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Orange is the New Black: My Time in a Women's Prison
Orange is the New Black: My Time in a Women's Prison
Piper Kerman | 2016 | Biography
7.4 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brutally honest and well structured (0 more)
Could be slow at times (0 more)
Better that the netflix series
When I lifted this book from the shelve I thought it had been put in the wrong section as I was looking for memoir. I was delighted however, when I turned the book over and the blurb revealed that is was in fact a memoir. I had just finished watching all three series of 'Orange is the New Black' on Netflex and had quickly become a fan. The TV program is very thinly based on Kerman's actual experience and because of this I cannot make comparisons. The novel stands alone as an intelligent and well structured memoir that reads like fiction. The author portrays her time in prison through her connection with the other female prisoners and the way in which they were/are forced to endure prison life. The book is emotional, funny and heartbreaking. Kerman has captured a time in her life with precision that only a true writer can. I feel like I could have been there with her. Well done.
Reeva: A Mother's Story
Reeva: A Mother's Story
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't think it's fair to criticise the way in which this book is written given what it's about BUT on a few occassions this book, however, does go round in circles; repetitive statements and opinions.
Prior reading this I knew little of Reeva. I knew more about Pistorious because of the books I have read and the documentaries I've seen. A beautiful woman was murdered on the 14th Feburary 2013. FACT. Whether Pistorious knew it was Reeva or not he knew the damage in which the bullets would do. So, for this reason alone, he is guilty. Only, from watching him (without a lot of facts on Reeva's side-text messages and his possessive behaviour) part of me believed him and wants to believe him. Not because of his status-to be fair, just like June Steenkamp, I wasn't aware of his time in the olympics, but because I can't help but think/hope/want the photos of the couple smiling together to be genuine. Ahhhh facts are facts and after reading this book it's hard to believe anything Pistrious did or said.. as much as I really want to. I am half-way through another book which is based on all of the statements from witnesses and beyond... regardless of opinions... Reeva was taken far too early... may she rest in peace!
    Calibre Companion

    Calibre Companion

    Book and Utilities

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    Calibre Companion (CC), recommended by calibre developers, is three applications in one: - a superb...