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David McK (3204 KP) rated The Incredible Hulk (2008) in Movies

Jan 30, 2021 (Updated Sep 18, 2022)  
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
Don't make me hungry. You wouldn't like me when I'm... hungry.
One of the earliest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies (2nd? 3rd? Google says 2nd), it's easy to forget that this is actually considered part of the MCU, what with the lead actor (Ed Norton) being replaced in the dual role of Bruce Banner/The Hulk in later MCU entries by Mark Ruffalo, the complete disappearance of Liv Tyler's love interest Betty Ross from any subsequent film - at least, so far - and little to no mention made of the Harlem final showdown outside the confines of the more niche TV shows (such as Daredevil) when they were still being shown on Netflix. Indeed, about the only through line onto the larger MCU is General Ross, who does appear in later MCU films...

Anyway, all that said, this is solidly mid-tier stuff: better than the Ang Lee version from circa 2003, sure, but not up there with the likes of The Winter Soldier or Avengers Assemble.
The Ultimates, Volume 1: Super-Human
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I only picked this up recently out of curiosity when Marvel started doing a hard-backed comic-book collection, to see what it would be like.

Now I've read it, I have to say: I wasn't really that impressed by this. Written pre Joss-Whedon's Avengers movie (and even pre the Marvel Cinematic Universe), I found pretty much all of the characters within to be unlikeable and uninteresting: while you can get away with the former, the latter, however, is a major flaw (IMO) in any story.

I don't know whether that's because I associate the characters more with their big-screen counter-parts than with how they are presented here (both of which, incidentally, are designed to show how the team comes together), with Hank Pym, in particular, coming across as a bit of a jerk while Betty Ross (Bruce Banner's girlfriend) also comes across as, well, just not that pleasant at all.

On the plus side, I did like the (somewhat meta) panels where they were all discussing who would play themselves in the Hollywood adaptation ...

I also noticed that, unlike their movie counterparts, they are able to use the term 'mutants': a term which, I believe, Marvel are unable to use on the big (or small) screen as it is licensed to Fox instead .
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
Edward Norton (0 more)
Great Reboot From the First
As a comic book fan the Hulk is my favorite superhero. I never missed an episode of the old television series and had many comic books. So I think this movie did the Hulk justice. I absolutely hated the one with Bana. This one was a great improvement. I must say I do like Norton better in this role than Ruffalo. I am not saying Ruffalo is bad but Norton captured what Bruce Banner is for me. I liked the design of this Hulk and the essence of his rage was captured very well. The supporting cast was great as well. William Hurt and Liv Tyler did a great job as General Ross and Betty Ross. I was so glad they brought one of the Hulk's main enemies into this movie as well...The Abomination. For those that don't know, the Abomination is a gamma monster the same as the Hulk but he is bigger and stronger than the Hulk. The thing about the Hulk is he has this x Factor. The madder he gets, the stronger he gets. So he is more than a match for Abomination. This movie set the standard for how a Hulk movie should be made. There was a part in which there is a set up for another villain of the Hulk's...The Leader. We haven't seen anything about him yet in the MCU but I am hoping this comes to fruition. As a Hulk fan..I recommend this movie

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Incredible Hulk (2008) in Movies

Feb 11, 2020 (Updated Apr 7, 2020)  
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
The second entry into the ever expanding MCU has it's flaws, but it's still an entertaining enough monster movie featuring one of Marvel Comics most beloved characters.

Edward Norton is a fantastic actor, and his involvement here as Bruce Banner is an inspired choice. It's a shame that behind the scenes politics resulted in him leaving the franchise so soon, even though I love Mark Ruffalo!
He plays Banner as a fairly broody individual, but with an awkward edge, a man who's constantly in fear if what he can turn into.
Liv Tyler plays Betty Ross, and she's pretty much just Liv Tyler throughout. She's actually pretty charming as the character and it would be nice to see her turn up in future MCU films (hey, if they can get Natalie Portman involved again then surely it's a possibility!)
Tim Roth and William Hurt play the antagonists to Banner, and are both enjoyable in the more villainous roles, even if Roth is more or less relegated to spouting out cheesy one liners. Hurt has of course reprised his role in later films and is a welcome main stay in the franchise.
We also have Tim Blake Nelson and Ty Burrell, set up as future characters (The Leader and Doc Samson respectively), but neither of these have yet to come to fruition, so as it stands, both feel like wasted opportunities.

The narrative is pretty straightforward as Banner is pursued across the planet, but it gets the job done, ending in a big showdown between Hulk and Abomination in the middle of Harlem.
One of my main criticisms stems from this scene actually, with the film climaxing in a big CGI fight, between the hero, and an evil version of the hero, exactly like in Iron Man, and unfortunately, in a fair few MCU films further down the line (Iron Man 2, Black Panther, Ant Man). The CGI, whilst still good enough, doesn't hold up anywhere near as well as Iron Man however (which came out in the same year), and the green/grey colour scheme of both characters, and the night-time setting, gives the whole scene a dull edge, even if Hulk does tear a car in half and use both halves as boxing gloves...

The Incredible Hulk is a mostly decent film, but it shows signs of a franchise still finding its feet, and these signs grow in obviousness the older it gets, which is a big contrast when compared to the confident nature of Iron Man.
It also feels a bit stuck in the "look at this cool shot" superhero formula that became rampant during the 2000s.
It's still a fun film however, and deserves it's place in a Marvel movie marathon.