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And I Darken (The Conqueror's Saga #1)
And I Darken (The Conqueror's Saga #1)
Kiersten White | 2016 | History & Politics
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I was listening to this audio book when I was driving to and from Los Angeles area and I've got to say, I found myself drifting my thoughts a lot when listening. I didn't want to stay focused on the plot because it was kind of boring.

I think the biggest problem I had with this book is the lack of female characters. Like, there was one. That's it. Really? I understand this being based on "historical facts" but surely there were females in history. And the fact that this is a fictionalized version of this history makes it more irritating that she didn't add in more females. I don't know, I guess I am just wanting more female representation.

Yes, the main female character was strong, but she was presented in a way that makes femininity seem like it's a weakness, not another kind of strength. She shows love as a hindrance, not as something that can help you want to protect the people you love. I think the message of the book was a little skewed in that respect.

I don't know if I am going to pick up the next book or not. I don't know if I want to keep trying. Yes, the writing style was pretty good, but I don't know if I like the story direction enough to keep going. We shall see.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 22, 2021  
Sneak a peek at the true crime novel AGGRAVATED by Michael Sirois on my blog, and enter the giveaway to win your own signed copy of the book - five winners!

In 2006, the author's brother, Steve Sirois, was sentenced to serve 35 years in a Texas prison for a horrendous crime, aggravated sexual assault of a child -- a crime Steve swore he didn't commit. After the conviction, Michael started helping Steve write his appeals, but what he saw in the trial transcripts made him question how a jury could have convicted his brother based on that testimony.

Steve's accuser originally gave vague dates for the crime but soon abandoned those dates and even replaced the details of her claims with new ones. There was no forensic evidence, no DNA, no physical evidence of any kind: nothing but his accuser's words. The author wondered if he could prove that her accusations were false. But how?

Using affidavits, court transcripts, and interviews, along with additional evidence from public information requests and other factual data, the book lays out a devastating portrait of an untruthful accuser, an overzealous prosecutor, a jury that made a deal to swap votes in order to gain a conviction, and the series of lies that led to that outcome.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Insomnia in Books

Jun 17, 2020  
Stephen King | 2011 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reading this would be a great cure to insomnia...
This book has been on my shelf for quite some time. Mainly because it's a beast of a read - a huge 650 page hardback book - and I've not had the inclination to read. As my pile of unread books is dwindling drastically, I finally decided to give it a go and overall I was pleasantly surprised.

My biggest surprise when reading the first few chapters was the realisation that this book isn't what the Christopher Nolan film Insomnia was based on. I cant even tell you why I thought this in the first place 😕 Once I got over this, I really got into the book or at least the first few hundred pages. As always with King, the book is very well written with a likeable protagonist and well developed secondary characters. The problem is that the story is maybe a little convoluted and isn't helped by the sheer length of it all. 200 pages in I was wondering how this could be dragged out for 650 pages and whilst it never gets as tedious as you'd imagine, this is definitely longer than it needed to be. Whilst the plot is typical King, it gets a little confusing and 'out there' even for him and I think he could've simplified this a little. Because of this I could only read up to 100 pages at a time as it made me feel rather sleepy - a perfect cure for insomnia I'm sure.

By the end of the book I did come to at least enjoy this story more than I thought I would, and even shed a tear or two. This definitely isn't a book for casual readers though and not one of King's best. But if you're looking for a door stop sized challenge, you could do much worse than this!

Ross (3284 KP) Jun 17, 2020

I'm sure your shelf breathed a sigh of relief!