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Lethal Intent
Lethal Intent
Cara C. Putman | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
8 Awesome Lethally Good things about Cara Putman's new book!

• Cara Putman opens your eyes to just how far some people will go to find a cure

• From the first page, Cara Putman focuses on the details, explaining things (like medical terminology) through Caroline and her new job at a medical research company

• The legal and medical terminology added a great layer to this story and really made the whole thing totally realistic in its intensity

• Cara Putman wrote this story as if You were there with Caroline learning all this information for the first time and figuring out exactly what was going on, which I believe made it that much more compelling and it hooked me from the first page

• The characters are spot on, both Caroline and Brandon play off each other and show the intricacies of a couple learning how the other thinks and processes information

• I LOVED how Caroline was strong in her convictions or wrong and right; and how she was willing to stand up for what she believed in, no matter the personal costs

• Brandon... What a soft teddy bear with the heart of a lion for the kids in his care. I truly loved his patient nature and how he was so concerned with the kid’s welfare. Cara Putman did a great job drawing out his character and giving little mysterious hints about his background throughout the whole story

• The combination of suspense, mystery, thrill, and the medical end to this story was such a good combination that kept me up way past bedtime

Cara Putman weaved a wonderfully dramatic story set amid an up and coming cure being found! It was fun to learn from the characters the processes involved as well as learning what can hypothetically be done to medically treat people. I really enjoyed this experience with Cara Putman, and I am already looking forward to my next book from her. 4 out of 5 stars.
Night of Mysterious Blessings
Night of Mysterious Blessings
Sally Metzger | 2021 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do you have a child or children who are struggling to sleep or relax? Well, maybe “Night of Mysterious Blessings” by Sally Metzger can help calm down through stressful thoughts or worries.

This book brings a bit of God into the story. Though through a twist, many children learn that helps them sleep at night. This mysterious man they all call sandman. This book is relaxing and calm for adults as well as children. I do enjoy that.

This book is about a little boy and his dog. Will the little boy fall asleep, or will he toss and turn all night? Will the mysterious man be able to help him? The pictures are well-designed; I have enjoyed looking at them. They do tell the story. My body was relaxing while reading this book. It seemed to destress me, and the pictures helped as well.

This book may be a good idea for parents to pick up for themselves and their children. Children can learn about a mysterious man called the sandman and about God.

The mysterious man came to help the little boy. He looks like someone that we enjoy in the winter and around the Christmas holiday. I am curious to know if the look is intended that way but for me. He looks all joyous and happy and relaxed. However, he is supposed to be a sandman.

This book is a good bedtime story for children. Parents can read it to them, or young readers that are early readers can read this or learn to read from this book. Maybe your child or children can see what comes from the morning light after a restful night. You could learn about worrying and stressing less from this lovely story. I would like to know if there will be more books or a series.
Sanctum (Asylum, #2)
Sanctum (Asylum, #2)
Madeleine Roux | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars
Once again, Madeleine has kept me up way past my bedtime, scared to go to sleep with the lights off. It worries me that I felt so compelled to read Sanctum, the second book in the Asylum series, considering how much I hate being scared. But I did feel compelled and I did read the book - with the lights on, I might add. Of course, to help relieve some of my fear, I did my best to read the whole book in one sitting instead of trying to sleep with unanswered questions scrambling around inside my head. The pictures provided in Sanctum, thankfully, were a lot less creepy than those in Aslyum, though the plot left the same fearful chill. It was pretty amazing to watch everything come together and grow into something so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. Even if I hadn't been aware beforehand that there is a third book, I would immediately know that Dan's story is not over - not when he still possesses that red stone. I don't claim to be a fortune teller, but I foresee more trouble heading Dan's way and I have a feeling that stone is at the center of it. It'll be interesting to see how Madeleine intertwines more into this already complex story. I look forward to unraveling more of Daniel Crawford's mysteries.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Mist on Water in Books

Apr 18, 2023  
Mist on Water
Mist on Water
Shea Berkley | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a fairy tale going back to the ways of old - there are layers of meaning with this tale and not a Disney princess in sight! Reading this story, I am immediately reminded of the Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Andersen - Fairy Tale Tellers Extraordinaire who seemed to specialise in tales with a twist, a darker kind of fairytale, the kind that gave you shivers as you huddled beneath your blankets as your parent read your bedtime story.

