Pete Wareham recommended Girl Loves Me by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Girl Loves Me by David Bowie
Girl Loves Me by David Bowie
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I didn't get into him at all for ages. For years and years I just thought, what is all the fuss about?' I just could not get into it. And then one day someone said: ""Have you listened to Hunky Dory?"". I hadn't checked that out at all. I really got into Hunky Dory. I transcribed and analysed nearly all the songs on it. I got into Low, and I quite like 'Heroes', and Scary Monsters. But there's a lot of stuff I don't like. I could probably list 10 Bowie songs that I think are amazing, and the rest of it I'm not too bothered about. I'm really obsessed with him as a character, as an artist. To me he's incredibly impressive and really exciting, his relentless drive to reinvent himself. Probably one of the most inspiring people I can think of. But musically, it's not quite as abundant. That last album: it's quite weird. I was really into Death Grips, he was really into Death Grips, and Kendrick Lamaar as well. It's an album that owes a lot to those guys, but then it's also got a saxophone player on it. This track 'Girl Loves Me', he uses the language from Clockwork Orange. It's just a brilliant idea."


Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Saga in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
Brian K. Vaughan | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.2 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm old! Like I've pro'lly been reading comics for way too long (I was there the first time Jean Grey died)! But, when I say this what I consider one of the best comics EVER, I am behind that statement 100%!

Brian K. Vaughn has created an amazing story, with characters that are far from perfect but at the same time have merit and worth. It is clear that a lot of time went into the creations of each of the characters introduced, as well as the various settings. Long story short? This dude is a frigging GENIUS! Just sayin'..

And hey, how about those visuals from series artist Fiona Staples? Man, those covers she turns in are ridiculously rich in detail, but the inside stuff? Dear God, she has it goin' on! While I have some love for a number of Marvel characters, I am glad that Marvel never tried to lure her in, because she is far too good for them!

I could go on and on about the series and how good it is, but well, there's a more than fair number of users on here have said it better. Let's just leave it at this: Best.Comic.EVER! Now, scoot, go read it already!!
A Book of Dreams
A Book of Dreams
Peter Reich | 1973 | Biography, Medical & Veterinary, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I remember by in the late 1980's, when Kate Bush's "Cloudbusting" (from her album 'Hounds of Love'). The song was inspired by this book, and a video also followed, in which Donald Sutherland played the late Wilhelm Reich and Bush was the 10-year-old Peter Reich. I was enamored with both Kate's music, as well as the artist herself, so I was taken in by it. I also made it a point to read the book, which at that time was difficult, as it had gone out-of-print. So, jump to the present..

I found the book available for my Kindle, so I gave it read, as it was on my "Life's Reading Bucket List". And, while I am glad to have checked it off that virtual list, it was not what I was expecting.

The book jumped perspectives - from 10 year old Peter to his adult self, in the 1970's - leaving me a bit disoriented at points, making it difficult to focus on the underlying story. It recollects memories, interspersed with odd, dream-like statements. And, at the end of it all? Not really much of an ending, nor a conclusion to all the oddness.

Conclusion? I still love the song "Cloudbusting". The book that inspired it? Not so much.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Yellow Rose (2019) in Movies

Oct 18, 2020 (Updated Oct 18, 2020)  
Yellow Rose (2019)
Yellow Rose (2019)
2019 | Drama, Music
Luckily, I had a free ticket for another theater chain, so I was able to see this in theaters (I was the only one there).
My initial interest in the film stemmed from it being filmed in Austin, where I live. The story is about a teenage, Filipino girl and her mother, both of whom are undocumented. When customs and immigration pick up Rose's mother, she escapes to Austin from Bastrop (EW). Rose dreams of being a country singer, and ends up making music with Dale Watson, who's a well known Texas Country artist.
That's basically the story, and yes, perfectible, it ends the exact way you imagine it to end. The music is good, and Eva Noblezada, the actress that plays Rose, has an amazing singing voice.
To answer the question as to what the title means - yes, it's racist, and a nickname Rose got when she initially sang at school. BTW, the myth of the 'Yellow Rose' is one from history, supposedly, a woman was sent in as a spy by the Texas army during the revolution, and she... distracted Santa Anna, the general of the Mexican army. There's no actual evidence, but it's incredibly believable.
Anyway, this was a great movie, with good music, and a tight running time.
Oh No! - Single by EMAN8
Oh No! - Single by EMAN8
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
EMAN8 (Brandyn Burnette) is an LA-based artist from Saint Louis, MO. Not too long ago, he released a groovy urban pop tune, entitled, “Oh No!”.

“Baby, you so sick you make me nausea. Please forgive me I’m just being cautious. I know that you got a couple of options. Lately, you’ve been checking all my boxers. All my homies told me not to fall for it. Put me on the court and I’ma ball for it. I just need to know if you are all in. I know that you’re drunk that’s why you’re calling.” – lyrics

‘Oh No!’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy who has high hopes for a problematic relationship which he shares with his significant other.

Apparently, he can’t believe what she tells him and can’t decipher if it’s a nightmare or dream that he has fallen deeply into.
Later, he admits that this was everything he ever wanted, but every day feels like it’s haunted.

‘Oh No!’ contains a cautionary storyline, harmonious vocals, and groovy instrumentation flavored with urban R&B and hip-hop elements.

EMAN8 hopes to emanate the true authentic vibration of his experiences, soundscapes, and songwriting.

His name comes from his Jamaican middle name “Emanate”, which means to come forth.