Two Scoops of Hooah!: The T-Wall Art of Kuwait and Iraq
George Hauer and Robin Vaughn Whitney
Within the pages of this book you will see how cement structures, intended for barriers, are...
1000 Symbols: What Shapes Mean in Art and Myth
Rowena Shepherd and Rupert Shepherd
Symbols are often seen as constituting an international language and to some extent they do, but...
Art, Commerce and Colonialism, 1600-1800
Emma Barker and Elizabeth McKellar
The book examines how increasing engagement with the rest of the world transformed European art,...
European Art of the Eighteenth Century
This latest volume in the acclaimed "Art through the Centuries Series" explores the most important...
No Idle Hands: The Myths & Meanings of Tramp Art
Laura M Addison, Leslie Umberger and Eric Zafran
Tramp art describes a particular type of wood carving practiced in the United States and Europe...
Pre-Raphaelites Masterpieces of Art
The Pre-Raphaelites, earlier known as the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, were a society of English...
Stanley Spencer: Art as a Mirror of Himself
Stanley Spencer (1891-1959) explored fundamental issues of life with an urgency and persistence...
Wait: The Useful Art of Procrastination
Warren Buffett compares stock trading to great athletes: they excel not because of fast neurological...
Free Will: Art and Power on Shakespeare's Stage
Free Will: Art and power on Shakespeare's stage is a study of theatre and sovereignty that situates...