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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Harley Quinn - Season 1 in TV

Jul 31, 2020 (Updated Jul 31, 2020)  
Harley Quinn - Season 1
Harley Quinn - Season 1
2019 | Action, Animation, Crime
In short, Harley Quinn is probably my new favourite show... Seriously.
I really wasn't too bothered when it was originally announced but I'm really glad I got round to it eventually.

To start with, it's fucking hilarious. The dialogue and humour arrives in waves, never lets up, and is pretty much constantly funny and pretty clever. Cast your mind back to when Family Guy was actually good (it's been a while my friends) and you're sort of in the right ball park. Every character offers something in this respect.

The main characters - Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, King Shark, Clayface, Dr Psycho - are really well written, and are a great group of anti-heroes to get behind.
The show also fits in appearances from other DC veterans - Joker, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Bane, Queen of Fables, Black Manta, The Flash, Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Giganta, The Riddler, Kite Man, Robin - are just a few that get a look in. It's great for DC fans, and funny enough to appeal to wider audiences.

It's very adult orientated as well - whilst looking like a typical kids superhero show, the illusion will suddenly be shattered by a tirade of swearing, or over the top gore, it's truly not messing around, and it works really well!

Harley Quinn was a massive pleasant surprise for me. Can't wait to watch more!
Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
Well-crafter origin story (0 more)
Green Goblin costume (0 more)
"Remember, Peter: with great power comes great responsibility"

So that's back before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a thing (Iron Man was '08).

It's also not long after the twin Towers disaster, which - I believe - had to be edited out of this film.

This was also the first big-screen take on Spider-Man, with a mainly 20 something cast all playing characters in their late teens, headlined by Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and by Kirsten Dunst's redhead Mary-Jane Watson.

The early portions of this movie basically retells Spider-Mans origins story (although, here, Parker is bitten by a Genetically modified Spider instead of a Radioactive one and does not need web-shooters: they come out of his actual wrists), complete with the death of Uncle Ben who gets to utter the immortal lines to Parker that 'with great power comes great responsibility'.

Yes, Stan Lee makes a 'blink and you'll miss it' cameo.

Yes, the soundtrack owes a fair deal to that of 1989s 'Batman'

Yes, the Green Goblin costume does look a bit like a Power Rangers reject.

Yes, the film still holds up nearly 20 year later: there's a reason that 'upside-down' kiss is now iconic!

(Oh, and TK Simmons J Jonah Jameson? *Chef's Kiss*.)
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The Last 45 minutes (out of 4 hours) is decent
When Zach Snyder was filming JUSTICE LEAGUE in 2016, a tragedy occurred in his family and he was forced to drop out and the job of Directing that film went to Joss Whedon (THE AVENGERS). This version of the film was met by many (including me) with a collective “meh”, it was an unintelligible mess of a movie that paid lip service to fan boys (maybe) and gave very little to anyone not well versed in all things DC Comics. Many, many fans assumed that there was much left on the cutting room floor (or not filmed at all) that would correct the many mistakes of this film.

After a large outcry to “Restore The Snyder Cut”, Warner Brothers and HBO Max gave the fans what they wanted - a 4 hour redone version of this film that was intended to clear up the many, many confusing moments of the first film.

And that is EXACTLY what has happened. Zach Snyder has created a film that is very long on explanation and exposition - exactly what the fanboys wanted. What it didn’t do was to clear up the mess that is the plot, pacing and characters of this film.

ZACH SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE unites many of the great SuperHeroes of DC Comics - Superman (Henry Cavill), Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) - to fight an intergalactic villain. many of those heroes are you anxious to see on screen together and really dive deep into their backstories and motivations? If you said The Flash and Cyborg - then this is the film for you for Snyder really delves deeply into these 2 characters.

Unfortunately, what this has done is to push the heroes that the “average Joe” knows and loves - Batman, WonderWoman and Aquaman - to the background and, most damning of all, relinquished Superman to an extended cameo. He also throws almost every DC Character that has appeared in a previous film in - most really quickly. So, thanks for stopping by the party Lois Lane (Amy Adams), Commissioner Gordon (J.K. Simmons), Vulko (Willem Dafoe), Lex Luther (Jesse Eisenberg), Alfred (Jeremy Irons), Martha Kent (Diane Lane), Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) and Mira (Amber Heard). If I blinked I would have missed you.

