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John Lydon recommended Doctor Who in TV (curated)

Doctor Who
Doctor Who
1963 | Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi

"when I was young, Doctor Who was wonderful. The Daleks were the thing. They were so evil, cold, dead, and emotionally devoid that it was a fairly good representation, really, of institutions. The cruelty of them. As a kid you're always just dismissed, viewed negatively, and given no hope or place in their scheme of things. It's still true today. Moreso than ever! And I used to love something the BBC used to do. They'd show Harold Pinter plays. Things that would take you outside of yourself and open yourself to different possibilities."


Jarvis Cocker recommended Not Real by Stealing Sheep in Music (curated)

Not Real by Stealing Sheep
Not Real by Stealing Sheep
2015 | Alternative, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

" I’m very lucky because I do it at the BBC, so there are no advertisements, and I’m allowed to choose all of the music myself and invite people in to interview them. For instance, there’s a group of girls called Stealing Sheep and I quite like their records, and there’s a label called Clay Pipe Music that releases really nice, short-run albums, often kind of pastoral sounds, sometimes electronic stuff. I can really just make the show two hours where I share stuff that I like with people. I love doing that."


Neil Tennant recommended Song of Summer (1968) in Movies (curated)

Song of Summer (1968)
Song of Summer (1968)
1968 | Biography, Documentary, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This was a BBC Omnibus drama about a young composer from Yorkshire, Eric Fenby, in the late 1920s. He reads that the composer Delius, also from Yorkshire, is now blind, partly paralysed and can no longer compose, with work left unfinished. Fenby manages to help him deliver those last works. It’s an elegiac film about the painful process of creating music and the end of a creative life. It’s very emotional, unsettling and moving. Delius is an incredibly tragic figure, both fragile and brutal. Russell was brilliant at creating images to accompany music."
