VDM Médics
Entertainment, Medical and Stickers
VDM Medics est l’application entièrement gratuite dédiée aux professionnels de la santé pour...
Leadership: Finding Balance Between Ambition and Acceptance
Leadership argues that finding satisfaction and sanity at work requires the development of both...
Better Presentations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks
Whether you are a university professor, researcher at a think tank, graduate student, or analyst at...
Beyond the Self: Conversations Between Buddhism and Neuroscience
Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer
Buddhism shares with science the task of examining the mind empirically; it has pursued, for two...
Bridge in Berlin: Fragments of a Journey Between Necropolis & Elysium
A phenomenological poetic journey in time and space discovering the bridge's importance, exemplified...
Betrieblicher Einsatz Computerunterstutzten Lernens
Martin G. Mohrle, Otto K. Ferstl, Ulrich Hasenkamp and Wolfgang Konig
Vor dem Hintergrund neuer Technologien wie Hypermedia, Weitverkehrsnetze (insbesondere Internet),...
Tragfahigkeitsermittlung Stahlfaserverstarkter Betone
In diesem Buch wird das Bruch- und Verformungsverhalten von stahlfaserverstarkten Betonen sowohl...