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The Missing Chums
The Missing Chums
Franklin W. Dixon | 1960 | Children, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Kidnapped Chet and Biff?
The only thing that could make summer vacation better for Frank and Joe Hardy is a mystery, and one is handed to them by Chief Collig when he asks them to go undercover at the homeless encampment outside of town and find out what is causing the increased fighting down there. Before the teens can begin their assignment, they witness a bank robbery, however. Then, after a costume party hosted by Callie Shaw and Iola Morton, their friends Chet and Biff vanish. Can the brothers figure out what happened to their friends? Are all these events connected?

I was a bit worried that the book had bitten off more than it could successfully resolve, but it did a good job of reigning in these plots and bringing them to a successful conclusion. I enjoyed seeing how Frank and Joe figured things out and successfully wrapped everything up. The characters are shallow as always, but it's not something I remember as a kid, so I bet today's kids will not notice either. They might notice how dated some elements are, including the word "chum" in the title. However, that kind of things never stopped me as a kid, and I bet most will get caught up in the fast-moving action of the story.
Phantom Outlaw at Wolf Creek
Phantom Outlaw at Wolf Creek
Sigmund Brouwer | 1990 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Danger on a Montana Ranch
Ricky Kidd is on a month long vacation with his friends Mike and Ralphy at Mike’s uncle and aunt’s ranch in Montana. When he arrives, he hears the legend of a bank robbery that happened decades ago and the phantom of the outlaw that still haunts the nearby canyon. Or is it a legend? Mike and his visiting cousin, Sarah, insist on investigating, and Ricky sees evidence with his own eyes that the legend might be true. Can Ricky uncover the truth of what is going on?

This is another wonderful book in a favorite middle grade mystery series. The characters are sharp and provide some wonderful laughs. Sometimes their antics slow down the mystery in the first half of the book, but parts of the plot are being worked in to the fun, and the second half pays off the questions wonderfully. The suspense at the end is great, and the way Ricky works everything out is perfect. These books were written for the Christian market, and they work Ricky’s faith in organically without ever once preaching. The books are a bit dated now since they were originally released in the 1990’s, but as long as you know that going in, you’ll be fine. It might take a bit to track down this mystery, but it is worth it.

AyL (16 KP) rated Evil Genius in TV

Jan 7, 2019  
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
2018 | Documentary
7.5 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
An explosive documentary and must-watch for true crime lovers
A man casually walks into a bank, with a bomb strapped to his neck and demands money. He gets caught on the parking lot after leaving the bank but he never makes it into a police car. 44 minutes after the first 911 call about the robbery and the bomb, the device around the mans neck detonates and kills him, all documented by CCTV and the Police. The man is Brian Wells, a pizza delivery man from this area. The documentary investigates the events around the murder of Brian Wells in Pennsylvania in 2003, which also became known as the „Pizza-Bomber“ Case.

If you are looking for a casual show to watch while playing candy crush on your phone, this is not the documentary for you, because things become complicated quick, with loads of suspects, different crime scenes and a lot of different stories that are told.
To really enjoy this documentary, you have to give it your full focus so you catch all the minute details. It’s like working the crime scene yourself. The documentary is not for the faint hearted. It shows the original CCTV footage of Brian Wells death!

The documentary includes interviews with people that worked on the cases, suspects and the family and friend of Brian Wells, which gives it a personal touch and makes it very attractive and fascinating to watch. It creates new questions in the viewers mind: Was Brian victim or perpetrator? Was the detonation an accident, murder or even suicide? And who is Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and what does this woman have to do with all of this?

Trey Borzillieri, director and narrator of the documentary, shows his quite intense research for this documentary which ended in a deeper relationship with one of the suspects.

Evil genius is fascinating to watch, it grabs you and takes you through all Episodes, leaving you wanting more. A must watch for true crime lovers!
    Little Panda Policeman

    Little Panda Policeman

    Education and Games

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