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Those Across the River
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won a copy of this book on Goodreads. I was very much anticpating its arrival and I am pleased to say that I was not disappointed!
If you are not afraid of being out in the woodsat night, you will be after you read this book! Hell you may even be scared of forests in the daylight too. The characters throughoutbthe book are weel developed. While there were a few "typical" characters many of them were shown to have quirks or traits thatnare not typical of a suspense novel.
The plot was well paced. The suspense factor was always high...I found myself constantly wondering who would be next. Yet at the same time it wasn't too over the top. The story contained enough events that were reality based that you even found yourself convinced that the fantastical elements were just as likely to be real.

Sam (74 KP) rated The Note in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
The Note
The Note
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maya Flowers sees a new commuter on her train, and knows that he’s The One, so she becomes obsessed, imagining what his life is like and who he is until she plucks up the courage to give him a note.

When I realised that this was based on a true story, I decided to read it, thinking that because it was meant that it wouldn’t to be too pink and fluffy. And I was quite glad that I picked it up because it was entertaining.

I really liked Maya, the fact that she seemed so normal. I loved that her obsession with James was so obvious, it made her such a relatable character.

I did struggle a bit with the pace of the novel. It was quite slow all the way through, when I’m more into novels that jump straight into a good juicy plot. But I should have expected this from a book that’s about missed chances.

It was definitely an enjoyable read, with some funny parts. It also definitely made me smile. However I did definitely struggle with it, and to say that it’s only short, it took me a bit longer to read than I thought it would. It just seemed to be missing something.

But since it’s based on a true story, I’m not sure I can really comment much on the plot.

It’s definitely worth reading if you like Jojo Moyes, and I did enjoy it. My only comment is that the pace seemed to let it down.
Raising Steam: (Discworld Novel 40)
Raising Steam: (Discworld Novel 40)
Terry Pratchett | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 40th(!) Discworld novel, that probably best fits into the Industrial Revolution sub-series of such novels (i.e. [b:Moving Pictures|34510|Moving Pictures (Discworld, #10)|Terry Pratchett||1229354], [b:The Truth|51737|The Truth About Forever|Sarah Dessen||1032900], [b:Monstrous Regiment|34511|Monstrous Regiment The Play|Stephen Briggs||2073281], [b:Going Postal|64222|Going Postal (Discworld, #33)|Terry Pratchett||1636617] and [b:Making Money|116296|Making Money (Discworld, #36)|Terry Pratchett||144656] (possibly also including [b:Unseen Academicals|6250169|Unseen Academicals (Discworld, #37)|Terry Pratchett||6432996] and [b:Snuff|1840511|Snuff|Chuck Palahniuk||2034926])), and is also the third book to feature Moist Von Lipwig as the main protaganist (after [b:Going Postal|64222|Going Postal (Discworld, #33)|Terry Pratchett||1636617] and [b:Making Money|116296|Making Money (Discworld, #36)|Terry Pratchett||144656]).

This one is to do with the introduction of the railway to the Discworld, and also offers many a reference to previous characters and situations in the series as a whole: indeed, at times, it almost feels as if Pratchett is trying to squeeze as many in as possible.

Unfortunately, it's also not his best: I have to admit, in general, I've found most of his Industrial Revolution novels to not be as good as, say, those based around either The City Watch or those based around The Witches. Like the locomotive on which it is based, I found this one to take a fair bit of time to gather steam, and to feel a wee bit ponderous and unwieldy - this, I have to say, is not a novel I would use to introduce somebody new to the delights of the Discworld. :-(

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Breakdown in Books

Jan 21, 2018  
The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy-to-read (0 more)
Predictable (1 more)
Silly plot
Cass is driving home one rainy night--taking the back road to her house--when she sees a woman stopped by the side of the road. Cass pauses to help her, but eventually drives home without making any contact. She feels bad about not assisting, but the crazy storm prevents her from even seeing who is in the car. It's only later that her husband tells her that someone was murdered that night, and Cass realizes that it was the same woman she saw. Eventually Cass realizes it was a woman she knew, Jane, and she feels even worse. After, Cass is consumed by Jane's murder. She feels watched and is convinced the murderer is calling her house repeatedly. She's forgetting things, unable to work her household appliances, and receiving items she swears she never ordered. Is Cass truly going crazy--and is the murderer coming for her next?

This book was a weird one for me. I'm one of the few who didn't read Paris' first novel, but I'd heard all the hype and was curious to try this one. The novel relies on the unreliable narrator trope big time; I was certainly befuddled early on whether Cass was indeed an unreliable narrator going mad, or whether someone was messing with her. The problem, for me, was that I was expecting an amazing thriller, but I found the novel rather predictable from the get-go. I figured things out early on. Still, I have to give it to Paris: I felt compelled to keep reading despite it all. The book is a page-turner, for sure.

However, the plot is based on silly secrets and a lack of communication (both huge pet peeves of mine). Cass won't go to the police about seeing Jane's car simply because she doesn't want to tell her husband she took a shortcut she promised she wouldn't take? Seriously? Her friend's life is worth less than that? Further, she won't tell anyone about her dementia fears and forgetfulness. It was very frustrating and often times, I found myself more baffled than intrigued by the mystery.

In the end, this was an interesting one. I found it very predictable and honestly felt like I'd read this novel already (I swear I've read a book with a very similar plot: something that will drive me crazy forever). Still, it was compulsively readable and easy-to-read. Overall, probably about 2.5 stars for me. However, it seems like most people loved this, so take my review with a grain of salt!

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.
The Yard: Book 1
The Yard: Book 1
Alex Grecian | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Yard is a detective novel set in Victorian London in the early days of the Metropolitan Police force. It is a bit gruesome to be honest; the first victim is discovered packed in a steamer trunk with eyes and lips sewn shut and there are a number of murders of bearded men, which may or may not be connected.

Our main protagonist is Inspector Day, who is new to London, previously having been a constable in Devon, but now living in the Big Smoke with his wife, Claire. He is ably assisted by other members of the force, including constable Hammersmith. There is a also Kingsley, who has made himself unofficial police surgeon. The forensic bits with Kingsley are a bit macabre in some ways, but I also found them very interesting. I did wonder if some of the detail in the book was based on fact. Obviously it wasn't a real case and I'm not sure the characters are based on actual people (I daresay there could be some borrowing of characteristics, but nothing is mentioned).

It's over 500 pages long, but I seemed to get through it in no time at all! Many of the chapters are actually quite short. There are three interludes along the way, so we get a bit of back story on the three main characters (as mentioned above). There's also a fair bit seen from the point of view of the murderer, so we actually know 'whodunit' from quite early on. Somehow, this doesn't stop this from being a ripping read though!

The book reads as if it's due to be the first in a series and I think I'd be interested in reading Grecian's next offering.