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This Little Prayer of Mine
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Little Prayer of Mine is a beautiful prayer book that every kid—and parent—should read and pray. It gets down into the heart, disclosing what's really there and how we all really feel. I was surprised how much I as an 18 year old related to this book. I pray the same prayers—though not in such beautiful verse—as this prayer.

It targets just about everything: the biblical command to be joyful: "help me to be happy," the search for the God's will: "show me what the right path is and help me follow you," and even loneliness and depression: "please let me know you're here with me and everything's alright," and then our end path, what really matters: "but most of all I'm grateful for your love that never ends." I had shivers running down my spine while I read this prayer.

Not only is it a wonderful prayer in itself, but the rhythm of the verse is enchanting and perfectly smooth. The illustrations are beautiful, and instantly reminded me of Max Lucado's children's book You Are Special (those of you who don't know, another highly recommended book and author).

This Little Prayer of Mine may be short, but it's a prayer that needs to be read by the big and the small.

Recommendation: Ages 4+
There are times when we have important things to say to other Christians and unbelievers but if we present our message ungraciously, they won’t benefit and our audience may not listen. Author John Crotts shows us that God cares about how we say things and what we say.

So many times we hear that we should treat others as we would want to be treated, this applies to sharing our Christians views and when we share God's word.

 This book is full of great instruction and some good It includes a Biblical look at graciousness, with a look at positive examples and commands from not only the Bible but some good hypothetical examples that you may find yourself situated. The author also gives methods for cultivating graciousness in various areas of the Christian life.

The methods taught in this book can be used at any time we have conversations with others, it is full of good wisdom.

The author was easy to follow, full of scripture and the book didn't take long to read.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) in Movies

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Aug 26, 2019)  
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure
Spielberg and Lucas' wonderful adventure shows you can ignore most of the accepted rules of screenwriting (the script here has some iffy plot devices, peculiar character moments, and the most literal deus ex machina ending in cinema history) and still end up with a virtually perfect movie. You can see how it appeals to the same desire for good-vs-evil escapism as Lucas' most famous creation, but there is an obvious love for the glamour and romance of Golden Age Hollywood here too, and a mysticism that in many way makes it the culmination of all the movies about faith Lucas and Spielberg made in the late 1970s (outside of horror films and biblical epics, this is one of the few mainstream movies predicated on the existence of God).

On one level this is essentially a succession of one set-piece after another, but what set-pieces they are - most movies would be happy to have one sequence like the one in the snake pit, or the plane fight, or the truck chase, and Spielberg cheerfully rattles them off without really pausing for breath. The film is also careful to take its time to establish character and humour, too. This is one of those movies where you can't help feeling that any changes would only end up spoiling it.
Season of the Witch (2011)
Season of the Witch (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Mystery
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nicholas Cage, Warriors, Demons, Witcraft; Season of the Witch really does have it all. However, all that appears interesting is lost in Dominic Sena’s (Whiteout) bland and forgettable biblical road movie.

Whilst it may not be the worst film in the past twelve months, something which still seemingly belongs to Clash of the Titans, there is little here to differentiate it from the frequent blockbuster drivel that Hollywood seems to spit out these days.

Nicholas Cage and Ron Perlman star alongside a host of two dimensional characters which bizzarly includes home grown star Robert Sheehan (Misfits) who perhaps plays the films best role in newfound warrior Kay. Unfortunately, his stellar performance is overshadowed by a script that’s as bland as the special effects.

The saving grace of the film is in its fabulous set pieces which really do shine through, the choice of location and fabulous cinematography especially in the early battle sequences are fantastic and made the film look like it was going to be more of a success than it actually was. It is here that Sena must be given credit as the movie could’ve been much better if it had followed from the quality of the opening.

It is important to note that the CGI and special effects are not being praised here because on a budget of around $40m, the designers could’ve done a whole lot better than some very questionable looking wolves and melting metal.

Cage, who isn’t without his fair share of criticism as an actor is completely miscast in his role, speaking contrived one-liners that won’t shake off those critics who say he cannot act in anything but action movies, but to be fair, this is not entirely his fault, the script leaves much to be desired and poor old Nick is stuck slap bang in the middle, sitting on the fence between his wrongful characterisation and his need to please the critics.

Alongside Cage is Claire Foy, a relatively unknown actress trying to make a big budget breakthrough as ‘the girl’, a rather unfair accreditation at the end of the film. She actually plays the ‘witch’ and does so well, but there isn’t enough dialogue for her to become a central role in the film, so in the end, she sits in a cage for the entire duration and looks menacing; if that’s what you want to call it. This is a problem that blights the entire film, there are only a handful of characters but the alarmingly poor script means that much of what they say is forgotten.

Overall, director Dominic Sena has missed a trick with this biblical tale, unfortunately it doesn’t do enough to make it stand out and therefore it’s lost in a muddle of poor scriptwriting and poor special effects. However, a few standout performances do save it from being a complete disaster and as such, it just about becomes a passable tale.
Rob Bell's book wins on pathos and good intentions, but not on solid argumentation or exegesis. He has a heart for the lost and the suffering, which is admirable. But he has to turn the Bible into theological silly putty to make his case.

