Postcards from the Cinema
Postcards from the Cinema is the book Serge Daney, one of the greatest of film critics, never wrote....

Be a Mindsetter: The Essential Guide to Inspire, Influence and Impact Others
Michael Gobran, William Greenwald and Derek Roberts
Everyone has something important to say. Unfortunately, most do not know how to communicate...

Dino Duckling
A funny and touching celebration of difference, based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Ugly...

Kate (493 KP) rated Taking The Reins in Books
Oct 20, 2020
It was a story of realtionships - friendship and romantic relationships. It was nice for the book to end up being a nice story. It was nice to see girls working together and there was a good sense of camaraderie.
I wasn't gripped and this could be because I was not the target audience. The book is part of a series and it would of been nice to have a book prior to this to get a feeling of How Brooklyn used to be. She does try to explain what the old her would of done/said in situations and what the new Brooklyn did/said but I couldn't get a real feel of how she used to be. But the series is called the The Rosewoods so all books would have to be based at the school.
As this was part of a series the story ended up abruptly. I thought it may of ended at the end of the school year but no it ended before Halloween which is not lomger after school starts.
This is a great book for a young audience of I would say early teens.

Studio Craft & Technique for Architects
Miriam Delaney and Anne Gorman
Studio Craft & Technique is a one-stop handbook for undergraduate students of architecture. Based on...

A Theory of Catholic Education
Presenting a robust and philosophically based account of education from the Catholic point of view,...

Ramiro de Maeztu and England: Imaginaries, Realities and Repercussions of a Cultural Encounter
Ramiro de Maeztu was one of the most influential Spanish intellectuals of the early twentieth...

Akka in Action
Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker and Rob Williams
DESCRIPTION Akka is a Scala-based toolkit that simplifies developing concurrent distributed...
Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the Lofar Observatory: Lectures from the Third Lofar Data Processing School: 2017
John McKean, George Heald and Roberto Pizzo
This book presents lecture materials from the Third LOFAR Data School, transformed into a coherent...

WJEC GCSE Welsh as a Second Language All-in-One Revision and Practice
Exam Board: WJEC Level & Subject: GCSE Welsh as a Second Language First teaching: September 2017...