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The Pho Cookbook by Andrea Nguyen is an in-depth introduction to pho and its history. The book is split into six sections Pho Manual, Master Pho, Adventurous Pho, Pho Add-ons, Stir-fried, Pan-fried pho and Deep-fried Pho and Pho Sidekicks. Each section is includes high quality photographs that show both food and life in Vietnam.

An excellent book, both from the point of view of the approach and extensive documentation, as well as a sample of quality food writing. Beyond the useful directions and details about how to prepare the traditional Pho, and the meals to match with, the reader is also offered anthropological observations about the history of this meal and other insider information based on frequent visits to Vietnam and direct experience in her mother's restaurant.

The book provided many variations of Pho, which I am looking forward to trying out. While I haven't yet made any of the recipes, I did read over them and they vary in skill and level of difficulty, which is something I appreciate as a lover of Pho as well as a lover of easy recipes.

I received this book from Ten Speed Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Fifth Petal
The Fifth Petal
Brunonia Barry | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally finished reading The Fifth Petal by Brunonia Barry. It wasn’t quite my thing, though. Despite being labeled as a fantasy mystery, The Fifth Petal hovers a little too heavily on romance for me to find it enjoyable. There’s also a ridiculous amount of repetition which, if you read my thoughts on List of 10, you’ll know I abhor it when writers think their readers are going to forget something major within the plot after a few pages.

Many times throughout my reading of The Fifth Petal, I felt things were dragging. In fact, very little of the book focuses on the murders mentioned in its blurb. More of it focuses on an abstract idea of new age healing, with only the overly obvious blooming romance breaking up the monotony. As a reader, when I pick up a book that’s labeled fantasy or mystery, that’s what I expect. Couple that with an unrealistic, “out of the wild blue yonder” twist at the end, and it seriously just falls flat.

Characterwise, there’s a distinct feeling of “woe is me! I am the victim” throughout this book, alongside several of your stereotypical wealthy snobs. Because of this, I found it hard to become attached to any of the characters – but this is my opinion. For other readers, namely those that favor the flavor of romance, this is perfect.

To be honest, I’d like to rate this book a two for the sheer fact that, like The Cutaway, its genre is based more on the plot’s outline than its actual content. The thing is, the writing isn’t horrible – nor is the romance. There’s not really any detailed sexual encounters either, which is a plus for some. In fact, it’s a pretty safe read all around. I do admire Barry’s ideology behind some of her witches, i.e., lace readers. Because I can see others enjoying this and it’s not downright horrid, I’ve decided to go with a median rating. Besides, the cover is fantastic.

I would like to thank Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
The Hobbit
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien | 1937 | Children
8.4 (144 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Introduction and backstory to a character
What good is a book without a dragon or two in it?
The Hobbit is my all time favourite book not just as a child but as an adult as well, capturing my imagination and love from the first time I picked it up to it now being my go to book when I am feeling sad or when I need to feel like ‘home’.
This book is definitely not as lengthly as the it’s cousin, Lord of the Rings, but it holds a certain charm to it. We come to love the foolish but courageous Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, and follow his adventure to the lonely mountain with the rag-tag group of Dwarves and the mischievous and ever in trouble Gandalf the Grey.
Coming from a small town that was similar to Hobbiton (I was told that Tolkien actually based Hobbiton on the town I am from) I could relate so well to Bilbo when he had misgivings about leaving his home, but that urge for adventure and lust for the unknown was too much to resist.
This story, although quite sad at the end, is full of humour, wit and no end of riddles and charm that even the grumpiest reader should not be able to resist. Perhaps it is not the most powerful or awe-inspiring book, but I think that’s what makes it so great. It’s not trying to be the best book that you’ve ever read, it’s simply telling a story the best way it can, you can’t help but be drawn in to the characters and the descriptions that Tolkien gives you.
It might not be The Lord of the Rings, but to me it will always be my favourite and best book to keep with me wherever I go and I would be lost without it!