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JT (287 KP) rated Rogue (2008) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Rogue (2008)
Rogue (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Along the quiet river banks of the Australian outback, buried deep within the baron red plains that surround desolate bush, lies a fear, a fear that lurks beneath the murky waters. Greg McLean does to boat trips what backpacking did for Wolf Creek, after seeing it you’re going to want to steer well clear of ever doing it.

Pete (Vartan) is a travel writer, sent around the world to exotic locations he finds himself in a place that he has no idea about. Taking a boat trip up the river with a bunch of people that we really won’t care much about, he goes in search of what the territory has to offer.

Leading the tour is Kate (Mitchell) someone who is the polar opposite to Pete and has never traveled out of her comfort zone once. As the boat glides up the river McLean makes sure he includes sweeping shots of the quiet picturesque landscape, of which is beautiful.

The focus of course is on the salt water crocodile’s that populate the river itself, a quick lesson from Kate about these prehistoric looking creatures sets up for the carnage that is only minutes away. Once the boat is capsized the unfortunate crew end up stranded on an island surrounded by a fast rising tidal river, with no direct route off it.

Like any monster movie we only ever catch glimpses of the predator (at least until the very end), a tail there, a moving ripple in the water there. The stranded patrons of course go through the motions, there’s infighting, emotion, selfishness and a coming together that in the end they are going to be able to escape the island.

It does carry a fairly decent degree of suspense even though it is predictable in places, and has an ending which quite frankly is a little preposterous.

The story line is as basic as it can get and the script is not brilliantly written, the acting has its moments with characters that don’t really have time to reveal their back stories to great effect, before a few all but disappear between the teeth of the seven foot beast.

It’s not overly gory but does have some scenes for those that are blood thirsty. On a whole it’s a decent flick, not as terrifying as Wolf Creek but holds itself well for the 100 minute run time.
Creepy and Maud
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I wanted to love this book, I really did. The blurb made me think of Rainbow Rowell's Eleanor & Park. However, this book just fell a bit flat for me.

The title did catch my attention especially since it had the word Creepy in it.

I like the cover of the book. It's just so simple, yet interesting. I think it definitely fits in with the book since the two characters converse from their bedroom windows.

The world building was believable. Most of the story takes place within the confines of Creepy's window and sometimes from Maud's window. It's a very believable setting.

The pacing was really slow. I kept hoping it would pick up at some point, but it never did. At no point, did it pick up even a little bit.

I think the plot had the potential to be interesting. Creepy watches Maud from his bedroom window. Eventually, Maud notices, and they start writing notes to each other and put them in their bedroom window. Maud has a disorder where she pulls out the hair on her body. Creepy is just a strange teen. I just felt that their was no plot development. I kept waiting for some action or plot twist to happen, but nothing did. It's just two teens conversing from their windows.

I liked Maud and Creepy. They have their problems, but they are still likable enough. However, I felt there was no character development either. It would've been nice to have a bit more back story on both characters. All we're told is that Maud and Creepy's families hate each other. It is explained a little bit as to why at least.

Some of the wording is Australian phrasing which I had a hard time understanding. However, it only happens now and again, so the book is easy to understand for other cultures. There is some swearing, but nothing too bad. There is a little bit of violence but no sex or sexual references.

Overall, Creepy & Maud by Dianne Touchell just falls flat from lack of character and plot development. The writing itself wasn't bad though.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend this book unless it has some tweaking when it comes to the characters and the plot.

(I won this book from a competition. I was not required to write a review).
The Nightingale (2018)
The Nightingale (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Brutal and beautiful
In 1825 Tasmania, a young wife and mother experiences brutal atrocity against her family by the British soldiers in her midst. With her entire world shattered, the battered and broken young woman embarks on a quest for revenge. Not thinking clearly through her grief, she decides to escapade through the harsh and unforgiving countryside with only a native guide to show her the way and maybe catch those who have violated her world. Haunted by the images of her recent past, Clare is tortured by what she remembers, but needs to persevere for her wits to remain intact.

The path is ripe with treachery. The jungle can be beautiful and harsh simultaneously. Her guide is reluctant to lead the way and has to be bribed to do so. Clare, the young woman, has to deceive her real motives and says she has to meet her husband who as gone on ahead a few days journey. The duo have several unforgiving encounters while tracking the soldiers. The soldiers themselves continually perpetrate barbarism on those they encounter as their own guide takes them on an equally perilous journey through the unforgiving countryside.

