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Some Sunny Day
Some Sunny Day
Madge Lambert | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Some Sunny Day was one of those books that go slowly, and tell a story of another times, reviving memories and emotions. A story of a lady that is sent to India to take care for the British Soldiers in the Second World War.

A beautiful memoir, full of lively descriptions that make the scenes more realistic. A powerful story of love, bravery, tragedy, sacrifices and hope.

Madge is a character that all people can relate to. Even though a nurse, and sent to another country, Madge is also a lady just like any other, capable of making decisions, mistakes, fall in love, lose the people she loves and hope for a better future.

A very relatable and non-distant character, too realistic for our own good. I loved her so much, and I was eager to know her story.

The pace, however, for me, was too slow. It took me a while to finish this book, and I stopped reading it two times before I finally finished it. The line between this being a great read and a DNF was very thick. That is why a few of my stars have to go away.

I love memoirs, I love stories behind the scenes of wars. Being born and growing up in the Balkans, this is something that triggers us very close to the heart. Being taught in school to protect each other, and living with our father’s stories of how they went and served in the army is something we can all relate to, and respect all these people that are ready to give their lives for a country.

Those were times when I couldn’t have been easy at all, being away from your family, your loved ones. Hard times not only for the people serving the army, but also the people at home, that miss them and pray for them every single day.

What are we all fighting for? How can war bring peace?

Thank you to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan, for providing me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
Bread & Tulips (2001)
Bread & Tulips (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama, International
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pacing not quite enough to save this movie
When a woman is left behind at a rest stop during a family vacation, she uses the opportunity to settle into the town a become a local.

Acting: 10
Licia Maglietta is magnificent as main star Rosalba. She holds her own in a number of different scenes throughout and really is the standout of the movie. I was impressed with a number of the other performances as well, but Bread and Tulips wouldn’t have had nearly the same amount of quality without her.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 1

Cinematography/Visuals: 1
One of the areas in which the film grossly suffers. There isn’t much that stands out in my memory about how this film was shot other than it being just plain…meh. It shoots like a monotonous mess making it hard for you to really want to commit your attention and time. Scenes are extremely basic with no real pop.

Conflict: 4

Entertainment Value: 5
While Bread and Tulips has its moments, it really was more of a background movie for me. The effort is solid in a few spots, but the movie ultimately just dragged and had me counting down to the resolution. Ultimately it never really succeeded in holding my attention.

Memorability: 6
With a handful of solid moments, nothing really jumped out here as overly memorable for me. It is memorable in the sense of having a unique concept, but it never fringes on impactful. I was hoping for more meat and I got scraps instead.

Pace: 7
The film does drag in spots where it should be moving a bit more quickly. However, it moves pretty evenly through the story for the most part. Could there have been a handful of parts that were cut out? Sure. Overall, though, the pace is pretty fluid.

Plot: 5

Resolution: 4
After all was said and done, the ending was just ok. I was hoping for some kind of surprise to redeem the movie, but it went pretty much how I expected it to go. Not impressed.

Overall: 53
A lot of people enjoyed Bread and Tulips if we go by what Rotten Tomatoes is saying. Unfortunately, I was not one of those people. The story overall is very underwhelming. I am absolutely ok with never seeing this one again.