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Blue Moon Rising (Forest Kingdom #1)
Blue Moon Rising (Forest Kingdom #1)
Simon R. Green | 1989 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once upon a time ...

this was my favourite book.

That was back in the early 90s, back when I was in my tweens and back before I had discovered the likes of Terry Pratchett or Bernard Cornwell.

I then lost track of the author for a good two decades or so, only recently re-discovering him when I happened to chance across the 'GraphicAudio' version of the novel on Audible.

I did wonder what a GraphicAudio meant: simply that it was fully dramatized with a full cast, background music, sound effects etc etc - basically, everything but the actual visual aspect! - instead of only one, maybe two, no more than a handful of people reading the story.

As for that story? Firmly in the fantasy genre - Princes, dragons, unicorns, Princesses, magic, royal politics et al - however I do remember when I first read it all those years ago thinking that I had never come across anything quite like it before. That still holds true to this day: yes, it does have all those familiar elements of a classic Good vs Evil story, but the real delight is in the subverting of expectations, and in the story of Rupert and Julia and the DarkWood / Blue Moon.
The Queen Of Bloody Everything
The Queen Of Bloody Everything
Joanna Nadin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A challenging mother/ daughter relationship.
This starts in 1976 and really captures the feelings and experiences of someone growing up through the 1970s and 1980s in the UK. There are so many familiar cultural references: from Margaret Thatcher to Mivvi ice lollies.
I listened to this through Audible, and I think the narrator was exactly the right choice. Dido, the main character, starts off as a six year old in 1976. We follow her through a difficult childhood with her single, bohemian, hard and fast living mother, Edie, in a very conservative small town. There are times where I wondered who the adult actually was. There is no doubt that Dido loves her mother no matter how difficult she is, but it's also evident that she is largely responsible for the direction that Dido's life takes. Dido is mainly cared for by the Trevelyans, who she meets on the day she and her mother move in to the house left to Edie in her aunts will. Mrs Trevelyan is clearly disapproving of Edie (as are a lot of people in their small town). Dido attempts to become part of the Trevelyan family, and she does succeed in time.
I loved all of these characters and the way their lives played out, and I think the use of the first person narrative was really effective. A really lovely book.
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
2003 | Horror
Has there ever been another movie that more profoundly screams "Halloween" than this one? If there is, I have yet to see it. A front-to-back phantasmagoria of blood, ick, and some of the all-time greatest horror movie imagery you'll ever see: what can only be described as a carnival of pure filth sprawled out in the form of a feature length Rob Zombie music video - the increasing amounts of bonkers gore, the unforgettable and outright euphoric production design, the horror-ready cast all grotesquely dolled up, the sheer headstrong devotion to being as revolting as can be all interspliced with film-grained smut footage, diagnostic seething Zombie tunes, and 50s/60s primetime television spookiness. Every frame just oozes old school shock and terror, a clear love letter to the sweaty stuck pig that was the 70s horror film meets a neon-soaked greasy stage provocation. Plus it's funny as hell, too. It's so eager to bash its brains up against the wall to please, the copious amounts of passion and work that went into this is always apparent on the screen - quite possibly the most self-assured and satisfying debut since the previous year's 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘩 𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦. A tremendous time inside and out that could only be possible by a seasoned visual + audible horror maestro and forever one of my go-to movies for the October season.
The Demon Next Door
The Demon Next Door
Bryan Burrough | 2019 | Crime
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Narrator too upbeat (0 more)
Informative but no depth
When audible originals offered this book up as part of their two free originals a month program, I just had to snag it. One of the weird quirks I have is that I hate mysteries, but I LOVE true crime. This 2 hour and 45-minute novella was right up my alley. When I was looking for something short to listen to, I decided that this something different than the romance books that I'm currently reading.

The information in this novella was interesting and well researched but still lacked depth. Most of the information that was presented in this book felt glossed over. One of the things I thought Bryan Burrough was exceptional at was not being too graphic about the crimes. Unfortunately, it seems that that lack of detail was present throughout the entire book. I would have loved to see more information about the background of the individuals and the town itself.

