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JT (287 KP) rated The Grey (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Grey (2012)
The Grey (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama
7.0 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Director Joe Carnahan has a popular back catalogue. One that is considered his best to date is Narc. Of course he helmed the bat shit crazy, guns-a-blazing Smokin Aces and who could forget for a minute the over the top and some what bonkers reboot of The A-Team.

Here, Carnahan teams up with Liam Neeson once again, although it was very nearly Bradley Cooper, but we’re glad that Neeson got the gig! Neeson plays Ottway, a crack shot with a rifle whose job it is is to keep the many oil drilling workers off the menu from the local four legged carnivores.

When the plane transporting the crew back from the end of season crashes in Alaskan no man’s land, Neeson must battle the elements and inhospitable terrain to find safety – while at the same time avoiding a rather pissed off pack of hungry wolves. If there is anyone you’d want by your side in this type of situation (Bear Grylls not present) it’s Nesson. With a few choice words for his new found friends “nobody’s going to find us….and if we don’t move we’re all fucked!” They abandon what little is left of the plane and set out into the wilderness.

This is clearly not the best idea, and it’s not long before the group are picked off one by one as the race to safety intensifies. With the Alpha male calling the shots wolf side, it’s Neeson doing the same for the humans, as he battles with his own issues as well as those around him. A few nights opening up round the fire and you realise that these men have a significant reason to want to get home alive.

Neeson is level headed and cool, but then put into a situation like this you have to be. The film, lacking in any visual landscape must use the survivors to really build the story, and Carnahan delivers enough tension to the audience to keep them on a knife edge.

The action is integrated well into the emotional side of the plot and that makes the film all the more enjoyable, as by the end you feel for each and everyone of those guys. The scenes are a little more believable, no tanks shooting down planes here. Although we do wonder if Carnahan took inspiration from Cliffhanger for one particular scene.

The Grey packs an intense punch all the way through and it will play on the heart strings as well. Neeson is the stand-out but has a solid supporting cast who don’t let him carry the burden all the way through till the end.

JT (287 KP) rated Riddick (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Riddick (2013)
Riddick (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
When are directors ever going to learn from their own mistakes. I mean you would think it was a no brainer really. Your first film is a hit, the sequel dies on its arse and the third instalment is a chance to right the wrongs and win back the fans – yet you’re not able to capitalise.

Riddick (Vin Diesel) has been left for dead… again, which is becoming something of a habit. This time stranded on a planet with practically no chance of survival. The opening twenty minutes almost plays out like an episode of Bear Grylls, as Riddick fends off an attack from a pack of rabid Alien like dingos, finds water and fixes a broken leg as only he can (causing some wincing from the audience).

This part is slow, although it still proves that Vin Diesel is worth the entrance fee if he’s able to hold the attention on his own for this long. All this messing about tries to set up the film on some kind of narrative, cutting back to how Riddick ended up in this predicament in the first place. Vin Diesel’s character has his Fuyran backstory elaborated further and how he was betrayed and left for dead on the rock we find him on which, incidentally, he thought was his home planet of Fuyra but as he puts it “not Fuyra!”

After the one man show the film moves into overdrive as two teams of bounty hunters descend to take Riddick’s head back in a box. This begins about forty-five minutes of awful one liners and total blatant sexism. The characters are mismatched and none that you really care about. When you suddenly get immersed in the action you get a sense of deja vu taking you back to Predator and Aliens, as the team of crack shots get picked off one by one.

The action is alright but it’s nothing special. The overall shooting of the film isn’t enhanced by the fact it’s all done in front of a green screen.

There are plenty of plot holes and Twohy has to result in pinching a sub plot from Pitch Black as the character Johns (senior in this case) becomes an all too familiar figure. Fans of the original will know what I’m talking about. This does little to enhance the film and is just a glorified way to salvage something that really hasn’t been good from the outset. What made Pitch Black so revering was the fact that we knew nothing about Riddick, he was just there for the ride.

In this we know far too much about him, and personally I didn’t really want to. I liked him how he was, a dark entity with issues and whether or not he was the type of person that you could trust? Perhaps the biggest shock and something of an annoyance was the blatant sexism on show for poor Katee Sackhoff. Clearly a sexy on screen presence she spends most of her time fending off advances from Jordi Mollà’s Santana.

The final act is almost a par with the end of Pitch Black as Riddick and the remaining crew fend off a mass attack from those scorpion like atrocities that we met at the start. Riddick is a step down not up for the franchise and it’s a bit of a misguided mess with a poor script and sexist dialogue. If they even attempt to think of returning for a fourth then they’re going to have to re-shine their eyeballs so they can see more clearly.