This book is split into three different sections - Ryne, the Nix and Nari. Ryne is our young hero whose whole life has been affected by tales of the Nix, although he has yet to see any proof that she exists. The nix is the villain of the piece that I actually felt sympathy for. Yes, she was evil and twisted but there were reasons for that, which just about broke my heart! Nari is our spitfire heroine, not content to sit back and be rescued, she is the one doing the rescuing.

Well written and with a smooth plot and timeline, this is a new 'old' fairytale that I thoroughly enjoyed. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 8, 2015
Dark Tomorrow
Dark Tomorrow
Jeremiah Franklin | 2018 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Action Packed Read
I will start by saying that whatever you do, don't start to read this right before bedtime because once you start you won't be able to put it down as that's what happened to me and so I read it until I reached the last page.

The author's worldbuilding is so realistic that you are immediately transported into the middle of this post-apocalyptic world that has been decimated by a virus and you can practically hear the ever-present crows.

Sawyer, Sara, and Mason are truly a force to be reckoned with as we learn of their heartaches and witness how strong they are to endure the harshness and perils of the world. All the characters, from the good to the bad are strong and well developed.

The author has written this in such a way that you often feel like it could really happen. This action-packed powerhouse of a story will keep you on the edge of your seat and I highly recommend it
The Lodgers (2017)
The Lodgers (2017)
2017 | Horror
Bizarre, enjoyable.
269. The Lodgers. This was a bizarre tale, but I enjoyed still... It takes place in 1920 Ireland and tells the story of twin siblings Rachel and Edward as their 18th birthday approaches, and a destiny to fulfill... Not to weird right? But I didn't mention that they have to follow some strict rules in this house!! And one of the big ones is bedtime, because the night belongs to their parents, ya know the ones that died a few years back, by committing suicide in a lake... yea. Did I mention that their parents were also twin siblings? And their parents before them?? So there is that. Edward is a ghost of a person, never leaves the house completely depends on Rachel, and seems to be ok with succumbing to their fate, while Rachel is looking for a way out, and she might be a little more devious than she lets on. You be the judge! Some cool imagery, and definitely creepy at times, a cool tale to check out... filmbufftim on FB
Danny The Dragon "Meets Jimmy"
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing I noticed about the book when I picked it up was the gold sticker on the cover that stated "Best Books AWARD FINALIST- USA Book News," and my first thoughts were, "Wow, this book must be really something." The picture on the cover featured a detailed illustration of a dragon, a boy, and smaller creature that looked vaguely like a frog. The illustration of the dragon is quite unique in that it is covered in multi-colored spots and mismatched stripes and wears a yellow-and-blue backpack and red tennis shoes. One of the opening pages shows two quotes, one from the author and one from the illustrator, discussing briefly how they both came to put together this book. The illustrations for the story itself are large, colorful, and fill the wide two-page spread, providing plenty for my two-year-old daughter to stare at and study. I did find it strange that there was no actual title page, but I suppose that would have been redundant.

The boy's name is Jimmy, and his sister's name is Sally, and both children and the dragon are polite and well-mannered throughout the story, using "Please" and "Thankyou" and helping Mom and Dad clean up both the beach supplies at the beginning of the story and the dishes after supper. The smaller green creature from the cover pops out of the green and white seashell with Danny the Dragon, and we are informed his name is Skipper and that he is Danny's navigator, but not what kind of creature he is. Danny explains that water will make him shrink back to fit inside the shell, and a lack of water causes him to come out of the shell as he grows big, which brings to mind the small toys that expand when placed in water (only opposite). All of the characters in the story are articulate and kind to each other, and there is nothing about the story that would be considered scary or bad, which is quite appropriate for the 4 to 8 year-old age group that the book is intended for. The story even promotes healthy eating, as the family has homemade vegetable soup for supper. The book is quite obviously set up for at least one sequel, as at the ending when Jimmy asks Danny where he came from and where has he been, Danny politely answers, "I will tell you some other time. For now it is bedtime. Goodnight - pleasant dreams."