Lunch: Complete Series 1-4: BBC Radio 4 Comedy Drama
Marcy Kahan, Claire Skinner and Stephen Mangan
Stephen Mangan and Claire Skinner star in all four series of the popular BBC Radio 4 comedy drama....
Anthony DeMello: The Happy Wanderer
Anthony deMello, an Indian Jesuit who died in 1987, was among the most popular and influential...

The Necromancer's Apprentice
Though Jyximus Faire lives in a crumbling tenement in the Underground City, he escapes the squalor...

Macanudo #2
Macanudo #2 collects more of Liniers's great daily strip (the first selection of which appeared in...

Westminster Diary: A Reluctant Minister Under Tony Blair
On 2nd May 1997, Tony Blair swept into Downing Street, ending almost twenty years of Conservative...

The Old Harry's Game: Complete Series 3 and 4
Full Cast, Andy Hamilton and James Grout
In Series Three, love is in the air and Satan becomes concerned about his image; the Professor meets...

Beyond The Call Of Duty: Untold Stories of Britain's Bravest Police Officers
The book used by Thandie Newton to research her part in Line of Duty. A lone policewoman disarms a...

I'm Not One to Gossip, but...: Wicked Whispers, William Hickey and Forty Years of Blarney
From an embarrassing encounter with Jim Callaghan (and his impressive member) in the gentlemen's...

When Football Was Football: A Nostalgic Look at a Century of Football: 2015
Pre the 1960s and the first GBP100 a week footballer (Johnny Haynes - now there's a coincidence!)...

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot. Call if what you like, it matters now more than ever. In The Ascent...