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Train to Busan (2016)
Train to Busan (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Horror
A zombie movie with a heart?
After reading some great reviews for this film (some on Smashbomb) I thought I would give this modern Korean zombie film a try.

Boy was I glad I did.

Nothing too complicated with the plot here. Just a straight escape the zombie hoard before they bite you and make you part of the global onslaught type thing.

The characters are not well explained for the most part, but you care about them anyways when bad things start to happen. Blood and guts are amped down in favor of tension instead which I liked. The chase scenes were great and keep me watching and on the edge of my seat.

For those who don't like foreign films no worries here. The action and story keep you going almost immediately and you forget you are watching and reading at the same time.

Highly recommended. (Find on Netflix currently).


ClareR (5589 KP) Oct 8, 2018

Ooh, this looks good!!


Andy K (10821 KP) Oct 8, 2018

I hope you'll like it.

One of us is Lying
One of us is Lying
Karen M. McManus | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
Five very different students walked into detention that day, and only four walked out! Outsider, and creator of the Bayview gossip app, Simon dies 24 hours before releasing a post about the other students he shared detention with, a post that would expose their deepest secrets online!
Bronwyn, the overachieving nerd, hoping to head to Yale, Cooper the star baseball jock, Addy the prom queen and Nate the bad boy, are all now looking at facing murder charges when the investigation uncovers Simon's last gossip column, pointing the finger in their direction.
Follow the Bayview 4 as they try to uncover the other secrets, prove their innocence and try to keep up with being teens in a normal high school.
McManus keeps the suspense building in this well written novel. Expect some twists and the odd red herring as you follow the journey of these four very likeable characters, thrown together in an unlikely friendship.
Rule (Marked Men, #1)
Rule (Marked Men, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I liked this, though I thought it was a little too long.

Rule was cool, he's a tattooed, pierced bad boy who slept around with anyone who was up for it at the start and in a way, I didn't like it. Then we met Shaw and I liked her influence on him. They may be polar opposites but they compliment each other quite nicely.

All the main characters were pretty amazing; Nash, Rome, Jet, Ayden, Cora, Rowdy...if I missed anyone I'm sorry! They were a fun bunch and I liked their interaction, teasing and flirting with each other.

I'm kinda sad that I missed "meeting" Remy, he seemed like he was a great person; friend and brother, and I understand why he didn't tell anyone his secret, though I kinda figured it out by about half way through.

A nice start to the series and I look forward to reading Jet, Rome and Nash's stories too.
Enola Holmes (2020)
Enola Holmes (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Crime, Drama
Not very mysterious
It could arguably be said that we don't need yet another incarnation of Sherlock Holmes and his family. And in the case of Enola Holmes, I'd have to agree.

Millie Bobby Brown is wonderfully endearing and enigmatic as Enola, and even Henry Cavill as Sherlock wasn't half bad (I actually wish there could have been more of him in this). The problem is the story and whole premise of this film. It's trying to say something about female empowerment but then contradicts itself constantly by Enola spending her entire time trying to outwit her brother and chasing around after a boy. It's also a little lacking in actually mystery - the story it puts forwards is rather dull and not particularly mysterious. This film seems to be aimed at a younger audience, and for adults is just an average kids film. Indeed this is probably a film best suited for young/teenage girls and not one I'd recommend if you're not a teenager!

Lawrence Kasdan recommended Yojimbo (1961) in Movies (curated)

Yojimbo (1961)
Yojimbo (1961)
1961 | Action, Adventure, Classics
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Yojimbo is the most entertaining movie ever made. Kurosawa’s flat-out entertaining. He said “I wanna make a movie that’s delicious enough to eat,” and that’s the way it is — it’s the most entertaining movie you can possibly think of. It’s been redone, as you know, as Fistful of Dollars, and it owes a lot to Red Harvest: It’s about any stranger that comes in to a corrupt town, and there are a lot forces at work. It’s very much like Red Harvest, Dashiell Hammett’s novel, in which he puts all the bad forces at work against each other. Yojimbo is hilarious. Toshirô Mifune in as great a role as he ever played, and he’s great in about 20 Kurosawa films. It’s just delightful from first shot, which is him walking along the road and then deciding where to go by throwing a stick up in the air and following the direction the stick lands, and he immediately comes upon a peasant boy who’s leaving home and wants a more exciting life, and that boy is seen throughout the film as he becomes involved in the criminal element in town; and at the end Mifune spares his life and tells him to go back to eating rice or whatever he’s complained about at the very beginning. The photography is phenomenal. Kurosawa’s the greatest filmmaker of all time. The use of lenses, the mise en scène — absolutely spectacular."

American Made (2017)
American Made (2017)
2017 | Mystery
Barry Seal is officially a pilot for TWA. Unofficially he also smuggles a few cigars around. Until the CIA catch him in the act. Now he's unofficially smuggling more than cigars, and not just for the CIA.

The adverts for this made it look like quite a good film, and I honestly couldn't believe that this actually happened. Well, I sort of can, but still.

I'm not a massive fan of Tom Cruise, I think possibly because all of his films I've seen don't give him much variation from who he is, but this one was different. It kind of made me feel he was the Del Boy of America. Always looking for a quick buck and a little bit bumbling. Even if it was on a much bigger scale. I don't quite think that Del Boy would have done well with cartels.

