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The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
The Cowboy and the Hoodlum (Farthingdale Valley #2)
Jackie North | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE COWBOY AND THE HOODLUM is the second book in the Farthingdale Valley series. Gabe and Blaze are still around but it is the turn of Royce and Jonah to find their happiness.

Oh, man. Where to start? First of all, I liked that Royce was fussy and acknowledged it. I liked that the others saw it too. Jonah is the typical bad boy who, when given the opportunity, finds peace in nature and sees the possibility of a different life. But this story isn't just about Royce and Jonah, it's also about Beck. And, oh boy, he's a character!!! As much as I wanted to dislike him, I could understand his feelings.

Royce is the right man for Jonah, being just what he needs. Having a partner who was loud and obviously disagreed with Jonah's choices wouldn't have worked. Instead, Jonah tries to please Royce just for one of his smiles. Let me just say, Royce is a better character than I am! He was way too easy-going and forgiving in my mind but then, I 'may' be able to hold a grudge, or so I've been told. 😂

Very different and very good. I definitely recommend this or any of the books by this author!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 6, 2023

Gene Simmons recommended Mellow Gold by Beck in Music (curated)

Mellow Gold by Beck
Mellow Gold by Beck
1994 | Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter

"So he started off as an indie guy. 'Loser' was just a song he released on an indie label, but it caught fire. MTV picked it, blah blah blah. And it was later put on a proper album on Geffen. He is an eclectic artist and a Scientologist to boot. The irony is that Beck's father [David Campbell] actually arranged the symphony orchestra that backed us up at the Melbourne stadium when we played there. Mellow Gold has got this eclectic sense to it in terms of, like, he uses drum loops, which I hate, but it sounds cool to me! He uses different kinds of instruments and seems to play them all, and the songwriting is all over the place. But at the core of it, what he doesn't do that other singers do is show off. He just gets the personality going and sings the song. So when you think of Brian Johnson and Robert Plant and Paul Rodgers, they're showing off with their vocals, singing way up on the high end of their range. I don't care if it's Steven Tyler or anybody else, you show off! Beck doesn't show off. He's just midrange or low-down. His attitude comes not from what he does vocally but it's laid back, kind of matter-of-fact, as if he's just thinking to himself. It's a unique thing. In that way, even though it doesn't have a wall of guitars or any of that, it's very rock. That sensibility he's got, although I'm sure he would consider himself an indie artist, but his sensibility is very rock."

Three Blind Dates
Three Blind Dates
Meghan Quinn | 2018 | Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up a month or so ago when it was 99p as I've enjoyed this authors books before.

So this starts with Noely doing her Going in Blind profile interview. She's a Good Morning Malibu show host and has used some of their equipment to film the interview, which, when her producer finds the disc informs her that she will be doing a segment on the show detailing her dates. She tries to protest but he's not having any of it and she reluctantly agrees.

Noely has three dates, as the title suggest and has a great time with all three, all for different reasons. Jack is her first option, the mysterious Suit. Then Beck, the bike riding Rebel. And lastly Hayden, the ice hockey Jock. She gets on with all three really well but something seems to go wrong on the second dates, leading her to look for someone else.

Then we get a "mystery man". One of the above guys who starts messaging Noely in the hopes of getting her to fall for him after the mess he made of their date. I was a bit stumped about who it was going to end up being but a certain guy did keep turning up places quite regularly.

I liked this but it did seem quite long for what went down. Each guy took up about a quarter of the book, including the final mystery one. It didn't entirely pull me in but there were some truly fun bits, and for me, personally, those involved Noely's brother, Alex, and his wife, Lauren. And little Chloe, too.
Music of My Mind by Stevie Wonder
Music of My Mind by Stevie Wonder
1972 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's the first record produced by Stevie Wonder, and one where he plays everything himself. The contract he signed with Motown meant that he would be in complete control. There may be other albums by him where he's more consistent. Or maybe they're more classic. But it's the approach to that record, and the sound that I love. 'Love Having You Around' is one of my favourite Stevie Wonder songs. The whole record has this funkiness to it, and his drumming is unlike any other drummer I've heard. He speeds up and slows down on the track. On 'Love Having You… he's just really grooving, because he's playing music with himself. It's not done to a click track. That kind of movement and the grooves are the things I like most in the music - that's something I think about a lot when making music as well, I'm always trying to get away from using a click track. It can be much more exciting to have things constantly speeding up and slowing down. There's just something about people doing records on their own that I really like. I remember when I heard this for the first time, and it was so distorted, and maybe there was a vocoder being used. The first time I put it in, I was thinking that maybe they'd put the wrong CD in the box - maybe a Jeff Beck one, something more bluesy! I really liked that in itself. Stevie's experimenting! There's a real playfulness about this, that I try to have in the music-making that I do! It's having the confidence to play around and being aware that you might stumble on to something."

