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Becoming Superman
Becoming Superman
J. Michael Straczynski | 2019 | Biography
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leaving Behind a Past of Kryptonite
In this book, author J. Michael Stracyznski (JMS to his fans) tells the story of his family and his life. Starting with his grandparents, he gives us some background before telling us about his childhood under an abusive father and a distant mother. In between moving every few months to stay ahead of creditors, JMS discovered ways to escape via TV shows, comic books, and science fiction. As he discovered the power of words, he vowed to become a writer. That desire eventually lead him to a career in comic books and in Hollywood on such things as He-Man; She-Ra; The Real Ghostbusters; Babylon 5; Murder, She Wrote; Sense8; and the movies Changeling, Thor, and World War Z.

I picked up this book because I am an obsessive Babylon 5 fan. Those picking it up for lots of Hollywood behind the scenes stories will be disappoint, although we do get some in the second half. Instead, it is more a story of his family, their secrets, and how they impacted his life. At times, it is a hard read. JMS’s life for his first 20 plus years was not easy or fun. But, ultimately, this is a story of triumph as he works to overcome his baggage. It is a powerful story that proves where you start doesn’t have to be where you finish if you are willing to take responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your choices, something we need more of in our society today. I think this book will change my view of Babylon 5 the next time I watch it, something I need to do soon as I think knowing the man behind the story will make some things mean more and be even more powerful. This is not light reading, but it is powerful reading and worth the time spent in the book.
Pathfinder (2007)
Pathfinder (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This movie, staring Bones from the new Star Trek movies, follows a viking boy who was left behind in America and raised by natives 600 years before Columbus. 15 years later, and the vikings are back to try and settle America. And who else to fight them but another viking who has made these people his family?

Okay, I enjoyed this film but

A) it was very gorey

B) while the time line is linear because the environment is constantly changing it gets a little hard to follow

C)I see why this film, to my knowledge, wasn’t very popular when it came out in 2007. The pacing isn’t great for the average TV goer.

I am also unsure about how they portrayed vikings in this movie. Would they bring horses with them? Would they go to this extent when trying to settle a place by killing everyone and not taking any slaves?

The plot line was interesting if a bit slow, and if you enjoy fight scenes this could be a good movie for you.
One Taste of You
One Taste of You
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm sad to say I didn't care for this story. It started out with clichés, insta-love, and cheesiness (and no, not the cute kind of cheesy). Everything felt forced, none of the scenes seemed to flow - Zoe and Zeke's first night together was awkward, not sexy. Then, of all things, Zoe finds out she's pregnant! *eyeroll* The author didn't make it feel like months had passed, so it literally seemed as if she found out she was pregnant just a couple of weeks after their first time. Another thing that really, truly grated on my nerves was how Zeke kept begging Zoe to not deny him sex. This is all he worried about! His words, "please don't ever deny me sex" went straight through me, for some reason. I can say the murderer was a surprise, if only because she's mentioned once or twice throughout the whole book, and the reason behind the murders is a bit farfetched. All in all, I was disappointed and I have no plans to continue reading this series.