Learn Objective-C on the Mac: for OS X and iOS
Scott Knaster, Mark Dalrymple and Waqar Malik
Learn to write apps for some of today's hottest technologies, including the iPhone and iPad (using...

Seeking the Spirit of the Book of Change: 8 Days to Mastering a Shamanic Yijing (I Ching) Prediction System
The Yijing (I Ching) or "Book of Change" is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts and has...

A Comprehensive Look at Fraud Identification and Prevention
Fraudulent activity can approach you or your organization through a variety of avenues, ranging from...
Econometrics of Panel Data: Methods and Applications
Panel data is a data type increasingly used in research in economics, social sciences, and medicine....

Weird Cases: Comic and Bizarre Cases from Courtrooms Around the World
Based on the author's popular Times Online column 'Weird Cases', this book draws on extraordinary...

Laughter in the Trenches: Humour and Front Experience in German First World War Narratives
Laughter in the Trenches: Humour and Front Experience in German First World War Narratives explores...
Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching: Athlete-Centred Coaching for Individual Sports
The concept of positive pedagogy has transformed the way we understand learning and coaching in...

The Yellow Wallpaper and Selected Writings
Maggie O'Farrell and Charlotte Perkins Gilman
It is stripped off - the paper - in great patches ...The colour is repellent ...In the places where...

Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars
In the 1940s and 50s, when the newly minted Jet Propulsion Laboratory needed quick-thinking...
Science gender studies

Agribusiness and the Neoliberal Food System in Brazil: Frontiers and Fissures of Agro-Neoliberalism
Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris
Due to new production areas and persistent productivity gains, Brazil has consolidated its position...