Something else that felt off in this audiobook was the narration. Steve White is an excellent narrator, but I don't feel that he was the right choice for this book. His intonations seemed to be too upbeat for a true crime novel about rape and murder. I would have preferred a more somber tone & his voice did not do this book justice.

All in all, this was an okay book. The details were interesting, but I wish that there would have been more depth to it.
Lost Children Archive
Lost Children Archive
Valeria Luiselli | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a NetGalley book that I forgot I had, and ended up listening to with my Audible credit 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyway, I thought it lent itself really well to audio, particularly as the main adult characters, the mother and father, work in sound. The father creates soundscapes, and the mother interviews people.

The parents are clearly at odds with one another, both wanting to progress their careers in different ways. The father wants to make a soundscape of Apacheria where the last tribes had lived, and the mother wants to help a friend to find her lost children. They had been sent to the US with a coyote (a guide), had been found and sent to a detention centre - but they had subsequently gone missing. The mother discovers that these lone children have been disappearing on this journey for a long time.

The lost children hits close to home when the parents own children go missing.

I really enjoyed this. I loved how the two stories - the journey of the children, and that of the children in the mothers book who are being smuggled from Mexico - were intertwined. I enjoyed the way that the narratives swapped between the mother, the boy and the immigrant children, although the lines often became blurred between reality and the mothers novel.

It is in parts both devastating and informative, particularly in the times that we live in. This isn’t an easy book, but its well worth the read.
Alien: Out Of The Shadows
Alien: Out Of The Shadows
Tim Lebbon | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Alien: Out of the Shadows.

Or, more precisely, the audiobook version of it, since that's the one I read (listened to?), picking it up as part of an audible trial where it was presented as, essentially, a series of podcasts.

Set between the events of the original Alien and it's sequel Aliens (the one with a 'S' at the end) and starring Ellen Ripley (or her sound-alike), you might wonder how Ripley never once mentioned the events of this at all in any of the later films.

You might wonder it, but it is explained away towards the end of this.

The story starts with her escape pod being picked up by the mining vessel Marion, a mining vessel orbiting the planet LV178 but which - just prior to picking Ripley up - has been knocked out of its orbit and had its communications array damaged by a shuttle coming up from the planet: a shuttle crewed by miners from that planet, and that has picked up some unwelcome guests.

What follows is a series of events and encounters, with the surviving members of the crew being picked off one by one as they attempt to find a way out of their predicament.

And, I have to say, the actress voicing Ripley sound amazingly like her, while Rutger Hauer is also suitably menacing in his role, while the background beeps and whirrs and hisses etc all add to the atmosphere.

It's also no surprise that this won an 'Audie award for excellence in production' in 2017.
Alien: River of Pain
Alien: River of Pain
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second (or is it third? Audible has it 2nd, but I've also seen it called #3? Maybe 3rd produced, but 2nd set?) of - currently - 3 canon Alien novels, this takes part largely alongside the early parts of the movie Aliens, cutting back and forth between Ripley and the inhabitants of the colony of Hadley's Hope.

Remember I said alongside the start of Aliens? To put that into context, this is - largely - filling in the gaps in the movie, between the point at which Ripley's escape pod is picked up, and the arrival of the Marines (and Ripley, and Burke) to that colony, after all communication with it is lost. As such, there are several scenes in here which are lifted straight from that movie, with some - slightly - expanded upon.

It also gives a reason why Newt is the only survivor found hiding in the air-ducts ("They mostly come at night. Mostly"), why there's Alien Face-huggers in jars in the colony, why the marines are so hyped up when we first meet them in the film (they're just back from R&R), and even why Newt's family went out prospecting in the first place.

