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1st To Die (Women’s Murder Club #1)
1st To Die (Women’s Murder Club #1)
James Patterson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Travel
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
51 of 250
1st to die ( Women’s murder club book 1)
By James Patterson

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As the only woman homicide inspector in San Francisco, Lindsay Boxer has to be tough. But nothing has prepared her for the honeymoon murders. A brutal maniac begins a killing spree, slaughtering newlywed couples, and Lindsay takes on the case. She is sickened by the deaths, but her determination to bring the murderer to justice is threatened by a personal tragedy. So she turns to Claire, a coroner, Cindy, a journalist, and Jill, an attorney, for help with both crises: and the Women's Murder Club is born.

I actually listened to this on audio and found some parts very 70s porn video! The narrators were ok. As for the book I gave a very generous 3 I like Patterson and his writing style I did find some of it a little wooden and predictable but over all I enjoyed the book. He is one of those writers who has a formula and sticks to it!
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