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The Last Duel (2021)
The Last Duel (2021)
2021 | Drama, History
Three nuanced perspectives on a winter’s tale.
In Ridley Scott’s new movie “The Last Duel” we are in the late 14th century in France. And – apart from in one scene – it appears to be perpetual winter!

Plot Summary:
Widowed Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon) is a battle-hardened warrior, loyal to King Charles VI of France (Alex Lawther). He is becoming progressively estranged from his one-time friend Jacques Le Gris (Adam Driver), a personal favourite of Normandy ruler Pierre d’Alençon (Ben Affleck).

But Carrouges’ lovely new wife Marguerite (Jodie Comer) accuses Le Gris of a terrible crime. But who is telling the truth? Only God can decide, as Carrouges and Le Gris must duel to the death.

US: R. UK: 18.

Starring: Jodie Comer, Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Ben Affleck.

Directed by: Ridley Scott.

Written by: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Nicole Holofcener.

“The Last Duel” Review: Positives:
It’s an intriguing script – the first collaboration between Damon and Affleck since their Oscar-winning “Good Will Hunting” from 25 years ago. It presents 3 different versions of “the truth” from three different perspectives. (One of these – Marguerite’s version – is suggested as being the ‘actual’ truth through a clever delayed fade of the chapter title). Many of the same scenes are repeated in each variant: sometimes with obvious differences in fact; sometimes with the slightest nuance of tone or expression; and sometimes with no change to the visuals, but with the benefit of hearing the dialogue being spoken. Very clever.
“Killing Eve”‘s Jodie Comer is just brilliant here. She is the master of nuanced expression, and she genuinely deserves an Oscar nomination for this work. Combined with her great and fun role in the surprise summer hit “Free Guy“, Comer is surely on a path to movie acting greatness.
Damon, Driver and Affleck also have great fun with their roles: they are all eminently watchable and this is a study in acting greatness. But I particularly loved Alex Lawther’s turn as the king: all excitable childish power in the body of a young adult.
Battle scenes and the final duel are delivered in visceral nature reminiscent of Ridley Scott’s famous battle and arena scenes in “Gladiator”.
Excellent production design and special effects on show here. Another Oscar nomination perhaps? The movie was filmed in the Dordogne region of France and also – after a 2020 Covid lockdown – in Ireland.

At two and a half hours it’s another long film (is October 2021 designated long film month??). And although the nuances between the different versions of reality are fascinating, there’s a degree of tedium involved in rehashing the same scenes (in some cases) for the third time. Arguably I think a few of these re-versions could have been omitted to reduce the bladder-testing run time.

Summary Thoughts on “The Last Duel”
This is Ridley Scott back on top form again. I found this a gripping watch. As the film opens, we are teased with the start of the ‘boss level’ duel between Damon and Driver. But these final dramatic scenes are the emotional lynchpin of the movie since only then do you understand the background and the ramifications of the fight.

Evidently, 14th Century France was NOT a great time for sexual equality. Women were merely chattels, denied not only fair play and self-determination, but also the bedroom niceties of foreplay and, in most cases, orgasms. As the story was based on real events, the courage and determination of Marguerite of Carrouges were extraordinary. And Jodie Comer’s portrayal of her wonderfully demonstrates, yet again, why she is the UK’s most exciting acting export for many years.
Deep Impact (1998)
Deep Impact (1998)
1998 | Action, Drama, Mystery
\summer, 1998.

There's two movies out about an asteroid hurtling towards earth, and the mission to stop them.

In one, (parts of) the Asteroid hits.

In the other, a vest-less Bruce Willis saves the day.

This is the first.

Perhaps lacking the star power of the second (Bruce Willis, Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, Billy Bob Thornton), this one has Morgan Freeman as the President of the US in tenure as the asteroid hurtles towards earth, and Tea Leoni as the journalist who breaks the story. A pre-LOTR Elijah Woods also pops up to provide the 'everyman' view of the situation, as the high school kid who first discovers the comet hurtling our way.

A bit slow getting started, and definitely a more thoughtful approach to the impending end-of-the-world scenario than Armageddon
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
This movie is criminally underrated and bashed as such. Of course it's not the best superhero movie ever. It's not even the best Zack Snyder film. But it does tell a good story with good acting and great action.

Regardless of the beating in the media, Ben Affleck did just fine as Batman. Jesse Eisenberg also did a fine job as Lex Luthor, although you couldn't tell it by reading "professional" reviews. I feel like he brought an accurate neurotic element to the character.