Worth a read/listen? Yes, although I have to say that there are elements of this that reminded me quite a bit of the 90s comic/novel "Aliens: Nightmare Asylum" - especially in some of the characters - and that it just seems weird, now, that the presence of Marines on the planetoid, pre Ripley and co, are never mentioned at all!
I'm calling my chimp Clarence.

Not that long ago, I picked up the sequel (for want of a better word) of this on Audible, as part of their 30 day trial. That was The Silent Guides, and largely wasn't really all the relevant to me. However, it did have a short section in which the author summarised his previous work (this), enough to arouse my curiosity.

After finishing it, I still had some credit left, so thought I would pick that earlier work.

So, what is the Chimp Paradox? Basically, it's a metaphor: Dr Steve Peters has us imagining our minds as (largely) split into 3: The 'Computer' where we store experiences and information, the Chimp (who always acts first and is the emotional part of our mind) and the Human (or us, the more logical part).

This work then provides more details on each of these, and on how they affect our day-to-day life along with theories and suggestions on how to improve said day-to-day life through (and I quote) 'managing our chimp'.

This, I felt, was more relevant to me and my circumstances than the later work (which I picked up first): there were elements in this where I could find myself going "oh, that's an idea … maybe I'll do that …" or "oh, right, I see what he's getting at here …".

Maybe not life changing or the be-all-to-end-all, but it does have some useful suggestions, yes (it's just a pity that Steve Peter's voice is a bit monotone!)

Karl Hyde recommended Inside Out by John Martyn in Music (curated)

Inside Out by John Martyn
Inside Out by John Martyn
1973 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It may seem like a change of tack, but it’s not actually. This is his most processed album. This is what I’m a fan of John Martyn for and something I don’t think anyone else has ever done before. It’s that sort of processed acoustic guitar that features a lot on my solo record, where the guitars are so heavily processed. John did this brilliantly. I saw him tour this album – it was one of the first gigs I ever saw as a youngster. It was astonishing hearing him making these beautiful soundscapes on a battered old Martin guitar through a delay line and a fuzz box. Not only was he a master of the guitar, he was also a master of processed sound. He used the voice in the way, again, that was like a tone generator. The words were barely audible but they made tones, in the way that Miles Davis might play his horn. Sometimes he’d sing in a completely different key. It was all about where he positioned the sound and the timbre. I don’t think he ever released another record that explored the acoustic process in the way that he did here. I know people that worked with him and had his effects pedals – I tried to get hold of them for this project (Edgeland) but they were long gone. It was a reference point for me for this album. I wanted to take that concept on, and Inside Out was my jumping off point."

The Sandman (Audible Original #1)
The Sandman (Audible Original #1)
Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs | 2020 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well. Flipping heck. I’m a huge fan of the graphic novels, so I was both hesitant and wildly excited (it’s confusing to be me sometimes) when this popped on to my radar. Of course I preordered it off Audible, I’m not completely daft, and just in time for our holiday in Scotland. A nice, seven hour drive from Chester to the Black Isle (near Inverness - it’s beautiful there, by the way) and time well spent listening to this.

The cast was excellent: James McAvoy as Morpheus/ Dream/ The Sandman (they’re all the same person), Michael Sheen as Lucifer, and a host of other excellent voice actors: Rio Ahmed, Kat Dennings, Taron Egerton, Samantha Morton, Bebe Neuwirth, Andy Serkis and Miriam Margolyes. There are more actors, and they were all wonderful. It was ALL wonderful - it stuck faithfully to the original graphic novels, and Neil Gaiman narrated wonderfully ( I know I need a thesaurus, but ‘wonderful’ is THE word!). Whatever that man touches is golden, it seems to me.

Can you tell I liked it? Actually, I LOVED it. I usually fall asleep on long car journeys (I get terribly car sick, and I don’t drive 🤷🏼‍♀️), but I stayed awake for the whole time - and didn’t feel sick at all (even during the gory bits!).

The most potentially exciting part for me, is that it says ‘#1’. So I’ve set up my waiting post (I have to work out what that is exactly. I see it as a mental waiting room).
I can’t wait!!