Clare's quest for revenge and redemption could end up costing her her own life and soul in the process.

Writer/director Jennifer Kent is now one I will start having to keep my eye on for her future theatrical endeavors. First she spooked us all in the cleverly inventive, The Babadook, and now shows us a glimpse as to the brutal world of 1825 in unrelenting realism. The Australian county is go gorgeous during the day, but during the night presents many ghouls and strange sounds.

The intrigue the film presents is not the brutality itself, but Clare's reaction to it and thus her sense of retribution. She presents strength and weakness sometimes at the same moment, but you feel for her, her tough life and her struggle to meander through it. She wanders from soul to soul trying to get help, but finds few who are willing to help her.

The leading role for actress Aisling Franciosi was astonishing. Her portrayal of Clare was honest, heartbreaking and inspiring during different parts of the film. She wasn't just a victim of violence then a heartless killer, she shows depth and compassion as well.

Some of the images the film shows the audience will be hard to forget any time soon, but I am so glad I found this film. Highly recommended.

Jasper Jones (2016)
Jasper Jones (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Charlie Bucktin is the teenager that is in the middle of the mystery about the death of the girl in the town. He befriends the one person everyone thinks it is as he must see the prejudice that the non-locals deal with being in the town. Ruth is Charlie’s mother that is always worrying about Charlie when he keeps breaking the curfew. Eliza is the sister of the dead girl, she becomes friends with Charlie as she needs someone to keep her feeling the right mind set during the wait. Jasper Jones is the outcast of the town who is easily the suspect the town will blame for the murder.

Performances – Levi Miller is good in the leading role, we have seen him in other movies and he has been making a reputation with this type of role. Toni Collette shines as we know she always will, she is such an incredible actress. Angourie Rice after The Nice Guys is an actress we want to see where she went next, here she is good and shows her potential. The rest of the stars are good for what they need to do.

Story – The story follows the mystery surrounding the death of a young woman and the mystery about who was the one responsible. We get secrets which help with the mystery as well as dealing with racial behaviour of the town’s people towards the ones that aren’t Australian. We do touch on other important subjects which come from the ending of the film, so won’t be spoiling them. This feels like a story that should have such a big impact though we don’t get enough time to process each moment to its full effect, this only disappoints because you do need to process large parts of this film.

Mystery – The mystery in this film comes from just wondering who was behind the death of the girl, even though this isn’t the only major talking point in the film as we end up seeing other subjects getting dealt with.

Settings – The small town setting in one that works for the film, it shows you could never know everything about your neighbours and you will need to be friends when things go wrong.

Scene of the Movie – The truth about the body.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – So many serious subjects, not enough time to process.

Final Thoughts – This does feel like a massively powerful movie that just doesn’t give us the time to process all the major talking points within the movie, this needed to be longer or a television show.


Overall: Too much to process at times.
Virtual Reef Diver
Virtual Reef Diver
2020 | Animals, Card Game, Educational, Environmental
Ahh, ze Great Barrier Reef. How I would love to see you! To swim with ze fishies and see ze beautiful colors! But alas, I am no great diver, and have only snorkled once – in ze Caribbean. I am very interested in ze marine life on ze reefs surrounding Australia, and so when I heard of a game from one of our favorite publishers (who happen to be Australian) featuring photos of ze Great Barrier Reef I knew I had to take a look.

Virtual Reef Diver is an educational card game that helps to bring awareness to happenings of the Great Barrier Reef and even implements ways for players to participate in the studies of this natural wonder. The winner(s) of the game is (are) the team who scores the most points at the end of three rounds, and also hopefully learns several new things along the way.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. It is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give a general idea of the feel of the game flow. You are invited to download the rulebook, purchase the game through the publisher directly, or through any retailers stocking it. -T

To setup, shuffle the Action card deck, the Reef Disturbance deck, and the Reef decks separately, placing them on the table. Each team, or player, may be given a Classification Card (reference card) as well. From the Reef deck deal 12 cards face-up on the table in a 3×4 (or 4×3 whatever) grid. Each round a new set of 12 cards will be dealt to the table. Determine the starting player/team and the game may begin!
Players will decide at the beginning of the game which mode they wish to play: Standard or Advanced. I will be previewing the Standard mode. On a turn a player will choose a card from the grid and attempt to identify its type: Hard Coral, Soft Coral, Algae, Invertebrates, Fish, Marine Mammals, or Technology. If correct, the player will collect the card as a trophy and it will be worth VPs at the end of the game. The next player may then take a turn identifying the type of card and collecting if correct, or leaving on the table if incorrect.

