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Meet Me In London
Meet Me In London
Georgia Toffolo | 2020 | Art, Photography & Fashion, Film & TV
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance audio copy

I love Toff and I love fake dating and I love Christmas so really this should have been right up my street. I'm going to chock my thoughts on this book up to me not being in the right headspace to pick it up. I put it off a little waiting for the wintery season and when it finally came time I just wasn't in the mood so that definitely coloured my perception a little. I actually ended up quite enjoying this by the end but it was a slow starter for me. I love that Toff decided to narrate the audiobook herself but I didn't particularly enjoy her narration (again this spawns from my previous reads leaving so much to be desired and not being in quite the right headspace). All in all not a bad read but not a particularly great one either.
Raging Bull (1980)
Raging Bull (1980)
1980 | Drama

"So, Raging Bull. We got a young De Niro, who put the weight on and took it off. “I got no choice!” I mean again, its something very specific to a culture and neighborhood. A young Pesci, Scorsese, all the acting in it, I just connected with it. I laughed and I got uncomfortable at the same time. I felt every emotion every time I watch that film. That’s a great night at the cinema for me when I’ve laughed, when I’ve cried, when I was angry, and when I was turned on. All of those emotions are happening when I watch that film. It’s like putting my favorite audio book on. Sometimes I can just close my eyes and listen to them talk, and there’s such a rhythm. It just feels so authentic and this is just regular conversation. It was almost like they didn’t even have a script. I think that’s a testament to the acting and the writing."

Wildling (2018)
Wildling (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror
A child who has been protected from the Wildlings by her Daddy finds out that her life isn't what she thought it was.

Not quite as horror as I was expecting, the fantasy nature of this one made it much more enjoyable.

A good story with a nice progression to it. It was nice to see Liv Tyler in something after what seems like such a long time. I was also pleased to see Brad Dourif, he's the face you always see in things, and he's always just a little creepy.

The audio effects were good in this one, the extra little grumbles and noises as she's becoming less human, and the enhanced hearing. Each bit comes together to add something to the scenes. I didn't feel like the visual effects quite met up to their standards though.

Still though, this was an enjoyable watch, and although there were some predictable bits everything was genuinely entertaining.
    Archiver for iPad

    Archiver for iPad

    Utilities and Productivity

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    Archiver for iPad – an app, that will allow you to work with popular archive formats on your iPad ...

    iSoftPhone - VoIP SIP Phone

    iSoftPhone - VoIP SIP Phone

    Productivity and Business

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    iSoftPhone for iPhone and iPod Touch is a SIP-based phone specifically designed for the Apple mobile...

    Browser & File Manager

    Browser & File Manager

    Utilities and Productivity

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    a web browser, a download manager, a file manager, a photo viewer and a document viewer, so let’s...

    Wind & Weather Meter

    Wind & Weather Meter

    Weather and Utilities

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    WEATHERmeter and WINDmeter are both fully compatible with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus (using the...