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The Resistance
The Resistance
2018 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Science Fiction, Spies / Espionage
Good party game (3 more)
Joins well with Avalon
Action cards easy the game
Good at adjusting to different group sizes
Heated games (2 more)
Can seem very basic as characters all equal
Very difficult to play with small groups
This was one of the go to games of my masters. It was enjoyable but ends with a lot of shouting. It can seem very basic if you have played other similar games like werewolf, mafia, and avalon
I enjoy some stories of avalon.. this one was good. I really enjoyed how Gwen is portrayed and how the writing shows her feelings and her life. The writing was amazing and I;m glad i got to review it
Avalon Rising (Metal & Lace, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Compared to <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Camelot Burning</a>,</i> the sequel definitely surpassed most, if not all, of my expectations.

I found <i>Avalon Rising</i> to be a lot more enjoyable than its predecessor. There aren't as many technical terms this time around, as Vivienne seems to be more focused on the mission the Lady of the Lake left for her near the end of the first book and helping Camelot's remaining refugees rebuild after the war with Morgan Le Fay. Soon, Vivienne finds out that some of the knights, including her brother and Marcus, have been missing for several weeks on their quest to find the Holy Grail and Avalon. She also finds out that Jerusalem, where the alchemist Azur resides, is attacked by the Black Knight and his men. Wanting to offer her help, Vivienne decides to leave earlier than what the Lady of the Lake originally planned, finding out that in doing so, she may have placed Marcus's life in danger.

The second <i>Metal &amp; Lace</i> novel is a lot more adventurous than the first one - Vivienne teams up with the castle blacksmith to find the missing knights, which is eventually intercepted by Merlin (who tends to be more of an obstacle this time around rather than actually helping Vivienne). They are then sent to free the Fisher King in the Perilous Lands, which actually results in several fantastic tests/trials for Vivienne to try and prove her worth to free the Fisher King and reveal the coordinates to Avalon. The trials that Vivienne goes through in <i>Avalon Rising</i> to find the knights and to reveal Avalon's coordinates almost felt like a female version of Percy Jackson in a medieval-esque world.

Vivienne also underwent a few changes as a character. She seems more temperamental, but is definitely extremely determined to accomplish what she wants to accomplish. A fantastic quality in a heroine, since Vivienne probably would have spent her time running away from pursuers who also want the coordinates to Avalon rather than doing something extremely interesting (like trying to resist using magic despite the pull).

<i>Avalon Rising</i> was a fantastic companion to <i>Camelot Burning</i> - I definitely look forward to reading the next book with the major cliffhanger Kathryn Rose leaves us with. Might I ask to review-nap this until the next book come out?

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Feb 1, 2021  
"No one talks to the cops. Everyone talks to the bartender. And Avalon Nash is one hell of a bartender."

TOUR & #GIVEAWAY - Death in Tranquility (Bartender's Guide to Murder #1) by Sharon Linnéa - @Archaeolibrary, @partnersincr1me​ (@PICVirtualTours - FB)​, @SharonLinnea, #Mystery,
The Resistance
The Resistance
2018 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Science Fiction, Spies / Espionage
Classes add additional layers of difficulty (0 more)
The theme isn't all that great (0 more)
Not The Best Social Deduction
The Resistance suffers, not because of any inherent flaw in the game, but because other games do social deduction better.

If you are looking for simplicity, and a fun theme, then Secret Hitler is a great intro into social deduction.

If you are looking for complexity, then the classes in Avalon are much better.
Glenn Rolfe | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Glenn Rolfe jumps right into action in his novel Becoming which is a nice change of pace from the majority of novels I read. Set in a small town by the name of Avalon, Rolfe introduces readers to an array of characters ranging from despicable to endearing. Some of them you’ll be happy to see go and others you’ll find yourself loathing Rolfe for getting rid off; one thing’s for sure: he has no qualms about killing off anyone in this fast paced book.

As I’ve said before: I don’t make a habit of researching writers before I read their work. In a way, it can be a spoiler as to their style or mannerisms. That said, either Rolfe has done a lot of research or he knows what small town life is like, because Avalon most definitely mimics the intricacies of rural life. Reading Becoming felt very much like being in my hometown. For that, I applaud Rolfe.

Normally I summarize the plot of the book. This time I’ll skip that for the sake of length since it can be read in the synopsis above regardless of whether this is posted on my site, Goodreads, or Amazon. It should be noted that there is no pause in the story for a breather; Rolfe forges onward without a single breather in his story, filling each page with non-stop action. This makes for a great read and a welcome relief from the tedium of many stories.

The downside to this is that some characters are only half finished. For instance, Crowley and the Lady of the Lake have sinister origins. We know they are baddies and the reason for what goes wrong, but we don’t really get any answers. We don’t know why Clint ends up sick and doesn’t function like he should or why a journal somehow ended up in his house or how Avalon came to be, just that it is.