To be fair, the last 45 minutes of this film are really interesting (including an Epilogue that sets up a sequel that we’ll never see), but in order to get there, you need to slog through 3 hours and 15 minutes of this disjointed film.

Worth the effort for the “Fanboys” and “Hardcores”, not worth the effort for the “Average Joe”.

Letter Grade: B (I really, really liked the Epilogue)

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Awix (3310 KP) rated Wonder Woman (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Would've liked to see the Invisible Plane. So to speak.
The world reacts with due amazement as a mysterious group of film-makers breaks into the offices of Warner Brothers and manages to produce a really good movie without Zack Snyder noticing. We can speculate all day about just how this happened, but my inclination personally is to not look a gift horse in the mouth and simply enjoy the best DC-based movie since Christopher Nolan parted company with Batman.

There's something very refreshing about the way laborious franchise concerns are firmly put on the back burner, and all the focus is kept on telling a good, strong story. The decision to change the setting to the First World War (apparently made to avoid comparisons with the first Captain America movie) proves to be a really smart one, giving the film its own tone and atmosphere, and the story is well-paced with great character development. It's now hard to imagine anyone other than Gal Gadot playing Wonder Woman, and even Chris Pine is not too annoying for once.

Watching Wonder Woman feels a bit like travelling back in time to a point when summer blockbusters were less calculated, grasping, and egregiously thick-headed. My advice to DC would be to give the security staff a nice long paid holiday and hope the makers of Wonder Woman come back and do it again.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Justice League (2017) in Movies

Aug 19, 2018 (Updated Aug 19, 2018)  
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Trying and failing to be like the Avengers
The main problem with this film is that it is trying so hard to be like the Avengers, and it fails miserably - everything from the script to the supposed humour, the team and the CGI, they're all truly terrible. This is by far one of the worst films I've seen in a long time.

It's a shame really as Wonder Woman wasn't half bad for a DC film, but this undos everything. Ben Affleck is a terrible Batman, the Flash is just irritating and his humour falls flat, and Cyborg just seems to have been thrown in for his technological abilities. Of the new additions, only Jason Momoa comes off well. I've always liked him since his Stargate days, but sadly even he couldn't save the terrible lines he was given (even if he did look cool saying them). Steppenwolf as the bad guy looks atrocious and the CGI isn't great, and he's entirely forgettable. For the enemy, he never really came across as very threatening and as such the ending wasn't very effective.

And whoever decided to digitally erase Henry Cavill's moustache needs firing. It is SO obvious that every time Cavill is on screen you find yourself staring at his top lip. It actually looks like they had to redo all of his scenes, as he always looks like he has a dodgy CGI face. Terrible.
Show all 3 comments.

Sarah (126 KP) Aug 25, 2018

Ah, so that's what's up with Henry Cavill's face - I didn't know why he was CGI in so many scenes haha!


Fred (860 KP) Aug 29, 2018

The only time they altered his face was the opening scene. The rest of the movie, it was his real lip. Guess he just has a weird lip.

Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Most Wanted: Volume 1
Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Most Wanted: Volume 1
Mark Waid, Chris Samnee | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Man, I so wanted to be bowled over this one! But, in the end? Not so much!

Let's see.. Natasha Romanoff is still BW? Check! Mark Waid is writing? Check! Chris Samnee is handling the art? And, check! Seriously, sounds like a recipe for "Win!", but I didn't think so. And, I am know I am in the minority (along w/hating "emo" Robert Pattison-as-Batman), but that is what makes GoodReads so great: freedom to express your opinion on books read!

I quite liked Samnee's art! I thought his (in my opinion) very Steve McQueen/1970s "spy flick"-influenced style worked PERFECT for this! I know he worked on DD (w/Waid), but I did not check it out as I <i>like</i> DAREDEVIL, but I don't <i>love</i> it! Going forward, I can't wait too more work coming Chris' way!