All cards are worth VPs except the Technology cards. These, once correctly identified, will allow the player to exchange it for an Action card to be used in the future. Action cards can be very powerful at different times during the game.

Once all 12 cards have been taken for the round the players will reveal a Reef Disturbance card. These typically will have players discarding cards of a certain type, or several cards at once. Some Action cards will negate these effects, so having them ready is great strategy. The grid may now be replenished and the second round started. The game ends at the end of the third round and players count up points to determine the winner!
Components. Again, while this game is in production, I treated it as a preview, and these are final components. That said, this game exists to benefit the Australian Government-funded citizen science website ACEMS. Further, this game is a bunch of cards in a box. The photos on the main Reef cards are mostly quite nice, with a couple looking perhaps a little outdated. The other graphics on the game are fine. They don’t get in the way, and are functional. The cards themselves are also fine quality. Nothing in the box is exquisite nor subpar at all.

The gameplay is something that I am struggling with as a reviewer. You see, this is a VERY different game depending on the mode you play. I will probably always play it on Standard mode because I can guess what type a card may be, but the Advanced mode also awards extra points for identifying the common name, taxonomic family (scientific name), and habitat of each card’s subject. That is for eggheads, man! I’m just a normal American-educated gamer. I don’t know that stuff! So the Standard mode is relatively easy to play and be good, where the Advanced mode is for those times when you have, let’s say, a Scrabble or Chess snob who revels in being the most intellectual person in the room. That’s not at all a bad thing, and I hope any real eggheads know I am kidding around. I am merely jealous at how smart many people are.

That being the case, this game would work well for a group of younger gamers eager to learn about the marine life on the Great Barrier Reef, or those looking for a relaxing quasi-trivia style card game. Need to amp it up and play on Advanced mode? Go for it. I’ll still be flailing about like a clownfish out of water trying to understand the difference between hard and soft coral and how to distinguish them. Seriously. Take a look for yourself and help out a VERY worthy cause in the process.
You&#039;re Next (2013)
You're Next (2013)
2013 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
EVERYTHING!!!!! (0 more)
One fucked up family gathering... Hey, who invited the sheep??
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I sing the praises of a movie in it's entirety, people who read my reviews know I think it's amazing.
First things first, let me get the blowing the writer put of the way... Simon Barrett is a God amongst horror writers. He brings you to the edge, makes you think you know what's going on and then drives a stake through you beliefs like Van Helsing...
Your typical home invasion movie turns into a sinister and diabolical insurance scam that deflates the typical nature of this formerly typical plotline... I know, I'm saying typical alot...fuckin bite me.
Adam Wingard is an absolutely kick-ass director who I personally have watched grow in the genre, and who I have come to trust when it comes to picking a film out... Regardless of what people say, had Death Note not been a successful anime series before he took the helm of the movie, it would've been glorified as a work or horror/fantasy art.
Take your (that word again) typical upper class family, stick them in a deserted home for a family get together. Add another horror director, Ti West, and Wingard and Barrett's favorite actors... Joe Swanberg, A.J. Bowen and Amy Seimetz... Dash in some Australian hottie, Sharni Vinson. And add one of the most amazing Scream Queens to ever grace the screen, Barbara Crampton. And chuck in some relative nobodies for fodder and you have the ingredients for a wild ride.
You're Next appeals to me because home invasions happen. It has a reality to it that can be matched by 2008's The Strangers and a more recent addition, Hush.
This movie delivers on all fronts.
The Killers are a band of ex Marines who are contracted but an unlikely source to carry out the deaths of rich mom and dad.
The children in the family are the height of dysfunctional, thus proving money can't buy you sanity.
And the twist in this movie proves that secrets can be hidden well in a script if the proper distractions are in place.
One thing I'd like to add before I end this is the masks work by the Killers are straight creepy. Whoever thought to put them in those is genius. And they made for some great marketing posters and internet spots.
Simple flat white masks that have not scared me to death since I was a child and seen the iconic Michael Myers for the first time.
Barrett and Wingard make movies that are more reality based and that scare the bejesus out of you.
Check out A Horrible Way to Die if you don't believe me. It will not disappoint.
Body Count (Sophie Anderson, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a somewhat rough and slow start, give or take the first 150 pages, BODY COUNT picked up steam with the turn of each page. Told in first-person, present tense narrative, the book introduces Australian transplant, Sophie Anderson, who now works as a profiler for the F.B.I. and is intent on catching the D.C. Slasher before he strikes too close to home.

