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A Dog's Way Home (2019)
A Dog's Way Home (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Family
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Homeward bound
Chilled out for the night, myself and my girlfriend decided to route through Netflix and being a dog lover she wanted to watch this...

A dogs way home is a genuine piece of art in the form of a dogs survival from it's own perspective.
The story follows Bella, an illegal breed of dog with a heart of Gold, who after being temporarily rehomed for her safety, runs away and decides to make her way home...
Through danger and panic, love and loss.

A beautiful story of love and loyalty between man and dog that manages to pull on every heart string, playing an orchestra of the soul, showing that animal's are intelligent and often misunderstood creatures that just want to be loved.
A Dog's Way Home (2019)
A Dog's Way Home (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Family
There's a Dog...She's Finding Her Way Home
Just like the title indicates, a dog tries to find her way home after being separated 400 miles apart.

Acting: 4

Beginning: 8
I wasn’t completely sold after watching the beginning of A Dog’s Way Home, but it was at least a solid enough ten minutes to keep me interested. You quickly learn what’s happening, who to hate, and who to root for. It also tries to set expectations for just how cheesy and kiddy it’s going to be.

Characters: 3

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 7
The pup star of the show Bella does go on quite a bit of an adventure that produces some interesting bouts of conflict. Bella is on her own and has to do what she needs to do to survive, including finding food and staying warm. Even when she does manage to get to a safe place, there’s always the question of how she’s going to get back to her owner. Some of the occurrences are a little on the farfetched side, but I’ve seen worse.

Entertainment Value: 5

Memorability: 4

Pace: 10

Plot: 5

Resolution: 9
Even if you don’t like the movie as a whole, you can’t help but appreciate the ending. It’s full of cheese and sap, but I can be a sucker for those things even when I see them coming a mile away. I mean, come on, you really think a movie that’s titled A Dog’s Way Home won’t see the dog actually make it home? Sorry, SPOILER ALERT!

Overall: 65
My biggest issue with this movie is the gimmicky voiceover for Bella. It’s been done so many times before and it’s totally distracting and unnecessary. You take out the voiceover and the movie at least becomes bearable. As it stands, I can’t recommend it.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated A Dog's Way Home (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
A Dog's Way Home (2019)
A Dog's Way Home (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Family
Being by the same author as A Dog's Purpose you basically know the sort of film you're going to be getting and it doesn't disappoint on that front.

All the real life floofs were amazing and Shelby as Bella obviously gets five stars. The CGI floofs however should probably get a minus amount of stars. You notice it right from the start but once you get to that cougar that's when you think "oh it really is that bad!" It kind of feels like they found a cartoon of a cougar instead of a photo of one to work from.

I don't know where Ashley Judd has been hiding but it was good to see her back in a film. It was a nice little role and she did well with what she was given.

Bryce Dallas Howard was the voice of Bella and she does manage to give her the right tone for all the different situations. It's exactly what you think a dog would sound like if it could talk.

Bella's script is quite fun. Snow is ice cream falling from the sky and cutting the grass is indeed taking the mower for a walk, she even dislikes playing "go to work"... so do we Bella, so do we.

This had potential to be a 3.5/4 star film if it hadn't been for the frankly awful CGI, but I don't think I could see my way clear to give it more than that. It's predictable, just from the synopsis above you can make guesses at what's going to happen... something/someone is the reason Bella is far from home, she'll run away the first chance she gets, danger and camaraderie will be the themes while she's on her journey, she will somehow make it back even though it looks like everything is lost and they'll all live happily ever after.

What you should do

There are probably a lot of classic family films to stream or you already own which do the same job so there's probably no rush to see this one at the cinema. If you do though... take tissues.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Any amount of floofs will do me!