Mother Love: Embracing the Ups and Downs of Being a New Parent
Mother Love isn't a parenting book. It was written to help parents makes the transition from person...
The Performance of European Business in the Twentieth Century
Youssef Cassis, Andrea Colli and Harm G. Schroter
This book originated from the idea that performance is what really matters in business and thus in...

Bose-Einstein Condensation and Superfluidity
Lev. P. Pitaevskii and Sandro Stringari
Ultracold atomic gases is a rapidly developing area of physics that attracts many young researchers...

David McK (3496 KP) rated Last Human (Red Dwarf #3) in Books
Jan 28, 2019
Written by Doug Naylor (who co-wrote the first 2 booms with Rob Grant), this follows an all-new plot with certain scenes lifted from the TV show on which it is based. Unfortunately, it fails to capture the humour of the show, with most of the 'funny' bits falling flat.
Both this and the next book (<I>Backwards</I> by Rob Grant) are perhaps best viewed as alternate third books in a trilogy: if that is the case, <I>Backwards</I> is the better of the two, even if neither of the two books in question live up to the first two. In short, the whole (Grant Naylor) is better than the sum of the parts!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post
Sep 22, 2020

Edible Bible Crafts: 64 Delicious Story-Based Craft Ideas for Children
If you're looking for child-friendly Bible-themed cooking activities, this is the book for you!...

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Papercutting Geometric Designs Inspired by Nature in Books
May 26, 2020
It has been years since I tried papercutting designs. Of course, back then, they were basic and straightforward designs that anyone could do. When I saw Papercutting Geometric Designs Inspired by Nature by Patricia Moffett, I figured this was my chance to really try it.
I was hoping for step-by-step, easy to follow directions for beginners. Instead, Moffett provided an in-depth look at amazing but intricate geometric designs. The book gave me the feeling I was reading someone's term paper for an advanced class whose audience was other students with the same knowledge. The designs were too challenging for me to do.
This book would be perfect for someone who has already been papercutting. However, if you are a beginner, I would suggest you look for something else.
The rating given is three stars. On Goodreads, three means I "liked it." I did like looking at the beautiful designs and, if I become proficient in papercutting, I will come back to Moffett's book and try them again.
For now, Moffet has illustrated several interesting coloring/activity books that are more my speed. My favorite is The All-Round Activity Book: Get Creative with Activities, Games, and Illusions All Based on Dots.
This 200-word review was published on Philomathinphila.com on 5/25/20.
Singapore Chess: A History, 1945-1990
This book is the definitive volume on the history of chess in Singapore. Covering the period...

Management Science in Fisheries: An Introduction to Simulation-Based Methods
Charles T. T. Edwards and Dorothy J. Dankel
A key goal of fisheries management is to regulate extractive pressure on a resource so as to ensure...

Multimedia Data Mining and Analytics: Disruptive Innovation
Aaron K. Baughman, Jiang Gao, Jia-Yu Pan and Valery A. Petrushin
This book provides fresh insights into the cutting edge of multimedia data mining, reflecting how...