Sophie is a sympathetic and smart protagonist, and I liked her even though she felt slightly distant to me; although her distance quite fit with her character. While many books feature headstrong females who idiotically go off half-cocked into precarious situations, I am happy to say Sophie was sensible enough that I don't remember her ever doing anything overtly stupid throughout the duration of the book. At first, I thought too much of the book was given to the romance between Sophie and Josh Marco, a fellow profiler, but luckily that trailed off and it became less of a focus. The psychic angle actually doesn't play as much into this series' first outing as I was led to believe from the synopsis, but it works in the book's favor, as it helps set up the characters and background, especially Sophie's.

Some parts of the book I thought unnecessary but they weren't anything big or too distracting to the plot as a whole. While it is easy to figure out who the serial killer is, if you've read enough mysteries, you're bound to determine who's the one; the fun is in how Sophie and the others get to that point. I did like the main motivation behind the killer and found it fresh and interesting. The passages told from the killer's perspective were especially well-done, very chilling and realistic, and they were at the end of most chapters.

Fast, fun, thrilling and full of twists and turns, BODY COUNT kept me riveted and refused to let me put the book down. Yes, it has some faults but they're minor and this book is a pretty darn good starter to the series.

Sophie Anderson series in order:
[b:Body Count|2440333|Body Count (Sophie Anderson, #1)|P.D. Martin||2447527]
[b:The Murderers' Club|2354961|The Murderers' Club (Sophie Anderson, #2)|P.D. Martin||2361686]
[b:Fan Mail|3578656|Fan Mail (Sophie Anderson, #3)|P.D. Martin||3620904]
[b:The Killing Hands|6980016|The Killing Hands (Sophie Anderson, #4)|P.D. Martin||6439761]
[b:Kiss of Death|7975977|Kiss of Death (Sophie Anderson, #5)|P.D. Martin||9636582]
Our Chemical Hearts
Our Chemical Hearts
Krystal Sutherland | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

So this is another book that was on my #Beatthebacklist TBR for 2017 and I don’t really know how I feel about this book!

Henry Page has always seen his friends fall in out of relationships so many times but that has never appealed to him before, he is more interested in his studies and becoming editor for the school newspaper. This all changes when Grace Town starts at Henry’s school and is offered co-editor. Grace is not like normal girls, she wears boys clothes, walks with a limp and her eyes constantly look pained. Whilst Henry gets to know Grace, he discovers the dark truths and how broken Grace Town really is.

My feelings on this book can be summed up in one word….MEH! I wasn’t blown away but I didn’t hate it either. I liked that this was told from a male perspective although written by a female author. I loved that there were references to fandom in the book.

At times this book was frustrating to read just because Henry knew that Grace was a broken soul and she had been telling him that and he just kept going back for more and get hurt over and over again. The problem is he see’s a picture of Grace on Facebook before all her troubles began and he wanted her to be like she was and he felt like he saw glimpses of that person break through when he was with her sometimes,however she was never going to be the same again and Henry just didn’t seem to realise this.

The characters were a bit hit and miss with this book, I really didn’t like his best friends. One was just portrayed as a stereotypical Australian with bad jokes and Lola just didn’t seem realistic. Henry was frustrating and a bit stalkerish. Grace was actually the only character that I thought felt genuine, she had flaws, she was grieving and very secretive about her past and she was a really fleshed out, three-dimensional character.

This is a short review as I don’t really know what to say. This book deals with grief, self harm and first loves. This has been compared as a hybrid between John Green and Rainbow Rowell. I can tell you now that the characters in this book are not as pretentious as the ones in TFIOS(sorry fans of John Green), but the book doesn’t have the same emotion and connection as Rainbow Rowell’s books.