I find it interesting that the MCU is often praised for taking a bit of a darker approach to its films while the DCEU is almost exclusively criticized for a similar approach. Yes, I do understand they are very different. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the MCU, but hypocrisy runs rampant.
Gone Girl (2014)
Gone Girl (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Thriller
Rosamund Pike (1 more)
The plot was interesting
Ben Affleck... I Just hate him okay (1 more)
I guessed the ending.
One of the biggest let downs.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Okay I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but personal opinion I just really didn't care for this movie that much. My biggest problem was everybody just talked about how there was no movie like this the story was so unique the plot twist was going to blow you away when I managed to guess the plot twist with no problem whatsoever so to say I was really disappointed is a bit of an understatement.

I found a majority of the movie to be very monotone and boring which for me basically sums up Ben Affleck's acting but what can I say I've just never been a fan of the guy.

Okay so it wasn't all bad the parts that I did like was Rosamund Pike really stole the entire movie she was brilliant I really liked her character as well as her acting was top notch I really bought her as Amy Dunne. My favorite scene was the bedroom scene with her and Neil Patrick Harris if there was more of that through out they movie I would have probably liked it more.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) Oct 8, 2017

If Affleck would've stayed in Kevin Smith and the Dazed and Confused world and not tried to be the world's greatest actor, he would've been at least tolerable. The last movie I enjoyed this swelled headed idiot in was Smith's Chasing Amy... That was nearly 20 YEARS AGO!!!!


BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) Oct 8, 2017

Preach it dude,preach it ?

Live By Night (2017)
Live By Night (2017)
2017 | Drama
Cast (2 more)
Gun play
Costumes and Sets
Narration (0 more)
Gangsters, Guns and Money. What more is there?
To me Ben Affleck has always been a good actor. It doesn't matter if it is a good movie or a bad one, he seems to make his acting ability known. Live by Night was no different, he played gangster very well. It might be because he was also directing himself. Some movies you can tell that the movie is being directed by the actor in the movie, but in this one you could not see that line. The senses he was in you could tell they were done with the same quality as a director sitting in a chair.

Ben Affleck really does love Boston, because once again that where this whole thing begins. I didn't live in the 20's but the Boston accent must not have been established yet. It was quite refreshing not to hear it in a movie. I really didn't know Boston's backstory but I guess like everywhere on the East Coast there was a mob presence. They did a really good job showing the life of someone in the mob. It wasn't just the killing and booze. It really went deep with the love story of both women and what he had to go though to keep the love and them alive. Even though one of them turned out to be a backstabbing bitch.

When the story progressed to Tampa it was interesting to see something that I don't think has been portrayed in movies. Or I have never seen it. The mob in Florida. The interactions between the Irish and Italian mob in a world of Mexicans and Cubans was done very well. There was a lot going on and it never got boring. The only part of the story that got a little off was rivalry of the mob in Tampa and Miami. You never saw the fights between them until the end. I just thought it was over and done with after the Italians were run out of town. Or maybe I just missed it.

I won't tell you what happened to anyone at the end but the gun fight was amazing. So may parts put in and the chirography was done very well. I think the very end could have been done differently. To me it was very off putting and didn't understand why they choose to go that direction. Granted it was based off a book that I never read and maybe that's the way it had to be. But it could have been written better in the book too. Books seem to get the point across better anyway.

If you like gangster movies, see it. If you like Ben Affleck, see it. If you just want to watch a movie not to be bored, see it.
Extract (2009)
Extract (2009)
2009 | Comedy
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
While some might argue potty mouth humor is a constant from Mike Judge, the man behind “Office Space” and “King of the Hill”, I always seem to be curious when he takes on a new project. Judge’s latest film “Extract” combines his classic comedy style with a slightly more mature kind of humor.

A small company, Reynold’s Extract, is about to be bought out much to the joy of the depressed and sexually frustrated owner, Joel Reynold (Jason Bateman). Joel, tired of working long days with disgruntled employees, would love nothing more than returning to a simpler life at home with his wife, Suzie (Kristen Wiig). When the factories irresponsible employees accidently injure long time worker, Step, the deal begins to go south.

The sudden appearance of attractive new employee, Cindy (Mila Kunis) who has the eye of both frustrated Joel and recently damaged employee, Step, further complicates the situation. As does Reynold’s best friend, Dean (Ben Affleck), the local bartender filled with creative ideas on “bettering” Joel’s situation.

As the film progressed I keep wondering is the movie really funny or is Jason Bateman just so entertaining that it doesn’t matter. The honest truth is probably a little of both. With that said I did laugh, mostly at the blatant delivery by the aforementioned Bateman and at the scattered comedic moments derived from the unexpected nature of the film, it is not everyday you encounter a movie about an flavor extract company.

The eclectic cast of actors, from various avenues of fame, works seamlessly together. The most unexpected acting choice is Ben Affleck as Dean a role that could have filled by any number of lesser celebrities, possibly Rob Schneider.

Still the plot is unique and the story varies greatly from Judge’s traditional support of the working class. In “Extract” the protagonist is the boss man, not an underpaid employee.

