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North & South
North & South
2004 | Drama, Romance
7.3 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Not really my cup of tea.
I love period dramas but found this one ho-hum, humdrum. And I don't mean that because of the dull colors of the set and costumes or the squalor of London residents and mill workers. I didn't really feel anything for most of the characters, except for the one suffering from the fatal lung ailment, and really could not get into it. I watched the entire series, though, because I was curious about it but it didn't really connect with me. I have not read the book that this series is based on so my judgment is in ignorance.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
So, i haven't read the book this is based off of, but I did just start it yesterday. I've also seen this movie twice now (thanks moviepass).
I really liked the film, it was heavy on the nostalgia, which I didn't mind at all. I don't think another director could have directed this film, Spielberg's direction was fantastic.
The cast was my fantastic, I completely didn't realize Halliday was Mark Rylance from Dunkirk. I'm also glad Simon Pegg ended up in the movie, because you can't really have this nerdy of a movie without him.
Side note: I didn't know why Drafthouse was promoting so much for this movie until I read that the author lives here in Austin.
My opinion may change after I read the book, but for now, it's a 9.