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Ned Kelly (2003)
Ned Kelly (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama, Western
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Biopic 101

Story: Ned Kelly starts in 1871 Australia where an Irish family the Kelly’s have settled in with the eldest son Ned (Ledger) ends up getting into trouble with the law, that has always targeted his family, seeing him placed in prison for a couple of years. Once out Ned does start to try and turn his family’s luck around with his friends Joseph Byrne (Bloom) and Aaron Sherritt (Edgerton), while working for an English family where Ned falls for Julia (Watts).
When Ned gets framed for assault by the constable that has always been out for his blood, his family gets targeted, but not the police are not going to stop until they have his head, forcing Ned to go on the run to protect his family, making him one of the most wanted criminals in the world.

Thoughts on Ned Kelly

Characters – Ned Kelly is a young Irish man that has always seen his family targeted by the law, he has gotten himself in trouble because of this, which sees him falsely accused and becoming a target. Ned refused to back down from the law needing to go on the run, leading to him becoming an outlaw taking from the rich inspiring the poor as he fights for what is right and his family’s pride. Joseph Byrne is Ned’s best friend, he will stand by his side through his battles, needing to do the right thing. Superintendent Francis Hare is the man charged with capturing the Kelly gang, he doesn’t want to hear the story, he just wants them gone. Julia Cook is an English woman that Ned was working for, she is one of the few that will help him seeing the good in his nature, but being held back by her own family.
Performances – Heath Ledger does a great job here showing how he wanted to break his pretty boy image, this performance makes this happen with ease. Orlando Bloom in the supporting role is strong without being truly great, while Geoffrey Rush feels wasted, with him being involved but not getting too much screen time, same goes for Naomi Watts, she just doesn’t get enough time to shine.
Story – The story here follows the innocent man that gets forced into become an outlaw who becomes the most wanted man in Australia. This story shows how settlers in other countries would always be unfairly targeted by the locals who saw them as threats, how people’s words could create outlaws because nobody would listen or understand the truths within a world. The story is only really told from Ned’s which will always make him look like the innocent man he was, but we do hear and see that most of the group have served time, so they might not be as innocent as they look (this is only from what the film shows, not what I know about the truth).
Action/Biopic/Western – The action is everything you would expect from a western, we have seen the shooting like always. The biopic does only show one side of the story and it does feel like there is more to tell.
Settings – The film utilises the location to show how Ned Kelly has to go into hiding and including the showdown.

Scene of the Movie – The showdown.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – It does seem one sided.
Final Thoughts – This is a by the book biopic that showed one of the most famous outlaws in Australia, though it doesn’t seem to reach an intensity level that it could have.

Overall: Nice biopic.
Upside Down (Off the Map, #1)
Lia Riley | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*** I received this book in exchange for an honest review. ***

Let me first start off with... WOW! I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The pacing was perfect! The characters are so great! The journey was beautiful. The story on some levels almost made me feel like I was reading a Jessica Park novel.

The setting of Australia was an awesome choice, and something I'm completely unfamiliar with. Also, the way Lia Riley uses slang terms that Australians use really brought the atmosphere and setting to life for me.

I was so happy when I saw Lia Riley was going to tackle OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and I wasn't sure how this was going to work, especially with love story and making sure that all the pieces fit perfectly in place. She did it. Boy, did she do it.

Talia its a great character. When you first meet her she's sad, safe, reserved and mourning the loss of her sister Pippa. Talia is on a mission, and going to Australia might be the answer to her problems, but she has no idea. See, Talia has OCD, and her father and her therapist is worried about her trying to move around the world for six months. But she's confidant that this is what she needs to create Talia 2.0.

Enter Bran. He's the perfectly hot surfer, and when he crosses paths with Talia his world changes forever. Bran has his own demons to try and escape, and he's been so emotionally damaged that he doesn't do love. He doesn't get close to people. Bran calls his parents by their first names, and he's slept with more girls than he can count.

The relationship that Talia and Bran have evolves so much throughout this book, and its a beautiful thing watching it grow. It isn't insta love, just add water. Nope, they are both damaged and trying to relearn love at it's basic most primitive level.

Upside Down is the first book in the Off the Map series, and I can't wait for the second book! I am sad I have to part with Bran and Talia, but I know more is coming soon. I gave this book four stars for its creativity and freshness. Upside Down is a beautiful tale of life, death, love, and two lives from opposite sides of the planet that bring two people together who fit perfectly.
    Mensa Brain Test

    Mensa Brain Test

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