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Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)
2017 | Biography, Family, History
An interesting true story
Like many I know the stories of Winnie the Pooh, but until now I've never known the story behind the writing of the books and the real Christopher Robin.

This is a fascinating, if not slightly disturbing, tale of the creation of Winnie the Pooh and a large part of the life of A.A Milne. It's disturbing mainly for how badly Christopher Robin was treated and used by his parents, and I found this a little difficult to watch and at such a contrast with the happier scenes around the creation of the characters. Domnhall Gleeson is very good and convincing as the very prim and proper author, but I think my only issue is that this film takes the British stiff upper lip much too far. Whilst I don't doubt that this is how people were during this period of time, the stiff English accents really got on my nerves - especially Margot Robbie's, which was a little too proper and English.
The Death Messenger
The Death Messenger
Mari Hannah | 2017 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspense (3 more)
Unusual offender
The Death Messenger sends videos of crime scenes with an narration. Each crime scene has no physical evidence only the narration and what's on the videos. The detectives only have a voice to go on.

The story and person behind the killings is unusual, I didnt see it coming and loved the suspense aspect of the book towards the end. This book is fast-paced with great characters that you really come to love. I haven't read any of the other books with the same characters but would consider it now.

There is a lot of backstory to unpiece around the characters. I felt at times this took a large proportion of the story but now I've read the whole thing I wouldn't say it was overpowering. Initially, I thought the case impossible to unravel but it was done well with enough details and suspense throughout.

A huge thanks to the author for sending me this book for an honest review through Netgalley.

I started read this book with no knowledge about the background of comics, especially for Canada. I have always loved comics, but never really read anything that speaks behind the scenes of how it started, what is the philosophy behind it.

I expected this book to teach me a lot of new things, and help me see the world in a different point of view, and I wasn’t disappointing at all. This is not a book that will deprive you from your sleep at night – in fact, it is one of those books where you read to learn, and it might seem boring at times, but that is only because it is full with information at all times. Wonderful read.

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