Puppet Pals HD
Education and Entertainment
Spring/Summer SALE 20% off "Purchase Entire Catalog"! Create your own unique shows with animation...

Cloud QR Scanner
Education and Productivity
QR Reader optimized for kids. Simple to use, no ads, no in app purchases, no tracking. Cloud QR...

SDA Hymnal Pro
Book and Reference
SDA Hymnal Pro contains all hymns of the Seventh-Day Adventist Hymnal both audio and lyrics,...

Spike Milligan: The Complete War Memoirs
The most hilarious military career ever embarked upon, from Britain's funniest old soldier Spike...

HDTV and Home Theater Podcast
The HT Guys, Ara Derderian and Braden Russell, are Engineers who formerly worked for the Advanced...

Take it from Here: Series 1, 2 & 4, Pt. 1
This title features four classic episodes of the much-loved radio comedy from the earliest surviving...

Scripting the Environment: Oil, Democracy and the Sands of Time and Space: 2017
This volume explores how to engage audiences both beyond and within the academy more deeply in...

Linux Pocket Guide
If you use Linux in your day-to-day work, this popular pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job...
Modern Recording Techniques
David Miles Huber and Robert E. Runstein
Modern Recording Techniques is the bestselling, authoritative guide to sound and music recording....

Transgression 2.0: Media, Culture, and the Politics of a Digital Age
David J. Gunkel and Ted Gournelos
This book addresses the multifaceted aspects of transgression in the digital age, from piracy to...