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I Kill Giants (2017)
I Kill Giants (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
I KILL GIANTS is a movie I'd never heard of before until I stumbled across it on Netflix. Based on a graphic novel, I Kill Giants tells the story of Barbara, a young teen who lives with her older sister and brother. Barbara doesn't really have any friends, is bullied at school, is thought of as weird by everyone and is currently seeing the school psychologist (when she can be bothered). She also sets traps and bait in order to catch and kill giants, researching the different types of giants and preparing herself for when the time comes that she must protect the town from a really big one. If you've seen A MONSTER CALLS then this movie treads very similar ground to that and is also similar in style. I wasn't quite as emotional at the end of this movie as I was at the end of that one, but I did find it just as enjoyable