Life in the UK Test: Study Guide: The Essential Study Guide for the British Citizenship Test: 2016
Henry Dillon and George Sandison
The 2016 edition of the best-selling series includes the complete testable materials from Life in...

Life in the UK Test: Study Guide: The Essential Study Guide for the British Citizenship Test: 2017
Henry Dillon and George Sandison
The 2017 edition of the best-selling series includes the complete testable materials from Life in...

Tech Tally: Approaches to Assessing Technological Literacy
Elsa Gamire, Greg Pearson, Committee on Assessing Technological Literacy and National Academy of Engi
In a broad sense, technology is any modification of the natural world made to fulfill human needs or...

The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy
This book offers readers a comprehensive and innovative introduction to the economy of the Roman...

A Users Guide to Business Analytics
Ayanendranath Basu and Srabashi Basu
A User's Guide to Business Analytics provides a comprehensive discussion of statistical methods...

Intake 131: Memoirs of a Rhodesian Army Cadet
In 1973, Sandy Sanderson attended School of Infantry in Gwelo, in what was then central Rhodesia,...
Rediscovering the Roots of Chinese Thought: Laozi's Philosophy
Guying Chen and Paul D'Ambrosio
Rediscovering the Roots of Chinese Thought: Laozi's Philosophy is an English translation of one of...

Distributed Cognition and Reality: How Pilots and Crews Make Decisions
Distributed Cognition and Reality puts theory into practice, as the first book to show how to apply...

The Book of Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Practice of Forgiveness and Healing
Luc Bodin, Nathalie Bodin Lamboy and Jean Graciet
Based on an ancestral Hawaiian shamanic ritual, the healing practice of Ho'oponopono teaches you to...

British Domestic Synchronous Clocks 1930-1980: The Rise and Fall of a Technology
This book complements available one-make books on domestic synchronous clocks. It is also a history...