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David McK (3505 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Aug 23, 2020 (Updated Jan 17, 2023)  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
2018 post apocalyptic horror film, that proved to be a big hit for Netflix when it was released on that streaming platform.

Starring Sandra Bullock, this was sold on the (strong) imagery of a blindfolded woman leading two equally blindfolded children through a river journey - the film, later, makes it clear that this is because a mysterious entity has decimated the population, driving whoever sees it (we don't) mad and causing them to commit suicide.

The film is actually told in both the 'now' of the journey and '5 year previously' (when this first started happening), with Sandra Bullock's character of Malorie heavily pregnant and trapped in a house with other survivors - we know, of course (they're not in the 'now'!) that they're all going to be bumped off one by one, but the suspense is in the how and when.

The ending also, apparently, is a lot less dark that the book on which it is based, and I still have little idea why the film is even called Bird Box!
The Walking Dead: v. 1: Days Gone Bye
The Walking Dead: v. 1: Days Gone Bye
Tony Moore, Robert Kirkman | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was awesome! I've been watching the show for years, but I never read the comic even though I knew that's what it was based on. And people kept saying how good it was, but I read so many other things that I just never had a chance to check out. But I got this free trial on Comixology and thought, why not? And let me tell you, I am hooked, I think I read this in a day and it's a comic book so it's not like it takes longs to read anyway but I found it hard to focus on other things when all I wanted to do was read this. It's exactly like the show, and of course I know this came first, but it's kind of cool to read this after watching the show to see how true they stayed to the story. I've started Volume 2 already and I'm pretty sure I'm going to finish this quickly as well. Before long, I might be caught on the comics like I am with the show.
Little Green Dresses is a very creative interesting craft book. The instructions are good, and Tina has step by step instructions for how to cut or create your own patterns, or make your own based on the ones in the book.

As far as the dresses themselves: They are all very unique. It's hard for me to visualize how I personally would wear some of them. Some are really cool. I like most of them. Some are just odd.

But then I was never much of a fashionista. My sister used to match my clothes for me. And I'm amazed I haven't gotten kicked off campus for some of the things I've worn.

Still, most of the dresses have a very artistic appeal to them. Only a very few do I actually dislike.

The only reason I don't give this book a 4 or a 4.5 is because, although they are very creative and interesting, some are impractical and I can't really see someone wearing them for anything other than a very specific occasion.

Recommendation: intermediate/advanced seamstresses