As is the way in Hollywood the story has been tweaked to suit the cinematic needs. Since writing the paragraph above I have read a bit more about Barry Seal and it seems the films as made him a bit more shiny for the purposes of marketing. And by that I mean that it sounds as if he wasn't quite as innocent at the beginning as the film makes it appear. But, that just from reading a few articles, I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

An enjoyable films though, that kind of made you root for the "bad guy".
This book took me entirely by storm! I had a feeling it was going to be good, but to what degree I wasn't sure. This book and its characters took me 100% by surprise. This book is easily on my top 5 best books of 2013.

I've know Ilsa Madden-Mills for several months leading up to the release of her debut novel. She is absolutely an amazing woman! Not only is she a brilliant author, but she is beyond fucking amazing when it comes to supporting her other friends who are authors and bloggers. I knew she had it in her, but I never imagined this... VBT has it all... love, sex, dark troubling past, and a hopeful future. Ilsa writes like a seasoned pro. In no way did I imagine a piece of work of this magnitude coming in the incredibly sexy package that is a debut novel like Very Bad Things.

VBT, has an amazing heroine, a tough as nails love interest, the boy next door, and a horrible past. When you wrap all this up in fishnet stockings, a sassy attitude; you get Very Bad Things.

Nora, is an amazing character that really resonated with me. We didn't share the same past; however, but we did share the need to lash out and do everything on our naughty list. Nora, has been to hell and back and she still held her head high and managed to find her way to the guiding light at the end of her darkness.

That's where Leo comes into play. Leo has his own past and darkness and he doesn't realize that Nora is as much his beacon of hope as he is hers. He fights her advances at every turn and he tries to do the honorable thing and keep his head down and take care of his younger brother. Nora's pull is just too strong.

I won't say much more in the chance that I may give away more than I want to...all I have to say is... who knew being bad could feel so good?!

Check out Very Bad Things and feast your eyes and imagination on what is easily one of the best books of 2013.

You can thank me later...
You should probably thank the author too...

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Tampa in Books

Apr 3, 2019  
Alissa Nutting | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Celeste is an 8th grade English teacher. She is married to a handsome and wealthy man named Ford who is also a police officer. Celeste, herself is beautiful and could be a model instead of a teacher. But teaching is her chosen profession in order to find a way to quell her affinity for 14 year old boys. During her first year teaching, she finds the perfect candidate, Jack. Jack comes from a single parent home and his father works long hours. They have lots of time to be together. But when Jack wants more, Celeste has to find a way to end this relationship without hurting Jack or exposing her secret.

This book is disturbing on so many levels. First of all, even though I've seen in on the news several times, it's hard to believe that a grown woman would have any interest in a 14 year old boy. There are a few other things that happen in the book as well, that will give away too much to talk about here. I will say this book was like a bad car crash. Where you just can't look away. It was hard to put the book down, I had to find out what was going to happen in the end. The 3 stars for this rating is due mostly to the subject matter. There were parts that were hard to read, especially as a mother to a young boy. Overall, the book was pretty good and I will read other books by Alissa Nutting.

Nick Love recommended Heat (1995) in Movies (curated)

Heat (1995)
Heat (1995)
1995 | Action, Crime, Thriller

"It’s a toss-up because I love The Insider and, actually, Miami Vice as well. I’m going for Heat because, for me, when you’re really getting into a film is when you start imitating the characters and repeating lines and all that. I never really did that with Sonny Corleone but I did fantasise and think, God, how cool is Neil McCauley in Heat? It’s one of those movies that blew everyone away. In the mid-90s it was a very tired time, you know — a lot of the 80s panache had gone out of the movies and the early 90s was a period for me where I was discovering people like Almodovar. I was just bored of American films. Heat came out of nowhere. It was so muscular, so brooding and so clinically cool. Actually it’s long — it could have done with 20 minutes cut out of it I imagine — but that’s Michael Mann‘s condition. I haven’t seen Public Enemies — there was just something about it that stopped me, which is strange for me when it comes to Michael Mann. I went to see Vice the day it came out, first performance on the Friday. I was mesmerised by it. But Heat was such a powerhouse of a film. Even though I’ve inhabited the wrong side of the tracks in my life, I believe I’m still a good boy, a moral boy, but of course everyone roots for the bad guy in that film. DeNiro is just too fucking cool."

The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE HOODLUM is the second book in the Farthingdale Valley series. Gabe and Blaze are still around but it is the turn of Royce and Jonah to find their happiness.

Oh, man. Where to start? First of all, I liked that Royce was fussy and acknowledged it. I liked that the others saw it too. Jonah is the typical bad boy who, when given the opportunity, finds peace in nature and sees the possibility of a different life. But this story isn't just about Royce and Jonah, it's also about Beck. And, oh boy, he's a character!!! As much as I wanted to dislike him, I could understand his feelings.

Royce is the right man for Jonah, being just what he needs. Having a partner who was loud and obviously disagreed with Jonah's choices wouldn't have worked. Instead, Jonah tries to please Royce just for one of his smiles. Let me just say, Royce is a better character than I am! He was way too easy-going and forgiving in my mind but then, I 'may' be able to hold a grudge, or so I've been told. 😂

Very different and very good. I definitely recommend this or any of the books by this author!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 6, 2023