There are a few major errors in Love Wins, which leads to his making other more minor mistakes. The first error is giving precedence to certain biblical themes (to the exclusion of others) over clear and specific biblical teaching. Bell makes much of themes like restoration in Scripture, but ignores themes of final punishment. By dwelling on those themes, he can transition to reading them into texts where they don't belong without being found out by biblical illiterates, such as Jesus' claim that Sodom and Gomorrah will fare better on the day of judgement than cities which rejected the direct revelation of God in Jesus Christ. Instead of reading this in its obvious sense-- that there are degrees of punishment on the final day and those who reject direct revelation of Jesus will suffer most-- he understands Jesus to be saying that there is a great deal of hope for Sodom and Gomorrah's salvation-- that their punishment was corrective instead of destructive. Even though he doesn't get anywhere close to proving his case (certainly only God knows whether or not some in Sodom will be saved, but the story of Abraham bargaining would suggest otherwise), he seems to fall back on the emotionally-driven claim that God saving everyone is a "better story" than damning some and saving others.

On his overuse of the word "story," it is one example where Bell is obnoxiously post-modern and emergent. He uses the word "story/stories" in his short book 138 times. For a book of around 200 pages, large font, and constantly skipped lines/single words on their own lines*, that's an impressive display of post-modernism.

Another major error is that he conflates a strong exclusivism with eternal conscious punishment which has the effect that when he attacks one, he is in effect attacking the other, making his job easier. In addition, he ignores annihilationism as an alternative to eternal conscious torment, which also strengthens the emotional pull of his position, since it is contrasted with an eternal conscious punishment where God damns people for never being able to hear the name of Jesus. (note: while I am annoyed at Bell's misrepresentations of eternal conscious torment, I am myself an annihilationist)

Bell explains that God will eventually win everyone over, but it must be of their accord. However, he doesn't explain how it is that everyone will be saved of their own free will. For emotional effect, Bell criticizes the eternal conscious hell camp with having a God that would turn his back on people in hell who are repenting and turning to God. Of course, this assumes that sinners turn to God on their own instead of by His grace. Bell here appears to be a Pelagian, or else doesn't know enough about soteriology to make such distinctions (a terrifying prospect for a Pastor). In any case, this is another example where he is misrepresenting eternal conscious hell proponents (the first I mentioned was when he claimed they were all strict exclusivists), which makes his book far harder to take seriously.

One strange and interesting point that Rob Bell makes comes from making the afterlife analogous to the parable of the prodigal son. He claims that hell is not being cast out of "the party," (despite Jesus' parable about the marriage supper being like a party where people are cast out of) but being at the party but not enjoying it. "Hell is being at the party," Bell claims. The message to take from that is never go to one of Rob Bell's parties.

*Bell's book is filled with skipped lines and one word sentences sitting on their own lines. I suppose this is done for dramatic effect-- indicating places where Bell would pause if this were one of his Nooma videos. However, it tends to just look irritating and faux artsy. I mostly listened to the book on Kindle's text-to-speech feature, and I could still tell when he was doing it. Like,

You put a series of short sentences on their own lines to make a point?


You do that?

And it's repetitive?


And annoying?
All the fiends of hell
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 220
all the fiends of hell
By Adam L.G. Nevill

The red night of bells heralds global catastrophe. Annihilation on a biblical scale.

Seeing the morning is no blessing. The handful of scattered survivors are confronted by blood-red skies and an infestation of predatory horrors that never originated on earth. An occupying force intent on erasing the remnants of animal life from the planet.

Across the deserted landscapes of England, bereft of infrastructure and society, the overlooked can either hide or try to outrun the infernal hunting terrors. Until a rumour emerges claiming that the sea may offer an escape.

Ordinary, unexceptional, directionless Karl, is one of the few who made it through the first night. In the company of two orphans, he flees south. But only into horrifying revelations and greater peril, where a transformed world and expanding race of ravening creatures await. Driven to the end of the country and himself, he must overcome alien and human malevolence and act in ways that were unthinkable mere days before.

I did not put this down! Another brilliant novel from the mind of Adam Nevill. I was on edge the whole time completely invested in the story and the characters. This brought about one of those situations I think we have all thought about and how we would survive. Your heart is fully pumping constantly at the thought of these creatures. Absolutely brilliant!!! I’ll certainly be concerned next time I see the sky red!
Movies Are Prayers
Movies Are Prayers
Josh Larsen | 2017 | Film & TV, Religion
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Interesting Perspective
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Subtitled How Films Voice Our Deepest Longings, film critic and committed Christian, Josh Larsen, writes Movies Are Prayers to explain his perspective that films are one of our ways of communicating with God. Films, or movies as they are oftentimes referred to in this book, can be many things from a form of escapism to historical information and artistic expression, but as Larsen maintains, they can also be prayers.

“Movies are our way of telling God what we think about this world and our place in it.” Apart from those based on Biblical characters or Christian messages, films are not usually a deliberate attempt at speaking to God. What Larsen is suggesting is that God can be found in places you would not expect – the cinema, for instance. Prayer is a human instinct, even for those who have no religious ties. We are forever asking “why am I here?” or “why me?” alongside feelings of gratitude and love for our positive experiences in life.

