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Leaders, Nations, and God
Leaders, Nations, and God
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LEADERS, NATIONS, AND GOD invites readers to a six-week journey to explore the Bible’s message for the nations of the world, their leaders, and for Christians who live as citizens of those nations. By focusing on the biblical history of Israel and the United States, the reader discovers the nature of true, faithful leadership and the consequences when a leader compromises, as well as the sorts of nations that God may bless. Marta E. Greenman helps readers understand how scriptural principles apply to nations and to individuals alike.

By asking and answering these questions, the paths of humble obedience for individuals and nations become clear.

Each day’s study begins by encouraging the reader to write their prayer before they begin to examine the biblical history of Israel and/or the United States. The reader gathers insights from scripture to bring understanding of God’s ideal for nations and leaders. Questions dig deeply into lessons from the Bible, history, and the influences on one’s own life. Each day’s study comes with highlighted “Questions to Ponder” and ends with prayer.

My Thoughts: If you are looking for a good Bible study, this is one to look at. It combines both secular history and Biblical history to give the reader a good idea of how our leaders function and get their truths. The reader will find information that is new and informative; as the author has done intense research for her book. A six-week course that has some studying for the reader, but well worth the effort. It is not only informative, but it is encouraging. If you are looking for a new study this is it.

If you find yourself drawn to explore God’s will for nations and individuals, if you wonder what biblical obedience might look like in your daily life, then Leaders, Nations, and God will meet your need for a study grounded in the Bible and focused on God’s desires for His people.

Lore Segal recommended Holy Bible in Books (curated)

Holy Bible
Holy Bible
Collins | 1600 | Religion
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"There was a period in the eighties when it seemed a good idea to ask Hebraists and biblical scholars to make room for the common reader—particularly the woman reader—to write about the bible. I am an atheist awed by this grandest of literatures that deals with our ur-themes, and where I meet lives lived so very long ago, in such a different clime and circumstance, that are types of ourselves"

Connilyn Cossette has officially earned her spot as my favorite Biblical Fiction Author. The creativity in which she approaches the era, the people, and the culture of the Hebrews astounds me. She accomplishes so much while staying as true to history and the Bible as possible (obviously there are some creative strokes because this IS fiction).

Moriyah and Darek have been thrown into a circumstance that takes their lives in a direction they never thought possible. Running for her life, Moriyah must face the consequences of her actions, even if accidental. Meanwhile, Darek wrestles with his loyalty to his family and his growing attraction to the woman who is responsible for bringing so much heartache to those he loves.
Throughout these pages, we continually see the grace and love of Yahweh expressed for His people. Mrs. Cossette was brilliant in her execution of this story. There is always another level of history, of scripture, to discover, and I felt like she brought this aspect of the Mosaic Law closer to the surface of understanding.

If you have never read Biblical Fiction before, you should definitely give Mrs. Cossette's books a try. If you love history in any aspect (especially Biblical) I encourage you to read A Light on the Hill. Your eyes will be opened and your heart touched to the core by this beautiful story of love, danger, faith, and healing.

I received a complimentary copy of A Light on the Hill from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
I am going to be honest with you, I did not expect this to be a book I would love or dislike. I thought it would be a presentation of facts, something clinical or sterile. Something that was there for knowledge sake, not really for enjoyment. But wow, was I ever blown away when I started reading through this book. I ended up Loving it. I learned so much from Teri Secrest and her expertise in this area.

    The first thing I noticed, was Teri Secrest’s love for her family. It is readily apparent throughout the whole book. She shares many examples of times that her family has used essential oils in their intended purpose with great success, even in the face of great odds. Personally, it was cool to read about the different healing properties that essential oils provide. It encouraged me to try new things, and research more about essential oils to know if the ones I am currently using are actually “pure” or if they are artificial scents.  

     Second, Teri Secrest has taken the time to research everything about essential oils, from the process of making the oils, preserving the oils, and the Biblical implications of the different oils. She has pursued the knowledge of essential oils for most of her life, she has sought that knowledge from others who have made it their lives work to keep essential oils alive for generations to come. Teri has also extensively traveled to places where essential oils are grown and preserved. Her love of that essential oils readily shows in her portrayal of the importance of essentials in our daily lives; based on the biblical use of essential oils.

    Third, I loved how this book read as more of a story. Teri Secrest walked me through the Bible (highlights, stories, and Biblical references) of different times where essential oils were used and the purposes in using them. I think my favorite was the story of King Solomon. However, there are over 500 different references to essential oils in the Bible! I had no idea that essential oils were so extensively mentioned in the Bible. Interwoven throughout these Biblical stories is Teri Secrest’s personal journey with learning to use different essential oils.