Mellow Gold by Beck
Mellow Gold by Beck
1994 | Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter

"The thing about Beck was that he felt like a well-kept secret for a while. I can’t actually remember how I stumbled upon him, but it was way back around the time of his second album Stereopathetic Soulmanure, that was before he had his big breakout, crossover albums. This track is from Mellow Gold, which was his third album and had ‘Loser’ on it, so other people were starting to pick up on him, finally. I couldn’t believe that nobody else had heard of this amazing talent; he was completely doing his own thing and you could tell he had real soul. The fact that this was around the time of Britpop just made him stand out all the more to me, I couldn’t stop listening to his early stuff. ’Truckdrivin Neighbors Downstairs (Yellow Sweat)’ sums up what I loved about him in those days and why I still do now. It crystallised the appeal of those records, it’s got such an amazing narrative and it was obvious that it was a true story, that he really had lived above or below that truck driver who was on weird speed or angel dust. He just encapsulates that sort of nightmarishness of having problems with the neighbours and the pitched-down vocals make it sound totally ominous. There’s such an experimental flavour to it musically and lyrically and you can hear how he would cut and paste ideas. That’s how those early albums were - every track different to the last. I love everything he’s done really and that experimental flavour has never really left him, all the way up to making a pop record with Colors. I absolutely battered his first few albums though and for a while I felt like I was the only one. The guy’s a real one-off."


Gene Simmons recommended Truth by The Jeff Beck Group in Music (curated)

Truth by The Jeff Beck Group
Truth by The Jeff Beck Group
2011 | Blues, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The mythology is that Jimmy Page played on that, but it's clearly Jeff Beck all the way - that personality. The interesting way they recorded the tracks is that the entire band were in the studio at the same time. And Ronnie Wood on bass. I think Ronnie Wood is actually a better bass player than he is a guitar player. The bass playing on that record is just great! You can hear mistakes, but listen to what the bass does in 'Rock My Plimsoul', it goes completely against the drums, but it gives it like a slinky snake-like feel. From beginning to end you have this kind of jamming, drunken-keyboard-player-in-a-New-Orleans-whorehouse-upright-piano feel. It's the best vocal that Rod Stewart has ever done on that first record, I don't think he's ever equalled it. He ran out of songs to do, so he covered 'Greensleeves' instrumental, he just didn't have any more songs! 'Shapes Of Things' was a cover that he originally did with The Yardbirds and then did a version here, and tore. It. Up. Such a heavy, heavy band. I remember seeing them live in New York City. The rest of the kids didn't understand, but I was just blown away. I remember it well, the opening band was the Crazy [World of] Arthur Brown. He came out in a mask with his head lit on fire. That was actually connected later to by fire-spitting in the band. I just thought, 'Well that's a good idea'. The thing you noticed that while everyone was drinking, flirting, talking or whatever, when Arthur Brown walked onstage with his head on fire, everyone stopped!"

E2-E4 by Manuel Goettsching / Manuel Gottsching
E2-E4 by Manuel Goettsching / Manuel Gottsching
1984 | Electronic, House
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Andy might have been cheating a little bit by picking two Pogues songs, and I might be doing the same with this, because it’s just under an hour long. I’m getting my money’s worth out of my three picks! “The first time I heard this track was when it was sampled by an Italian house band called Sueño Latino in the late 80s’. Their version had more of a four-on-the-floor kick to it, so you could dance to it and that’s where I first heard it, in Ibiza way back. It really spoke to me straight away; I couldn’t pinpoint any of the sounds and it felt as if it came from the future. It had this Balearic, soulful feel to it and yet it was electronic. It was about as far out a piece of music as I’d experienced and it seemed totally unique at the time. “I slowly unravelled it and got back to the original by Manuel Göttsching, which is just mind-blowing. It goes back to the days of those electronic concept albums. I read somewhere that it wasn’t ever supposed to be released, that he just made it for himself so that he had something to listen to on long-haul flights - which is the kind of self-indulgence you expect from a German electronic pioneer! “I love that it has so much soul and yet it still doesn’t sound as if it’s of this world. It’s a total shapeshifter and there’s still an intoxicating sense of escapism about it for me, which is something I’m always chasing in my own work. Like the Beck and Smiths songs, it was a track that had a profound effect on me, and made me think, “I want to learn how to do that, or at least try. I want to live in that world."