Now, Waid's writing? It never gelled for me! I normally gravitate towards his scripting, but for I dunno. The writing overall felt "off" and at times, the flashbacks didn't always fit as seemlessly as they should have! Even his dialogue for Natasha just didn't "Wow!" me in any way!

At the end of the day, I don't there is much else I can say that hasn't already been said! It seems like mostly everyone liked/loved, while I didn't! That said, read it, and make up your own opinion! Just like I did...!
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Contains spoilers, click to show
As much as it pains me to acknowledge it, this film got slaughtered upon its' release (and has endured much ridicule ever since)! Personally speaking....I don't get why.

Everyone and their dog - in reviewing this movie, quote the poor CGI, the fact that Steppenwolf is an ineffective villain, the obvious mish-mash of two directorial styles, weak storyline, oh...and the whole moustache thing. Bore, bore, bore. If anyone comes up with a valid reason for why they hate this film that they haven't read anywhere else a dozen times before then I might entertain them......nah, I won't, because I loved JL!

The opening scene shows us some 'amateur' style recorded footage of a brief conversation with Superman - a very short sequence that was clearly filmed by Joss Whedon. And yes, it is very obvious - and would be to someone unaware of the whole 'moustache-gate' affair, that something's wrong with Henry Cavill's upper lip. Does that detract from the experience? Is it really that much a big deal? No, it is not. And that's all I'll say on that aspect.

There is a very basic plot concerning Steppenwolf and his return to Earth to reclaim the three Mother Boxes which - when brought together, form 'The Unity' with which he hopes to transform the planet and get back in favour with his nephew (Darkseid). These boxes were left on Earth a long time ago following a battle with Steppenwolf (shown in Flashback) and placed into the care of the Atlanteans, the Amazons, and the Tribes of Man. We are given this background exposition fairly early on in proceedings from Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) which effectively sums up the gist of the movie - no criticism there. The first half of the film concerns Diana and Bruce Wayne's (Batman) efforts to bring together a small group of Meta-Humans in order to tackle the imminent threat balanced against Steppenwolf's successful recovery of two of the Boxes. Do we need a more complex plot?

After an initial encounter with the villain of the piece in which the newly formed League are knocked on their proverbial backsides Batman comes up with a way to resurrect the deceased Superman, involving a Mother Box, the recovered Kryptonian Scout Ship, and the Speedforce. To quote The Flash (aka Barry Allen, aka Ezra Miller) things go a bit 'Pet Sematary-y' as the resurrected Man Of Steel goes up against the JL in a confused fit of rage. The sequence depicting the skirmish is a highlight of the movie, and anyone who got a little annoyed t how much Batman was hell bent on persecuting Supes in BVS will get some satisfaction from hearing the line "Do you bleed?"!

It isn't long before the Superman we all know and love (although perhaps not the one from his darker portrayal in the previous two movies in which he appeared) returns - thanks to some intervention from Lois Lane, and joins his fellow heroes in their final battle with Steppenwolf.

Simple plot I agree but this is a story about individuals coming together in the name of hope. Each character gives enough that the audience cares about them, even if some of them could have been given a bit more to play with (sounds like sequel material to me!). Wonder Woman effectively becomes the Leader of the team - exorcising her demons in the process (see her solo movie for more) and Gal Gadot is great.

The battle scenes are fantastic - the attack on Themyscira by Steppenwolf being one such example, and complemented by the CGI. Yeah, I've heard the whole 'poor CGI' thing but frankly.... whatever?! Had I not stupidly read the reviews before seeing the film I might not have spent the running time watching the villain and thinking "Is he a poor villain?" (I came away thinking "Nah, he worked for me!")

Henry Cavill didn't get half as much screen time as the other characters in the League and it looks as if most of the Zac Snyder material featuring his Superman ended up on the cutting room floor, but he is one of the highlights. I will agree with the critics that WB seriously messed up with their marketing strategy in which they essentially 'excluded him' from all promotional material. I now eagerly await for Man of Steel 2 where we'll get to see more of the 'fun' Supes that we got in this movie.

I saw this film three times at the cinema and now own on Blu Ray. Fantastic film for the JL's first outing on the big screen. And you know what?

You are allowed to enjoy both the Justice League AND The Avengers!!