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The White Magic Five and Dime ( Tarot Mystery book 1)
By Steve Hockensmith and Lisa Falco

When Alanis McLachlan learns that her mother's been murdered, she's completely unsurprised. Not that Alanis had been given a glimpse into the future. That would be crazy, right? It's just that her con-woman mom, Barbra, was bound to cross the wrong people sooner or later. It's why Alanis was lucky to get out of her childhood alive - and why she hadn't spoken to her mother in decades.

But there is a surprise in store for Alanis. Barbra left her something in her will: a New Age shop in the tiny tourist trap town of Berdache, Arizona. The White Magic Five & Dime.

After going to Berdache to claim her inheritance, Alanis is drawn into the mystery around her mother's death. Did one of Barbra's customers finally get wise to her con-artist ways and take revenge? Alanis thinks she knows how to find out: She'll make those customers her own until she can find the killer. Alanis McLachlan, cynic and unbeliever, is about to become a tarot card reader.

With a little help from her mother's teenage apprentice and a snarky tarot how-to book called Infinite Roads to Knowing, Alanis begins bluffing her way through phony readings. But the more she gets to know the cards, the more she sees real meaning in them...and the closer the murderer comes to making her the next victim.

Omg I had issues with this book so many issues!
This is going to be a strange little review. I absolutely didn’t like the main character at all, she was written to be witty and sarcastic and it just did not work at all. She was irritating and so not funny it was just trying to hard!

So you may ask why a 4⭐️ and my answer is simply because I really enjoyed the book she was the only thing I disliked. I didn’t see the murderer coming till the last minute and it was a fun book to read it made me smile and I’m very much an emotional reviewer.

So yes the main character drove me crazy but the story was really good!
The Guilt Trip (2012)
The Guilt Trip (2012)
2012 | Comedy
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you’re like me, as soon as you saw Seth Rogan was the lead in a road trip movie you probably billed it as another one of his comedies and put it on the eventually-will-see list. That was me, I would not have bought tickets to see this in the theater and I probably wouldn’t have rented it either until much later after a Blu-Ray/DVD release (I still haven’t seen Knocked Up). After watching this though I’ve changed my mind.

We start with Andy Brewster, Seth Rogan, getting many voicemails from his mother Joyce Brewster, Barbra Streisand. It starts earlier than he gets up in the morning and continues on into the evening. They’re to show she cares but she nags, a lot. making sure he’s ready for his meeting with Kmart. He’s an organic chemist trying to sell his all natural, safe, cleaning product. He is trying to sell his product to a big name distributor and after this meeting he’s planned a road trip to get as many distributors as he can. His trip starts by flying to the east coast and driving back; his mother lives on the east coast and when he flies in she picks him up for a little visit.

While visiting with her before she tells him something about her past she’s never told him. It affected her deeply and he decides to help her with this situation by inviting her on the trip with him. I’d like to say here, the title of this movie is misleading. As you can imagine comedy ensues but there’s very little if any guilt involved, at least I didn’t really see it. There’s a range of emotions too and you really feel them. Mostly due to the play between Seth Rogan and Barbra Streisand they both did great and really suck you in.

Obviously they learn things about each other and themselves on this road trip, but it’s not over the top, either in its emotional moments or its happy moments. The ending is a very nice heartwarming surprise that goes with the tone of the movie. It was extremely enjoyable and I would recommend this movie to anyone. It’s definitely a renter and I will be buying it but if you want to wait until it’s released on Blu-Ray/DVD I don’t believe anything will be lost in waiting. If you see it in theaters you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your time or money.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Night of the Living Dead (1968) in Movies

Apr 1, 2020 (Updated Apr 1, 2020)  
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror
They're Coming To Get You Barbra
Night of the Living Dead- i love this film, such a classic. Its a fantasic phenomenal movie, about survival, surving, the living dead and survival of the finest. Plus you have George A. Ramero directing it. He is missed, he was such a phenomenal and excellent director.

The plot: The story follows seven people who are trapped in a rural farmhouse in western Pennsylvania, which is under assault by an enlargening group of cannibalistic, undead corpses.

The film is regarded as one of the launching pads for the modern zombie movie, and thanks to George we have all of these zombie tv shows and movies today, if it wasnt for him, we wouldn't have all of these zombies tv shows and movies today.

In 2001, the film was ranked No. 93 by the American Film Institute on their AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills list, a list of America's most heart-pounding movies. The zombies in the picture were also a candidate for AFI's AFI's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes & Villains, in the villains category, but failed to make the official list. The Chicago Film Critics Association named it the 5th scariest film ever made. The film also ranked No. 9 on Bravo's The 100 Scariest Movie Moments.

Many critics of this movie find this movie very groundbreaking for its time due to its having a black protagonist.

Night of the Living Dead entered the public domain in the United States because the original theatrical distributor, the Walter Reade Organization, neglected to place a copyright indication on the prints.

Like I said before its a excellent and phenomenal movie.
Wow … I had to keep putting this book down to wrap my head around the abuse and neglect that Barbara had to deal with at such a young age. It was a very emotionally read. My brain and heart didn't want to believe these events could happen to a child as I was reading it. I couldn't believe her real mom left her and left her in the care of her father.
When she was 5 with the emotional and physical abuse she endured from her father and the "mum" her father left her with. I couldn't believe her father would call her a dirty little tinker and belittle her like that and made her think she was nothing. And the "mum" she was left with, leaving her by herself, treating her the way she did, and using Barbara as a way to get money is such a disgrace.
And then when her dad had a son, to read how the two were treated completely differently all because of blood line, oh my heart went out for poor Barbara.
Unfortunately the abuse and turmoil continued after she was put in homes and then into the hospital. To read what happened in the hospital and what the Dr. did she Barbra and the other poor girls, I was in complete shock. Aston Hall was a complete nightmare and how any girl survived that is amazing in itself.
She finally was treated with dignity and love and kindness when she went to Blackbrook by some of the nuns, only to have that taken away and be mistreated yet again.
I commend Barbara for writing this story, to open our eyes to an event that occurred in 1971, and be brave enough to tell us her story. I praise the fact that she could over come all these obstacles in life and be how she is now. It is truly astonishing.
I just hate that she voiced what was going on to so many deaf ears and no one listened or believed her until she was in her teen years. I would hope in todays society that this would never happen and people are now more than ever willing to give children a voice, listen to them, and investigate. I wonder if this happened to Barbara now, would the abuse and neglect been stopped sooner.
I would so recommend this book but be prepared for a shocking, emotional and heart wrenching story. I hope Barbara knows now her own self worth and wish she would have known it her entire life.