Overall, I was wonderfully surprised by this well laid out storyline that read like a novel (almost), with colorful pictures, descriptions, and the recipes for different essential oil uses. I truly think that this was a great book to grow my understanding of essential oils and how they relate to the Bible and our overall health. I am looking forward to trying some of the ideas that Teri Secrest mentioned.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the creative storytelling Teri Secrest used to weave in multiple facts, Biblical wisdom, and personal stories to create an informative and enjoyable book. As well as the assembly of Biblical facts explained in an easy to understand way and the vivid descriptions of the different oils used in the Bible. I truly cannot recommend a book more.

*As a side note I usually include a disclaimer saying I was given this book in exchange for my honest review, which I was. However, I have also purchased a copy for myself and two additional copies as Christmas gifts, as I believe people will really enjoy and learn from this book.
Seventh Day (A.D. Chronicles, #7)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The latest entry in their Biblical historical fiction series returns us to the last year of Jesus' life as everyone seems to be plotting against him. But when Lazarus gets caught up in the plot, what will happen? I enjoyed this book much better then the last one, but it's constant switching from first to third person wasn't handled well.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Shadow Among Sheaves
Shadow Among Sheaves
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Timeless, Beautiful Allegory of the Biblical Love Story of Ruth and Boaz The Great Rebellion of 1857 was a remarkably bloody business. At a time when Britain’s imperial influence in India was sparking brutal clashes on both sides, no one could have expected Rena, an Indian woman, to marry a British officer—nor do they understand her decision to follow her mother-in-law to England after her husband’s tragic death. Once the two widows are in Abbotsville, the stern yet compassionate Lord Barric attempts to help them despite his better judgment. Soon he is torn between the demands of reputation and his increasing desire to capture Rena’s heart for his own.

My Thoughts: In this novel, we learn about Britain's history of "The Great Rebellion" and how it affected the lives of both the British and of those whose homeland is India. The author brings the reader back to the customs of that era and of each nationality. It gives the reader focus on how the characters may feel and react in the story.

I really love the book of Ruth in the Bible and enjoyed how this novel mirrored that book. The author has done an incredible job of bringing this novel into perspective with the Biblical story of Ruth. The author has done an incredible amount of research to bring us a novel that shows the reader what it may feel like to be cast out, to be in a foreign land with different customs and to successfully parallel it to a biblical book in the Bible.

This is a book about redemption, love, and trusting in God. I truly enjoyed this novel and highly recommend it.
This won’t be a long review since this is a short book. If you are a pastor or church counselor, this book would be a great addition to your shelves or office. It’s a book that is filled with great information for those seeking help with their mental illnesses. It’s filled with Biblical sections and will help them better understand ways to help. The pages within give you a better understanding of the illnesses and what psych meds are used to help them. 

Since I am not a pastor or a church counselor I can’t give this more than 3.5 stars since I am not into this type of book. However, that said, I am recommending this book to those that are in the clergy of the churches to help with those that come to them. You will gain good Biblical insight, along with good medical insight to help. Hats off to Dr. Emlet on creating an informative book for the churches. 
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Julia Roberts recommended The Red Tent in Books (curated)

The Red Tent
The Red Tent
Anita Diamant | 1997 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This book was a gift. And when I first started reading it, I thought, ‘This is what happens when someone who doesn’t know you very well gives you a book.’ After the first two pages, I thought, ‘This is a little, um, different, taking place more than a thousand years ago and all.’ And then I was hooked. It was riveting—the wives of Jacob, telling biblical stories from their perspective. This isn’t my standard pick, and I don’t know if everybody would embrace it, but it’s just wonderful."

The Light Between Oceans (2016)
The Light Between Oceans (2016)
2016 | Drama, Romance
Extremely slow, slightly frustrating plot
I did find the plot pace a little too slow, and the female character Isabelle, played by Alicia Vikander, exceedingly frustrating. I can't remember how many times I rolled my eyes at her antics. Only the last few scenes were the best in the whole film where I almost shed a tear. Michael Fassbender, as per usual gives a stirring straightforward performance as did Rachel Weisz. The story needs a lot of polishing though. Babies tend not to arrive by boat in the middle of the ocean like a biblical story just like random floating messages in bottles.
The Reaping (2007)
The Reaping (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Spooky Scary Reaps
The Reaping- is a underrated horror jem, that not alot of people talk about.

The plot: Katherine Morrissey (Hilary Swank), a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.

It might be bad movie from other critics, but to me its a underrated horror jem.