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Looney Tunes World of Mayhem
Looney Tunes World of Mayhem
Addictive (0 more)
In-game transactions steep (0 more)
This game is still relatively new, possibly in its beta testing still but it's really enjoyable and there is very little I can think of that's bad. The graphics and animations are great, there are many little quests to complete, including daily objectives, and you can find yourself lost in it for a long time. The rewards for completing each battle, each quest, are worth the time spent, which with then get plowed back in to the characters you are trying to build up.
However, the load screen does seem to take more than a minute or so to load, and the mini transactions within the game are a little steep. Other than that it's really enjoyable. I live watching all the different animations as each character attacks one another. So far, farmer Hector dropping a pumpkin on the enemy's head is my favourite!
    Music & Unlimited Streamer

    Music & Unlimited Streamer

    Music and Entertainment

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p3anut (62 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Dauntless in Video Games

Jun 1, 2019  
2019 | Action, Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Customization (2 more)
Hack and slash fun
Voice acting
Beta (1 more)
Dauntless+dash of monster Hunter+ rpg mmo=
I want to start out by saying if it wasn't for Xbox game share I never would have discovered dauntless. I saw my buddy had downloaded it so I decided to give it a go.

At first glance I was a little put off since it was made by epic, had fortnite looking character models and I didn't know anything about the game. And right now I'm a little burnt out on the fortnite craze.

After about 10mins of playtime, I found myself really enjoying the hunting aspect of the game. The monsters are huge and sometimes they have little ones around them that you have to kill before attacking the bigger ones. The battles range from 5min to 30min so far which is pretty nice depending on your time constraints.

The world hub that you visit in between hunts is fairly decent sized and full of human characters. They have this cool little icon feature where you can see if the player is on pc or Xbox. The hub is full of what you would expect from an RPG games as a service title. It has your typical weapon master, grenade master, potions master, and armor master. And of course looped into all of those are micro transactions for skins and dye packs etc.

Which if you're like me you don't really care about customizing the color of your hat etc. Enough to spend actual money on.

I've only played about 4 hrs of dauntless and so far I'm pretty into it. I do feel like eventually the grind will get repetitive but I will update once I have at least 10hrs put into it. As I mentioned in my tags it is in a beta stage so don't be surprised from some lag from time to time or quests not showing on the screen as completed because even tho it doesn't show, it does complete them
    Virgin Active

    Virgin Active

    Health & Fitness and Lifestyle

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    We all have goals, but not everyone has the app that let’s them smash them. With the new Virgin...