Overall, Becoming is a pretty solid story if you don’t ask too many questions. There are a few typos that made it past final editing as well (I read the Kindle Unlimited versión instead of the ARC sent to me by the author since the file was lost due to technical difficulties).
After Impact (After Impact #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After Impact was a great start to a new thought provoking series. Avalon brought interest to a new look of how the world may handle an asteroid destroying life on earth. I liked actually reading a book where a younger girl actually acted appropriately for her age and that she was intelligent. The book keeps you wondering how society will not only function being the last few thousand alive on earth and waking from cryo-sleep hoping to find the outside earth environment liveable. In addition to that, we work through a mysterious illness and disappearance of some of the lower class residence. Of course we also have a good mix of love interests too. Overall an excellent young adult book and it's a clean read! Definitely recommended. I can't wait to read the next in the series.
Excalibur (1981)
Excalibur (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Boorman's utterly mad retelling/adaptation of the Arthurian legends (specifically Malory's The Morte d'Arthur), hitting all the key points of the tales:

Arthurs parentage via Uther and Ygraine
The whole 'Sword in the Stone' business
Arthur's marriage
The Lady of the Lake (Listen, just 'cos some watery tart chucked a sword at you ...)
Guinevere And Lancelot's, ummm, dalliance
The Search for the Holy Grail ("there's some lovely mud over here ...")
Arthurs death

(I'm not sure I've got all those in the right order)

Also starring some then up-and-coming but now well-known faces in Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson, this is also surprisingly brutal, with some full-on nudity scenes, with the entire film acting as a counterpart (of sorts) to the Monty Python version - parts of which I've quoted above.
The Resistance: Avalon
The Resistance: Avalon
2012 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Fantasy, Medieval
Do you appreciate your friends and your relationships with them? If so, please read no further. Do you want to dissolve your friendships and cause your family members to wonder what went wrong with you and never trust you again? Play The Resistance: Avalon with them.

The Resistance: Avalon (which we always just refer to as simply Avalon) is a game of hidden roles played over several rounds where the “good guys” from King Arthur’s court are pitted against the “bad guys” in Mordred’s thrall. The number of players at the table determines the number of players to be assigned to the good and bad guys squads and the required goals for victory for each team.

To begin, role cards are divvied up and players secretly find out which team they are on for the game. Blue background cards are good guys, red are bad guys. ALERT! Yes, already. I cannot tell you how many times games have been voided because a player was not quite sure what team they were on, so make sure your players know what’s up before continuing. From here a narrator player reads the script in the rulebook to give instructions to players with their eyes closed (a la Mafia or Werewolf). This allows different members of each team to know certain information about their own team or even the opposite team. Players are then instructed to open their eyes simultaneously and thus begins the game of facades.

A player is chosen at random to be the quest giver for now. This person then assigns other players to go on a quest. The “quest” is just a generic quest where it will either succeed or fail. Once the quest giver has made their choices, everyone at the table has a chance to vote to approve the quest team or deny the quest team. Simple majority vote wins. If the team is approved, the quest happens. If the team is denied, the next player in the circle becomes the quest giver and must create a new team of players to go questing.

Once approved, the quest team players are each given two cards: Success and Fail. Secretly, under the table works best, the players make their choices. ALERT! All good guys MUST CHOOSE SUCCESS CARDS so the quest can succeed. Bad guys can choose either one. The questers then pass their cards to an uninvolved player who will then shuffle the cards without looking at them. Once completed, the cards are revealed and thus the success or failure of the quest. If all cards are Success, then the quest was a success and the good guys mark this on the main board. If even just one Fail card appears the quest fails and the bad guys mark it on the main board. This continues until either the good guys win or the bad guys claim victory!

Components. The box is small (akin to the Tiny Epic size boxes). I’m not sure if the game comes with an insert because I won mine from a BGG auction. The cards included in the game are fine, and I sleeved mine because they get held quite a bit. The other miscellaneous tokens are nice and do the job well. This is a game that is less reliant on components, and much more so on game play.

If my intro seemed dark a foreboding, it was completely intentional. Have I witnessed friendships dissolving as a result of this game? Ok not entirely, but there have been some pretty amazing head turns and surprise reveals coupled with slapping and yelling. Not me, mind you, but others. In any case, this game is definitely one to check out if you are a fan of hidden role games and if you want to add tons of tension to your game night. I honestly have no idea why this game (or its older sibling The Resistance if you are more into that theme) isn’t in every game collection. Yes, I know, there are now TONS of hidden role games out there. But this is my favorite of the lot. By far.

We at Purple Phoenix Games are split somehow, giving this one 18 / 24. Obviously it is because Josh is a minion of Mordred and wants our review to fail.
All the Summer Girls
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not the type of thing I normally read, but I've been hearing a lot of good things about it from patrons at the library, as the book largely takes place in Avalon, and even makes mention of many recognizable local establishments. While that is kind of cool, it is not ultimately what made me like the book so much. The characters are interesting and the situations they find themselves dealing with are engaging and relatable. The writing does periodically feel a bit rambling, but more often than not the descriptive nature of the book only helps to pull one into the world being created. My only real complaint is that the climax of what is seemingly the central plot point seems to end a bit too abruptly. Not to say it isn't the ending I wanted, it just seemed like it was the one thing the author sort of glossed over, which seemed slightly disappointing. Still, a great book and perfect for reading on the beach on a warm Summer day.