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Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"What can any of us do? Helpless as we all are, in the grip of our own little voices, what indeed van we do?"
I love Dexter! I love Jeff Lindsay! I started watching this series several years ago pretty much by accident and loved it. So, imagine my delight to learn it was based on a book. And not just one book, but a series! And written by a Florida author. Being the book nerd I am, I immediately bought the first one & it was promptly buried in my To Read stack. Here I am 5 years later finally reading it. And I find myself asking, "what the hell took so long?"
The story is fascinating and creepy but just believe able enough that you find yourself looking at people a little differently, wondering if there's a Dark Passenger in there somewhere. Lindsay is a gifted writer with a great ability to write just the right thing at just the right (or wrong time depending on how you feel about dexter and what he is.) Dexter is hands down one of the most fascinating characters in contemporary literature. He's so likable, but at the same time leaves the reader sitting on their couch thinking, "How can I possible like & even *gasp* root for a psychopathic killer!?" Believe can and it is surprisingly easy.
Woven in Moonlight
Woven in Moonlight
Isabel Ibanez | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful and lush fantasy based on Bolivian culture
Woven in Moonlight is a beautiful and lush fantasy, based on the culture and history of Bolivia. It is set in the fictional country of Inkasisa. Ximena is a stand in for the Condesa, the last remaining royal of the Illustrian people. Her people were driven from La Ciudad when Atoc, of the Llacsan people, usurped the throne using an ancient relic. The Illustrians live in isolation and poverty while the Llacsans rule Inkasisa. When Atoc demands that Catalina, the true Condesa, marry him, Ximena travels to La Ciudad in her place. Her plan is to act as a spy and retrieve Atoc's ancient deadly relic. Atoc is a cruel and dictatorial ruler, but Ximena comes to realize that not all Llacsan people are bad. She questions everything she has been told about who the true oppressors are, as the Illustrian people did not treat the Llacsans well when they were in power. She meets a kind princess, a vigilante, a healer, a guard and a maid, among others, and changes her views. The story is fast paced and the writing is beautiful. I really loved this book - great world building, fascinating magic (woven animals created from moonlight!), and wonderful descriptions of Bolivian food and clothing.