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Yummy (2019)
Yummy (2019)
2019 | Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
First of all, this is marketed as a horror comedy, which is arguably misleading. Bar a couple of throw away gags near the start (and an obligatory dismembered penis), Yummy plays things pretty straight, as it violently hurtles towards it's bleak (as fuck) conclusion.

The lack of laughs isn't a bad thing by any means. There are plenty of zombie comedies already out there (granted, there are plenty of zombie movies in general to choose from) but as this particular sub genre refuses to die, the serious entries may as well be half decent, which Yummy certainly is.
It's has some great set pieces, some nice camera work, and a good cast.
Maaike Neuville and Bart Hollanders are a likable lead duo, and give us a pair of sympathetic characters to root for, and are a huge asset to this movie.

For zombie fans, have no fear, it doesn't take long for the shit to hit the fan, and the gore comes thick and fast when things start tumbling downhill. The practical effects are fantastic, the CGI effects are painfully average, but overall it gets the job done.

Yummy is a genuinely solid entry into the vast Zombie Horror catalogue. It's bloody, it's morbid, and it's hectic, which is good enough for me.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Secrets of a Scottish Isle in Books

Mar 28, 2024 (Updated Mar 28, 2024)  
Secrets of a Scottish Isle
Secrets of a Scottish Isle
Erica Ruth Neubauer | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Undercover in the Occult
Jane Wunderly is on the Isle of Iona off the coast of Scottland. She’s joined the Golden Dawn, going under cover in an attempt to learn if their leader would be a good asset for the organization she and her fiancé, Redvers, works for. But Jane has just barely joined the group when she finds the body of another female member on the moors. Jane is driven to get justice for the victim. But what exactly happened to her? And what about Jane’s official investigation?

As a fan of the series, I was delighted to spend time with Jane and Redvers again. They are a great pair. We get plenty of new characters, and they are well developed, too. Sadly, the plot was uneven, with Jane spending lots of time contemplating what was happening in between the twists. This led to an abrupt but logical climax. The writing brought Iona in March to life, and it made me shiver as I read. It’s fun to see a poet from 1927 show up in the book, and be sure to read the author’s notes at the end to see where she got the inspiration for the tale. Fans of the series will enjoy Jane’s latest adventure.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Everyone has most likely heard the quote, "History is written by the victors." Although the quote is often attributed to Winston Churchill, it is not known who originally said it. However, the author does not matter, only the truth of the quote.

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Young Readers’ Edition Everything American History Textbooks Get Wrong by James W. Loewen is part of his campaign to correct mistakes that have been taught in schools for years. His most famous work, Lies My Teacher Told Me, was originally published in 1995.

This history book is geared toward "young readers". I, as an adult, found the information interesting and some was outright surprising to me. However, I think young readers would find it wordy. This was not a book to sit and read cover to cover. I needed time to reflect, discuss, and to research sections for more information.

Adding it to an advanced or higher level history course to complement a traditional history textbook would be an asset to the student's education. Allowing both books to be read at the same time would probably help encourage the reader's curiosity to not just accept what the textbooks offers as history as fact.

Erika (17788 KP) May 24, 2019

I really like this book, and wish they'd teach it in HS. They definitely incorporate it for history majors in universities in the US, hence, why I read it. Very good review.


Karl Hyde recommended On Leaving by Nina Nastasia in Music (curated)

On Leaving by Nina Nastasia
On Leaving by Nina Nastasia
2006 | Alternative, Indie, Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Nina is another friend that we were introduced to via John Peel and his family. There were a number of people after his passing that I really wanted to get in touch with and Nina was one of them. That was John’s legacy. That and one-stop shopping, something that Radio 1 would benefit from the asset of again. John was a place where you could go to hear very disparate music – some of which you would love, some which you would loathe, and some of which you would loathe but come to love. Nina was one of the people that he played a lot. This was the album when I met her and her fella. She’s an extraordinary singer – for me, I think the greatest contemporary female lyricist. She and her boyfriend live in a tiny flat in Manhattan, almost like Russian peasants. There are lots of stuffed animals and huge rugs on her tiny bed and laptops hidden behind huge automatons. I love her guitar playing and her singing, but her lyrics challenged me to try to be as good. She writes from a woman’s point of view, beautifully. Her lyrics are very personal. I struggled with that before writing Edgeland. This, and the John Martyn album, and the James Blake album – they were all writing very personal songs."

Death Be Told (Terra Vane #5)
Death Be Told (Terra Vane #5)
Katie Carys | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
97 of 250
Death Be Told ( Terra Vane book 5)
By Katie Carys

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. I have visions, but my gift is getting more dangerous and I’m starting to worry. Though the team are continuing the pursuit of the escapees, my own hunt has taken a different course now a psychopathic serial killer has taken an interest in me.

Obsessed with fairytales, he’s kidnapped a young woman, and I've seen what he intends to do. I can’t let it happen – I won’t let her go through that pain. But I need to address my own pain too, and that means confronting the hard truth of who I want to be with, face-to-face.

Right now, I feel like both the predator and the prey but one thing’s for certain, I won’t be letting the killer have his happy ending.