Adam Green recommended Mutations by Beck in Music (curated)

Mutations by Beck
Mutations by Beck
1998 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite Watch

"For me this album was a pivotal moment in my life when I was 17 years-old. I bought it the opening day it came out – at midnight at Tower Records. I went home, played it and it blew my mind with its baroque production and how ambitious it was lyrically. I felt 'Oh my god, someone who is alive right now is making album the way people like David Bowie, Bob Dylan and The Beatles did.' It really felt like a fully realised act of genius. The lyrics were so mysterious to me and beautifully written. I still think about the songs all the time, and their cool landscape lyrics about decay and death. It's Leonard Cohen-ish. I was astounded by the whole vision and wondered how anyone who is alive right now make something so good. Growing up with other hero bands of mine like Nirvana, I always thought these refined masterpiece records were a thing of the past and that my generation were slackers who wouldn't aspire to make stuff on that level, but when Beck made Mutations he was a master artist showing you an actual jewel he'd made. It was so inspiring. More importantly, for me the day I heard Mutations is the day I decided to get a notebook and carried it around in my pocket everywhere I went, just to write down everything I was thinking. It turned me into a walking scribe of my interior landscape. I just try to excavate all my ideas onto notebook pages and I've been chronic notebooker ever since. I've never not had an endless scroll of notebooks. The reason I bought my first notebook was because of this record's quality, it set me on a creative path."


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Dear Child in Books

Oct 29, 2020  
Dear Child
Dear Child
Romy Hausmann | 2020 | Crime, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lena Beck disappeared fourteen years ago--a carefree student who simply vanished without a trace. Since then, her father, Matthias, and her mother have waited for any news about their daughter's whereabouts. Then, they receive a call: a woman has been found after an accident. She's in the hospital and a young girl, Hannah, presumably her daughter, is with her. From Hannah, we learn that Lena and Hannah were living in a cabin, basically unknown and cutoff from the outside world.

"He creates day and night. Like God."

This book was quite the ride! I couldn't put this one down. It was eerily reminiscent of Wendy Walker's Don't Look For Me, which I just read, and of course, Room, as everyone has mentioned. It's utterly captivating; I read it over the course of about 24 hours. The story is told from the perspective of Hannah, who has her own unique voice (that's putting it mildly); the woman known as Lena; and Matthias. Together, they tell us a creepy and often heartbreaking tale, going back in time to the cabin, as well as present day in the hospital.

I won't go too in-depth, because it's best to go in to this one blind. I will say that it's easy to get caught up in the characters, particularly Lena, and Hannah, in a sort of spellbinding way. I was mesmerized by their stories and totally enjoyed that I didn't guess the outcome. I thought this was going to be a 4.5-star read, but the ending wound up being a little crazy. It came on suddenly and just seemed a bit jarring.

Still, if you're looking for an eerie and compelling read--told by some original and haunting voices--you'll enjoy DEAR CHILD. 4 stars.
The Whisper Man
The Whisper Man
Alex North | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spine chilling atmosphere set up (1 more)
Jake the cool if spooky kid
Not much mystery in the crime (1 more)
Poor police characters
If you leave a door half open, soon you'll hear the whispers spoken.......
This book got off to a great start with a really creepy feeling to it. A spooky kids rhyme will always get the chills going.

Jake and his father Tom are struggling with life after the death of Jake’s mum and a fresh start in a new house doesn't lead to the new start Tom hopes for when Jake continues to keep saying freaky stuff and knowing things he couldn’t possibly know. There is a very supernatural feel to the beginning of this book that is well done, and how that is wrapped up is also well dealt with.

However I felt the crime plot let this book down, the killer was obvious to me as soon as they were vaguely mentioned but the police detective Amanda Beck just seemed flat out incompetent. I nearly screamed out loud at her when she gave herself the proverbial pat on the back for a job well done. Staying up all night because a kid has gone missing does not in itself make you a good cop - doing some good old style investigating that actually gets results does.

I liked the complex relationship between Jake and Tom but a lot of the other characters left much to be desired for me. Reformed alcoholic cop Pete Willis; haunted by his past felt like a character I have read/ seen a hundred times before. And the reporter with morals seemed a stretch.

All in all I’d recommend coming to this book for the chills but don’t expect the crime mystery to knock your socks off.