Josh Larsen explores several expressions of prayer, including the tenets of the Lord’s Prayer, to examine numerous films from popular classics to contemporary Disney. Beginning with wonder at the natural world (Avatar, Into The Wild), positive forms of prayer are identified in well-known cinematography, such as reconciliation (Where the Wild Things Are), meditation (Bambi), joy (Top Hat, and most musicals) and confession (Toy Story, Trainwreck). But Larsen does not stop there, he goes on to use examples of emotions that many may not consider forms of prayer: anger (Fight Club, The Piano) and lament (12 Years a Slave, Godzilla).

To back up his theory, Josh Larsen relates film sequences with Bible passages, for example, the prayers of David and Job. He likens the ending of Children of Men with the Christmas story and identifies the worshipping of false gods with Wizard of Oz. Larsen also suggests the obedience of the main character in It’s a Wonderful Life reflects the experiences of Jonah.

As well as Biblical theory, Larsen refers to citations from other respected Christian writers on the matter of prayer, challenging preconceived notions of both the religious and the atheist. Despite the fact Movies Are Prayers is heavily steeped in religious connotations, it may appeal to film buffs who wish to delve deeper into the hidden meanings of films.

Although the examples in this book are mostly well-known titles, it is unlikely that readers will have watched all the films. Helpfully, Josh Larsen provides details and descriptions of the scenes he has chosen to focus on so that even if you are not familiar with the story, it is possible to understand the author’s perspective. Having said that, Movies Are Prayers contains a lot of spoilers.

Everyone has their own personal view on Christian theory and prayer, so Movies Are Prayers can only be treated as an idea rather than gospel. However, Josh Larsen has developed an interesting theory that makes you think more about the ways we can communicate with God, even when we may not have deliberately chosen to. Being easy to read and not overly long (200 pages), Movies Are Prayers is the ideal book for film-loving Christians.
First, I just have to say how gorgeous this cover is! If I hadn't been intrigued by the synopsis, I would have grabbed it up for the cover alone. Second, if you are not already a fan of Angela Hunt, then you will be after reading this amazingly chiseled novel. She is absolutely talented and truly captured my soul with this new novel. This is Biblical fiction at it's finest! 

I am a lover of Historical fiction and this book fits the bill for best of 2017 so far! Reading about Cleopatra and Chava really moved me. I've heard of Cleopatra, of course, but never really read a book that centered around her time. So, getting to know Chava, the young woman waiting to take her place at the Queen's side and Cleopatra, and all that was Alexandra, was truly an event I don't want to forget. The detail that Ms. Hunt adds to this novel is breath taking and I won't soon forget the feel of being in the heart of the story. 

If you want a novel that will whisk you away to a time in history that isn't often written about, then I suggest this book with high flying colors! If you want to be captivated and become the characters, then this 5 star novel is highly worth getting! This book kept me turning the pages long into the night and I am already anxiously awaiting another book by this author who knows just what her fans love! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Oh my goodness. This book, y'all. THIS. BOOK. Angela Hunt is an amazing author. Her style is so incredibly unique. I was blessed to have EGYPT'S SISTER and now I've been doubly blessed to get to read another incredibly moving, mind altering novel by the uberly talented Ms. Hunt.

In this incredible novel, we get to see Judah and Leah. I had a deep sadness for all Leah went through. As someone who has dealt with an abusive man before, I felt all her trust issues, I felt all her pain and suffering. I can't imagine what it was like during that time period to be abused by your father and not be able to trust.

And Judah....oh, how I loved his flaw filled self. He was not someone I would have normally enjoyed seeing in a book, but as I read the story, I fell in love with him hard. He was such a wonderful person for the story. Seeing him with Leah, well I cheered them on throughout the book.

Ms. Hunt has, once again, hit the Biblical fiction nail on the head. This book will shake you to the core, and leave you with all the feels that a book can leave you with. The inspirational messages from the Lord are perfectly pieced together within the pages of this book. If I could give this book 5 million stars I would. Go grab it now! You won't be sorry!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
We all know it's important to read and study our Bibles, but as anyone knows it's really hard to know where to start. With a shortage of time, maybe you tried before and gave up. This book is written to help teach us to keep our focus to keep in God's word and studying.

Jen Wilkin helps lead and guide you through the process with a pointed plan to help the reader get into God's word.

Jen Wilkin has written a book that we all need, this is specifically written to help women get into and more out of their Bibles. How many times do we come to our Bibles in our quiet time and wonder what now? Where do I go, what do I read?

This book will help stir that desire to begin studying. " I approached my study time asking the wrong questions. I read the Bible asking "Who am I? and "What should I do?" The author continues on the explain how and where to begin.

Jen Wilkin skillfully shows the reader how to grow and build a foundation of Biblical knowledge with practical, charming and delightful fashion.

This would make an excellent study book for a women's Bible study to help them get more enjoyment and knowledge out of their studies.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”