A delightful little flick about working, neighbors, and other relationships, “Extract” is a creative yet diluted tale
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
2001 | Comedy
There are at least three jokes per minute, whether you get them or not. (0 more)
Stan Lee is dead. (0 more)
Greatest movie ever? thinks not!
There is not a more positive culture relevant movie in existence. If you like any movie or TV show from the 70s-90s, chances are somebody from that show is in this movie. Mark Hamil, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Carrie Fisher, George Carlin, Pie fucker, that dude that screwed Joey on Dawson's, Stiffler, not to mention hetero life mates Jay and Silent Bob! The jokes on this movie are a mile a minute, so you need to pay attention if you want to catch them all. If you're new to Kevin Smith and his impulsive friend Jason Mewes, then check out their Smodcast podcasts, or any of the other movies they've done together. Mallrats, Clerks, Dogma, Chasing Amy, etc. This is a must see for any fan of pop culture. This movie is like every Funko Pop figure wrapped into one.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated The Way Back (2020) in Movies

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
The Way Back (2020)
The Way Back (2020)
2020 | Drama, Sport
Jack Cunningham (Ben Affleck) was a High School basketball phenom who walked away from the game, forfeiting his future. Years later, when he reluctantly accepts a coaching job at his alma mater, he may get one last shot at redemption.

First of all I have to say that the thought of a film based around basketball wasn’t something that appealed to me on first hearing about Finding The Way Back, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the film and how powerful not only the performances were but the story and feel of the film.

This is a movie that is one that you can sit back with and take in the story and how Affleck’s character’s life took a turn after his Basketball career ended, but he has the chance to come back when he is asked to coach the school team which hasn’t won any games in such a long time.
The Last Duel (2021)
The Last Duel (2021)
2021 | Drama, History
Doesn't Really Work
With films such as GLADIATOR, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, ROBIN HOOD, EXODUS: GODS AND MONSTERS and the current THE LAST DUEL, Director Ridley Scott is single-handedly trying to keep alive the “Sword and Sandals” genre that was so much en vogue in the Golden Age of Hollywood.

However, he’ll have to do better than THE LAST DUEL to keep the genre going.

Starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Adam Driver and Jodi Comer, THE LAST DUEL tells the tale of the…well…Last Duel in France in the 1300’s. The story tells the tale of 2 noblemen, their ups & downs and the accusation of the wife of one of them that the other raped her. The only way to solve the dispute is a duel to the death.

Following the format of such films as RASHOMON (1950) and, more recently, WRATH OF MAN (2021), THE LAST DUEL is told in 4 parts - telling the same story from different perspectives. But, unlike RASHOMON and (surprisingly) WRATH OF MAN which peeled the onion back during each different telling, adding a deeper and richer layer to the story each time, THE LAST DUEL pretty much tells the same story over and over, not really telling it differently and not really adding any layers to the story. You pretty much know before THE LAST DUEL who is innocent, who is guilty and how the duel is going to play out.

So, Director Scott will need to rely on the performances and the look and feel of the film to get the audience hooked and intrigued during this 2 hour and 32 minute epic, but the script (by Nicole Holofcener, Affleck & Damon just isn’t up to the task.

The acting is…fine. Driver fares the best out of the 4 leads - probably because he is the actor most suited for this type of film than the others. Comer’s part is underwritten and she has surprisingly little to do - which brings us to Affleck and Damon. Affleck has the showier role and provides a spark of interest in his limited time on the screen while Damon is dour and serious and trudges through the film - as does the audience.

Director Scott (ALIEN) brings professionalism to the proceedings and accurately depicts the look and feel of the time and stages the duel (and battle scenes) with a trained eye, but the characters/performances did not leave me with anyone to truly root for (or care about) and by the time we got to THE LAST DUEL, I just wanted it to be over.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

kitty ♡ (68 KP) rated Justice League (2017) in Movies

Dec 5, 2017 (Updated Dec 5, 2017)  
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
ezra miller as the flash (4 more)
jeremy irons
amy adams
aquaman's "my man!"
ray fisher
gal gadot (2 more)
ben affleck
the fact that lois and martha were seemingly a-ok with bruce's plan
don't let the critics get you down
Contains spoilers, click to show
let me just start this off with: when barry allen said "i need... friends" I FELT THAT

anyway, with that being said, this movie got way too much shit for existing. the mistake people keep making is comparing it to the avengers, which i get because it's basically the same plot, but please give the writers and the cast and crew more credit.

the one thing that still annoys me though is the fact that martha and lois didn't have a scene with bruce in which they talk about resurrecting clark. correct me if i'm wrong, but if memory serves me correctly, martha seemed surprised and doubtful? like she JUST got word of her son being jump-started back to life? umm? ethics department, hello?? why were lois and martha just okay with letting this happen umm???