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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Murder in an English Glade in Books

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Oct 29, 2021)  
Murder in an English Glade
Murder in an English Glade
Jessica Ellicott | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fake Investigation Leads to Real Murder
Edwina Davenport and Beryl Helliwell don’t know quite what to make of it when they are hired to conduct a fake investigation. Constance Maitland wants them to pretend to investigate her sister-in-law so her cousin will shut up about the affair she is sure the sister-in-law is having. The Maitlands are hosting an artist colony, providing the perfect cover for Edwina and Beryl to slip in and observe. But they’ve only been there a few hours when a dead body turns up. Is their fake investigation involved?

It is always a pleasure to revisit these friends and business partners during the early 1920’s. Edwina and Beryl are very different and come from different backgrounds, but they complement each other so well, and I love seeing the growth in their characters. The suspects are just as strong. We don’t quite see as much of the other series regulars, but I did enjoy the scenes they got. The plot is strong with plenty to keep us engaged. I did feel the ending was a bit rushed, and one aspect wasn’t completely resolved. As always, there’s gentle humor throughout the book that makes it just that much more delightful. This book will please fans of the series. If that isn’t you yet, you should fix that today.
Ready Player Two
Ready Player Two
Ernest Cline | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a direct sequel to Ready Player One, picking up not soon after the events of that previous novel.

It also follows the same characters, told in the same first person point of view as previous - I must admit, I initially found that a bit jarring, as I would have expected (with a title such as it is) that it would follow a different character - after all, how often IRL is Player Two the same person as Player One in a computer game?

Anyway, Wade Watts.

Still an obsessed geek; still fan-worshipping the creator of the Oasis James Halliday (at least initially). However, with the release of new technology by the company he now owns that not only allows its user to control an avatar, but to *feel* like they actually are that person - sight, taste, hearing, sensations and all - and with further experiences (I don't want to give too much away), Watts finds his hero-worshipping lessening somewhat.

If I'm honest, I did also find parts of this novel to drag somewhat, especially in the lengthy section where Cline goes into great detail around the Oasis world dedicated to 'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince' (which just made me uncomfortable). I also had to shake my head at just how some of the characters behaved ...

(yes, I know they're not real. Still need to to be believable, though!)

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Paint Me a Crime in Books

Jul 24, 2023 (Updated Jul 24, 2023)  
Paint Me a Crime
Paint Me a Crime
Holly Yew | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grand Opening Murder
Jessamine Rhodes has worked hard to open a new community art center in Rose Shore, British Columbia, and is excited that opening day is here. She’s honored that artist Gabriella Everhart has agreed to show one of her paintings and teach a class on watercolors. But as the event is winding down, the lights go out briefly. When they come back on, someone has stolen the painting, and an art collector is dead. With her reputation and new business on the line, Jessamine tries to figure out what happened. Can she do it?

The book jumps right in with the opening, so it isn’t too long before the plot gets rolling. I was hooked the entire way through, thinking I had it figured out a couple of times only to be wrong when we reached the logical climax. The characters are also charming, and I loved spending time with them, although the suspects could have had a little more page time to be fully developed. The writing kept me a little outside the story at first until I adjusted, but it was a minor issue. One of Jessamine’s friends owns a tea shop, so there is lots of talk about food – enough to make me hungry while I read. This is a promising debut, and I’ll definitely be looking for more by this author.
Part of Fated Mates: an MM Paranormal Romance Charity Anthology!

One thing I love about J.P. Sayle stories is that she comes up with different shifters and problems. For instance, in A SCENT LIKE NO OTHER, Pierre is a skunk shifter and has faulty anal glands. Now, hand on heart, I can honestly say I've never read about either of those before. I'm just glad he wasn't called Pepé! 😁

Along with Pierre, we have Eliphas, a mage who works well with his ancestors' crystals, as well as being an amazing tattoo artist, specialising in protection. Pierre knows they are a triad, but it comes as a shock to Eli. This leads to cross-purposes, as Eli isn't sure he'd be happy with a third, not when he has Pierre. But Pierre has always known and, now he's got Eli, he wants to know when they'll meet their third. This leads to Pierre doing a spell without Eli's knowledge, which opens a whole can of worms he wasn't expecting.

A great introduction to these two characters, and I look forward to reading more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 23, 2023