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Between the Stops: The View of My Life from the Top of the Number 12 Bus
Between the Stops: The View of My Life from the Top of the Number 12 Bus
Sandi Toksvig | 2019 | Biography, History & Politics
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A disjointed look into the life and mind of a modern-day icon.
Sandi does start this “memoir” off by stating it’s not going to be your run of the mill standard life story and that was undoubtedly true. Set along the route of the number 12 bus we get a mixture of Sandi’s life recollections, historical facts about London and observations about the people on the bus. An inventive idea to say the least and despite some truly interesting recollections, I didn’t find the format as a whole worked for me.

Each chapter roughly focuses on an area on the number 12 bus route but from there we jump almost in each paragraph between historical facts, recollections, and observations. It fails to develop any flow and where we do get some lovely passages of insight into Sandi’s fascinating life and experiences we are drawn all too quickly out of the experience to find out what used to be sold in this particular part of London in the dim and distant past, or what terrible bus habit another passenger may be exhibiting.

This book just was too all over the place as a sit down read, it would make a great addition to any toilet library though (and I truly mean that in the nicest way) as all the little titbits of facts and anecdotes are individually interesting they just don’t seem to flow together. I could easily read a more standard memoir from the ever amazing and inspiring Sandi based on the passages in this book that focused on her. Equally, I could read a book on the neglected women through history written by her or a general history of London but changing focus every paragraph or so was not for me.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the ARC in return for an honest review.

Kate (493 KP) rated The Silent Patient in Books

Apr 12, 2020  
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great twist (0 more)
Gripping read - kept me guessing
This is one of the best books I have read and I have read a lot. I was gripped from the very start and it was good going back and forward from past to present as the full story starts to come together.
I read a lot of crime books and can usually guess the perpetrator and the motive usually quite quickly but this book had me guessing. When Alicia and Theo's story merge and everything falls into place this was something I could never have guessed. It all made sense and you kind of say 'oh yeah'. When I got to this part of the book I had to finish this. I couldn't put it down all the way through. I finished it in 2 days.
I started to feel for Theo. Alicia's silence was frustrating me and I was just the reader. The things happening in his personal life were awful and I wanted to tell him what do as he was on a bad path. But it is surprising hoe your feelings for a character can change so quickly. This happened with a few characters but mainly Theo.
Anyone who reads and enjoys crime books should definitely give this book a read. It is a different type of crime book.
The book exceeded all expectations based on the blurb.
I would read other books from Alex Michaelides.