These books just get better and better! I think the characters and story are just so good.Karen is just all man! He’s finally getting his girl! Fingers crossed. I adore Terra too. This story was so good and creepy with one of their demon prisoners possessing the soul of a serial killer it was just so interesting watching her work with Grady and hopefully he will say yes to the job! He will definitely be an asset to the team. Plus for some reason I don’t think we have seen the last of Cole and his jealousy.
City Spies
City Spies
James Ponti | 2020 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet the City Spies
Sara Martinez is in jail after hacking into New York’s juvenile justice system to turn in her foster parents. She gets the surprise of her life when her lawyer turns out to be a man called Mother, who reveals himself to be a British spy. He whisks Sara away to Scotland where she joins a secret team of MI6 made up of other kids like herself. Sara has joined them just weeks before their next mission – infiltrating an ecological conference to stop a group that is out to sabotage it. Will Sara be far enough along in her training to be an asset to her team? Will they succeed in their mission?

I saw this new series debut recommended by another author I love, and I’m so glad I did. This middle grade book is fast paced. We get plenty of set up, but everything is introduced as part of the story, so it never slows things down. Once the mission begins, the pace picks up even more, and I couldn’t put the book down. Some of the elements are a little over the top, but I just reminded myself this is a spy story and got right back into the book. We don’t get to know all the characters well yet, but we definitely saw some growth in Sara and a few others, and what we saw of them is great. There are some truly heartwarming moments as well as moments that made me laugh. This is a fantastic middle grade book for readers of all ages.
Dark Empathy (Compound Series #1)
Dark Empathy (Compound Series #1)
Katy Morgan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DARK EMPATHY is the first book in an action-packed world where some people have special abilities. It's not all good though, as they can be captured and taken to The Compound, where they will be assessed and who knows what else...

Henry is a Captain of a Retrieval Team and is sent to capture an escaped asset, Bastian, an empath. Empaths are exceedingly rare but, as Henry and Bastian find out, Bastian is not the only one.

This story is full of twists and turns, although the big bad is identified easily enough. It's more the machinations of the Compound, and the people within it, that make this story so interesting.

There is a slight romance between Henry and Bastian but it doesn't take over the book. In fact, they go from being colleagues to declaring love. This is definitely an action book first and foremost.

One thing I would say is that internal thoughts and monologues are written within parentheses, instead of italics as is more common. Once I became used to this, it was okay, but it did throw me for a while.

On the whole, this was a thoroughly enjoyable book that gives the usual Sci-Fi Talents a twist that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Lila and the Crow
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lila and the Crow by Gabrielle Grimard is a beautiful story dealing with and sad and very
real issue. Lila arrives at her neScreen Shot 2016-06-21 at 9.04.55 PMw school with the hopes of making new friends; however, instead of being welcomed with open arms she is welcomed with a mean comment. It only takes that one comment to destroy her confidence.

The first day with the first comment was the start of ruining her confidence. The comment came from one student but there are other students who either stand by and allow the comments to come or join in laughing. Eventually, Lila decides not to let the differences defy her but to embrace the differences. This book will show children that there will be situations where other children will hurt of mock them but that they should stand up and not allow the situation to ruin their day, month or year.

This book will open the floor to have a discussion about bullying and how it should not happen and if it is, that you should help the person instead of joining in the bullying or being a bystander. Everyone is different and this book can teach children to embrace and accept the differences.

The illustrations are wonderful, they show such great emotion in the characters as well as creating a mood that fits the story. Lila and the Crow will be a great asset to any home, classroom or library.
The Turncoat&#039;s Widow
The Turncoat's Widow
Mally Becker | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spies and Mystery During the Revolutionary War
It’s been six months since Rebecca Parcell lost her husband on a British prison ship, and the rumors in town that she is the one who turned him in to the British are only growing stronger. So when she gets an offer from General Washington, she is quick to listen. It seems that her husband was spying for whoever would pay him the most money, and Washington wants to know about his network, including the British spies he was going to identify. In order to help Washington, Rebecca travels to New York City with Daniel Alloway, a man she barely knows but who was on the ship with her late husband. Will they be able to find the network of spies in time to stop a plot?

This is definitely a shade darker than the cozies I typically read, but it is only just a shade darker. I was delighted to find a mystery set during the Revolutionary War, and the book does a great job of bringing that time period to life. The plot starts out well and only gets stronger as it goes. By the end, I was racing to find out what would happen next. I did find the romance between Rebecca and Daniel to be the weak point of the book, but that was minor. The characters, real and fictional, are strong, and using both Rebecca and Daniel to tell the story is a real asset. I’m glad I found this series, and I can’t wait to find out where the characters go next.
Effective Leaders and Leadership by Mildred Stallworth
Effective Leaders and Leadership by Mildred Stallworth
Mildred Stallworth | Business & Finance, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Reference
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simple easy ready that allows you to reinforce the other information you have already been taught. (0 more)
A lot of the same information that a lot of others have already covered in the ground. (0 more)
“The best leaders are the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants to do, and the self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

Mildred Stallworth takes us on the journey of what a leader actually is. She breaks it down to being defined as the head or principle person and authority figure with the most significant position in the business, organization household, body or group of people. She points out all leaders needs to be prepared and ready for the task; how each should open to the thoughts of others and be able to put others before themselves. Mrs. Stallworth take on leadership is not a new concept, in fact, many have spoken on the same points. What makes her thoughts and process different are that she goes beyond the thoughts of others and speaks of spiritual leadership also. She takes the knowledge from other leaders and even the bible to give direction on what a leader actually is beyond quotes.
This is a good book that is you give yourself a couple of hours you can easily start and complete but if you are wise you will have a highlighter close by and keep it close because you can use it as a great reference later on and continue to come back to for a future refresher. I would advise spending the little bit of the cost for this book and read it for yourself. It will be a wonderful asset to anyone in a leadership position, whether a parent, supervisor or pastor.