I rated this book 2 out of 5 stars
The Boatman&#039;s Call by Nick Cave &amp; The Bad Seeds
The Boatman's Call by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
1997 | Alternative, Indie, Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I would say that Nick Cave is the greatest artist of my generation. I saw The Birthday Party about ten times and they only lasted a few years. I was lucky. I went to see them opening for Bauhaus, by accident. They blew Bauhaus away. I was like, ""What the fuck is this?"" There was this man in a vicar's dog collar, slapping the front row with a bible and a bass player wearing an Australian corked hat. They were fucked – they were more fucked than Iggy and I had given up looking for people more fucked than Iggy. I think The Birthday Party were the only band where Nick Cave was matched by other characters as big as he was. The Bad Seeds are a great band but Tracy Pew and Rowland Howard matched Nick Cave, which takes some doing. I was so lucky to have seen that band. I followed them around and saw them degenerate due to heroin abuse. Then, I watched Cave's transition into The Bad Seeds and I still thought he was a fascinating human being. I could have put The Birthday Party's second album, Prayers On Fire, on this list, but it is pretty unlistenable for most people. I chose The Boatman's Call because it was the first time he allowed himself to get really vulnerable through his love songs. I think it is a masterpiece and shows the breadth of his talent. There are five or six love songs on that record that are as good as Leonard Cohen's. It is a remarkable record. I have met him a number of times. Once, I pretended to be a journalist and interviewed him. He was probably still strung out on heroin and we nearly got into a fight. He threatened me and I didn't back down. A few weeks later, he found out who I was and then slagged off James in the NME. It didn't make me love him any less. It was just who he was at the time. I think he is still very damaged and hurt from his dealings with the press. He's been through the Amy Winehouse/Pete Doherty thing, where the press are sitting like vultures, waiting for him to die. I can imagine that he has coloured his view of journalism. I had a dream about Nick Cave on the night I got married, in which he told me his secret, magical voodoo name. I have never had the opportunity to tell him what his secret, magical voodoo name is, but I hope to one day. I guess that Nick Cave may hate James, but I don't care. I recognise his genius and I love him and wish him well."

Lake Placid (1999)
Lake Placid (1999)
1999 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Brendan Gleeson excels as a sarcastic and jaded local policeman, And Betty White is glorious as the batty old foulmouth. Stan Winston's physical special effects are great as ever. (0 more)
The script is just terrible, and most of the film is a painful and slow experience, with little action. CGI scenes can tend from ok to just terrible. (0 more)
The Toothless Croc Adventure that bit off more than it could chew
If you are big horror fan, like I am, then you will no doubt have seen and loved Jaws at some point.

The spectacular fear of something huge and unseen in the water, a perfectly evolved marine predator capable of tremendous power and speed, with a jaw size capable of cutting you in half.

Jaws hit on a very primal fear, that there is an unreasoning, prehistoric simplicity to the shark, that reminds us that until the last few thousand years, we were just another form of food for many creatures on this planet, and that we could be again, in the right circumstances.

It is this fear that also informs our love of Zombie movies, our disgust at cannibals and keeps us watching endless episodes of dirty, tired-looking people arguing in 'The Walking Dead'.

Where Jaws created a whole genre of horror in 'Killer Shark' movies, their reptilian counterparts have had to make do with a somewhat less successful series of outings, with Alligator, Croc etc

They just haven't quite hit our imagination in the same way, whether that be because of their comical waddle on land, or having watched an excited Australian man jumping all over them on TV (RIP Steve Irwin)...

Regardless, Lake Placid is the one that most remember from recent history, and having listened to a 'Horrow Show' Podcast on the film recently, I mentioned to my better half I wouldn't mind seeing it again, to see if it is as bad as it sounded.

Well last night, said better half suggested we watch it and boy oh boy...

So first off, Brendan Gleeson was by far the best thing about this movie, his one liners and grumpy demeanor were, for long periods, the best thing about this movie, shortly followed by the hilarious Betty White.

Stan Winstone, legendary physical creature effects maestro turns in some great stuff, and when they are dealing withe the physical creature, it is very effective but all too often they resort to CGI, which is passable but still tends to take you out of the moment..

Oliver Platt's casting as a crocodile expert playboy is amusing at first, then confusing and eventually just...well not laughable exactly as it isnt very funny, but strange certainly.

The movie languishes for long periods, focusing on the incredibly inert chemistry between leading lady Fonda, and wooden cardboard cut out Pullman, giving you poorly written rom com scripts where we signed up to see a giant Croc eat people.

Long story short, this movie is light on tension and action, heavy on clumsy exposition and strange casting choices, and it a poor relation to Jaws, which is more worthy of your time.