Evermusic Pro - offline music
Music and Productivity
Free up disk space on your iPhone or iPad and stream your music directly from the cloud or home...

Buzzcom - The bluetooth / wifi recording intercom
Social Networking and Utilities
Need to get somebody's attention? Want to alert a colleague? A bit bored at work or school, want to...

FLAC Player
Music and Entertainment
The Original audiophile-quality music player designed for lossless, gapless playback of FLAC albums...

Adobe Connect
Business and Productivity
Attend meetings, webinars, and virtual classrooms with Adobe Connect. View and participate, present...

NPR for iPad
News and Music
***In the App Store Hall of Fame*** Experience NPR as a delightful magazine! The NPR iPad app...

English Verb Conjugator Pro
Education and Reference
View almost 2000 English verbs in 20 tenses. With simple navigation and built in search, you can...

Puppet Pals Pocket
Education, Entertainment and Stickers
Create your own unique shows with animation and audio in real time! Simply pick out your actors...

David Attenborough: The Early Years: Plus David Attenborough in His Own Words
Three of David Attenborough's early adventures are collected here, along with a fascinating...

National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Handbook
The NAB Engineering Handbook is the definitive resource for broadcast engineers. It provides...

WordWeb Dictionary
Reference and Education
The WordWeb English dictionary and thesaurus: fast searching, spelling suggestions, definitions,...